Monday, October 31, 2016

Just because...10-30-2016

This occurred to me earlier when I was packing and cleaning stuff out for the move.  Yes, I realize we have a couple weeks left to move as our house is being demolished and I am trusting in God to show us our space.  But the landlord was outside doing I don't know what and muttering and grumbling and I was thinking he likely wishes we were already gone and to him it doesn't look like anything is happening here and yet there is plenty.  So I was picturing a duck, paddling like crazy under the surface and yet looking calm and serene.

And it hit me that even in the Universes plan when I don't see anything happening, it doesn't mean that nothing is.  I know I was working hard and he couldn't see it just as the universe is working for me even when I cannot see it.

And so: Just because you don't see anything happening doesn't mean that nothing is happening.

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