Friday, July 13, 2018

Today was draining

Ups and downs with work. I started with the fun little speakers and finished before long then moved back out to my regular station to help someone with a nightmare they were working on  and one issue after another ensued.  My iron wouldn't stay hot, my tip was too big so I kept burning the insulation.  Another lady. my "buddy" helped me get new tips  but then I burnt another one so I asked to be taken off of them before I ruined any more cables.  I had already trashed 4 of them and on a class 3 they need to be perfect and very precise.  So my lead put me on the little connectors she had planned on starting me on and this time I was "helping" Cole.  But he clearly was kicking my arse in the speed department.

I thought I found my groove and ran across wires that were soldered together and some that did not have solder all the way up to the insulation, which makes them bend wrong when you are trying to just bend the very tip of them.  Got through that, setting them aside for later and was on a bit of a roll when the folks who had left for Judy's service returned and I, being an energy magnet, could feel the sorrow when they came back.  I spent the rest of the afternoon praying for them and telling myself it wasn't MY emotions, not my stuff, i belonged to others.  But it was overwhelmingly draining.

When I was cleaning up my station Marci walked by and asked if I was going to go home.  I said yes, just cleaning up and she asked if I would be working tomorrow.  I said I believe so, why wouldn't I?  She said she thought they weren't letting me work weekends and I told her that they are pretty much insisting on it.  So I turned to me lead and asked if I was working tomorrow.  She said yes, they have tons of work for me.  I said "well there you have it Marci".

I felt the need after work for a little retail therapy, not to buy anything so much as to put myself into a better energy.  So I went to grocery outlet nearby and thought I would see if they had a windshield screen for the truck.  They did not but I did pick up more Aleve, which I was out of anyway and some petroleum jelly for my poor dry, cracking, splitting fingers.  Then I came home after hitting the quick mart to get a chicken finger for dinner.  They are normally pretty good but it was the last 3 and they were pretty dried out so they gave me the 3 for the price of 1 so they would make new fresh ones.

I got home and the garbage can was pulled out from the wall and the floor had stuff on it, looked like coffee grounds so I swept and mopped the space and put  anew bag in.  Changed clothes, made a cup of coffee and was coming outside to sit when Bev got home and was in a cantankerous mood.  I stayed quiet and have since.  She is out weeding and I am just trying to unwind and decompress from the day.

She just showed me how to feed Molly since she has the cone of shame on and is not eating solid foods yet, apparently the meds made her not want to besides loosing a tooth so it is a concoction of  soft dog food, baby food and water.  As well as giving me the schedule for the food and watering.  Rich will be home tonight and then they are taking off for the coast until Sunday night so I may not see him until Monday. But it will be a peaceful weekend and maybe I can loaf most of Sunday, always appealing to me but seldom accomplished.  Such is my life these days and it will get better. Heck, I got 3 chicken fingers for the price of one so it is already getting better.

It is 6 pm and I need to check on my garden .  I brought in 3 more cucumbers last night and sliced one up, put it in a baggy and put new slices in every water I had at work today.  It was wonderful.  Well, Rich got here so I stopped to go have a quick catch up with him and get my hug before he and Bev go out to dinner and on to the grocery store.  SO now it is almost 6:20 but I am glad I got to see him.

I need to go scope my garden so until tomorrow stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

I can't get the new pictures to load, sorry.

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