Monday, July 9, 2018

I need or want a good wifi connection!

I was trying so hard yesterday to update for the first time since Thursday, since Friday and Saturday were pretty standard, uneventful days, and I could not keep a connection  to save myself.  Saturday id go fast because of the music AND all the false stop working on this now (while they figured out whether or not I was right about where it should be done, I said the paperwork indicated it was non lead solder which is in the normal working area and we were doing it in the lead room, where we do only lead soldering so no cross contamination)  only to be finally working on something else similar because I was right.  Then it was stop now because it needs to have grommets installed pre solder.  A half an hour later the engineer said no, since we were installing heat sleeves the grommets were not needed.

Got out at 1:30 and headed for some retail therapy.  I had a ball.  I was going to take pictures when I went up to bed but I ended up asleep and it has yet to happen, except for the "base" of the new chime below..  Then, as usual, I was up early, although I did (and it sounds strange to hear it out loud:) I slept in until 4:15 am.  I was in my truck before 8 on my way to grocery shop.  I had a ball there, too and I am not a shopper really, don't care to actually shop but I can window shop for hours.  Weird, huh?  But I did, in fact, enjoy the experience

When I got home I was backing the truck into my parking space and when I looked forward to put it in park and turn it off, I saw this:

The baby

Mom on left and baby

And then they were gone.  I walked down the driveway the way they headed but they were nowhere in sight, like it had been a mirage.  But I had proof!  So walking back to the truck to get my groceries, off to the opposite side of the truck (on the passenger side) I saw these wild sweet peas flowers.  At least I thin they are sweet peas

And right there beside the truck, a pretty little poppy.  I felt so blessed, knowing that I was in the flow of universal love since it was showing me these delights because it loves me.  Then I went in to make the Zombies Casserole and it was a LOT and I took half of it to work to share since Bev was doing a bar-b-q with one of hr friends that came to help her with some stuff.  It was SOOOOO good!

Today I had an all day class for my certifications which started at 7 am.  I did my normal solder work before then and of the 3 tests I have taken I passed them all and I should be done with the rest sometime tomorrow.  So I don't have to sit through the classes through Wednesday.  Yay me :-D

This is the chime I made and posted to Etsy yesterday before I lost my connection totally:

I took this of a lovely deer water feature on my way home today while waiting at a stoplight:

I need to go tend to my garden as the sun has crept over the wall and is cooking me  and before Bev gets home and I lose my connection, so until next time stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

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