Sunday, May 29, 2016

we make a difference 5-27-2016

Sometimes, being human, I wonder if I make a difference at all in this world.  Mostly I believe we all do.  But the human factor, with the ego, emotions, all that being human entails, it is not a hard leap to make and wonder about all of it.  I know we all are here for a reason, for our highest good, in my heart I know this, and then when we are not fully aligned with our higher self or source, for whatever reason, we can doubt our own worthiness of being, question our purpose.

Having been sick for almost 2 weeks, I knew that the universe was orchestrating it, to my frustration, (seriously who likes to be sick?) and the message was that I needed to disconnect, mostly from electronics and to some degree the world at large, to be with ME, to hear ME and listen.  It did not come without confusion, as I felt I was getting somewhat mixed messages, and so I asked for specific things to be shown to me.  Yes, I talk to the Universe, it is always communicating with all of us, if we but listen.  But, having had a brain injury some years ago, I am not always as sure of what it is showing me, like I instinctively knew before the injury.

I learned a long time ago that it has a sense of humor, it does.  And when I get that, I laugh, either at it or with it, I am not certain, but I laugh.  If you look back, in retrospect things seem clear, don’t they?  But when you are going through things, you cannot always grasp the bigger picture of what it intends for you.  And it is always conspiring in your favor, for your highest good.  Such has been the case for me for a while now.
Even the bible says, knock, seek, ask and it is given.  The step it leaves out for you to figure out, it would seem, is that you then have to ALLOW it in.  I knocked.  I sought.  I asked.  And I kept getting “You’ve got this”.  What am I to do with that?  And got what?  You have to be aligned with that which you ask for.

You ask, it is given.  That does not mean it is an instantaneous thing.  It can be, I have done that before.  But in general, it is already yours, BUT you have to allow it to come in.  If you do not feel like it is ever really going to happen for you, that is not allowing it in.  The universe is not going to give you anything you are not ready for.  And if you do not believe it can happen for you, it cannot, because you are not yet ready to allow it in, to receive it.
So I asked for very specific signs, sometimes you have to in order to get what the universe is laying down for you, like me.  And it smiled and gave me the signs and message I was asking of it.  Okay, got it, loud and clear, thank you very much :-D

And so my message for you is to be still and ask, get specific if you must, about what you need to see or hear for direction, then wait, watch, listen and you will get your sign or message.  True story.  And know that you do make a difference in this world.  Each of us are little pieces of a much larger puzzle but all the pieces are vital to the whole.  You make a difference.

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