Monday, June 3, 2019

Bonds and beliefs

This was started yesterday morning and finished today:

I have not posted here in quite some time, not that I have not written, just not posted, mostly due to lack of wi-fi, and eventually I will get my other thoughts posted. But this morning this is what is on my mind and heart.......

I have always believed that everything is connected, no surprise here, and that we chose to come into human form from energy, which we are, to have all the different experiences and emotions that humans experience. 

I have always believed that it was far better and healthier to "think" with your heart than your mind.  I realize that medically speaking that if there is no brain activity that clinically you are "dead", deceased, gone, no more, BUT if there is still a heart beat, who is to say that you are not just having an OBE?  As in out of body experience.  If there is still a heartbeat, without assistance, there is still your energy within your body.

It is the heart that recognizes the energy of others, that connects with them, that forms bonds that  transcend the human body.  Your brain, on the other hand, will try to reason what it does not truly understand, will try to talk you into or out of things.  The heart KNOWS, it does not have to reason, it just makes the connections with like vibrations.

If you think about the bonds you have with people, animals, places, why do you have them?  Kindred spirits? Look up the definition of kindred.  Wait, I'll save you the trouble:  as a noun it means family, relatives AND as an adjective  it means related, allied, connected, similar, alike, parallel.  My strongest "bonds" are not particularly with family members, not that I do not love them, not at all, as I surely do, yet my strongest bonds are with people, animals and places I have not known or been around my entire life.  Some of them are even with people I have never met in "real life".  Which  begs the question of "what is real anyway?"  Maybe I will address that later but for now I am on bonds, connections and how in awe I am of how we do it.

Yesterday I was at the beach in Kona and I was really missing Magic, my new best friend for life, hers or mine I cannot say, but there I was thinking about her.  You have not yet had the pleasure of hearing about her and how our connection began but suffice it to say that I have shared a LOT of her on my personal facebook page.  I have not left her for more than a few hours since we moved to the Big Island over 3 weeks ago and I knew that  yesterday it would be closer to 12 hours and so there I was, at the beach wondering how she was doing.

I was also missing my Danny and wishing he was here  there with me but I knew he was fine where he was.  Which got me to thinking about, you guessed it, bonds.  I have only had him in my life for 2 1/2 years and yet I am closer to him than just about anyone else that I know.  With Magic it is 2 1/2 months and both of them are so dear to my heart. They "get me", love me without condition, never judge me, are kindred spirits, in the adjective sense and occupy the majority of my thoughts, both head and heart.

I maintain that when we instantly connect, it is from the hearts' knowing rather than the brains reasoning.  Our thoughts can, many times, be proven incorrect, while it is nearly impossible to prove the heart wrong.  But even if our heart leads us places we may not always enjoy, it is after all, part of the experience we came for, and where we are suppose to be at any given moment.

I can look back and see that even in the worst of times, I needed to be there to meet someone I would not have met otherwise, a soul connection.  Perhaps you can, too, if you think about it, think about the bonds that are special to you, how you made those connections, where you were, what you were doing, how you got there to make them.  Pretty amazing right?  YOU chose, with help from your Universal guides, every single thing.  Even NOT choosing is, after all, a choice.

I am grateful for my connections, my bonds, every single one of them.  Each person is a mirror really and when you look at anyone else, you either want to be more like them or hope that you are NOT like them at all.  In any case, we learn from each other, through our interactions, and it shapes us to become what we are and what we will become.

I have managed to get out to connect to wifi on my netbook so will post this while I can and besides my train of thought is off the track, not uncommon for me I know, but having music blaring and kids yelling is a little distracting.  I am at the community center where I am staying and the kids are out of school for the summer and playing in the pool nearby.

I do hope to post more often and will be returning to Oahu for 3 weeks in July to house/cat sit so I can post to my hearts' content then and try for more wifi time when I can.  Until then,

All my love

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