Saturday, August 4, 2018

At the risk of sounding repetetive...

A risk I am willing to take because there is a message here that you may well receive or not at all but I will say it anyway.  If you are paying attention and have been with me for any length of time and know me pretty well, you know I am a joyful person, human, but joyful.  If you haven't been paying attention, that is okay, too, but you have to ask yourself if your life is going along as you would love it to, given YOU are the one creating it.  Hence, my message.  I have always maintained my belief that the universe conspires in my favor and that things always work out well for me no matter how they go and that is still a true belief  and I think my life proves it.

I have inner peace, yes the kind that passes all understanding and no I am not intending to get all biblical (not that there is anything wrong with that since I contend there is no right or wrong, only what IS and I am not talking about your ego perception in "reality" of what it looks like but in your souls perception of what is and that is a totally different perception) however I do find the bible to be full of great knowledge if you read it from your souls perception.

This week not everything turned out as I had hoped things would and I was perfectly fine with it.  THAT inner peace where conditions outside yourself do not have any affect on your joy or emotions and moods.    No, I have not "discovered Jesus" since I have always held that belief and one time many years ago I asked my brother Rich if he believed in God and his reply was "I believe in myself" and I had no response because he has always done very well  for himself and how can you argue with success?

And no, this is not a "God" diatribe either since I do not look at God the same way as most people, like He is a Deity outside us watching over us from somewhere else.  I know differently and believe differently in that I KNOW that we are all, everyone of us a spark of that divine energy we call God and we are that spark before we come into human bodies to grow and expand ourselves and the universe AND we are that same spark that leaves the body when IT dies.  But we are eternal, just as God is eternal.

Everything is made up of energy, different frequencies of course, but everything is energy and it is about getting into the same energetic vibration as your desires in order to not only reach true inner peace and contentment, which has the benefit of bringing those desires into "reality", the kind you can see with your human eyes.  Meditation is the quickest way but since you choose every single thought you have, if you are aware of what you think, you will choose thoughts that make you feel good over thoughts that do not.  Seriously, who in the world would not choose to feel good on purpose?

Once you tap into that your emotions change and you find that things do not change your emotions, your thoughts do.  It is not what someone else says or does that "sets you off", it is how YOU feel about what they say or do that sets you off.  That is why when people say things as if I am threatened I just look at them and say "I don't care" because I will not give them the satisfaction of feeling they have power over me OR my state of bliss, because they do not, only I DO.  I know that I have infinite power over what happens in my life since I am creating it all anyway.  No, I do not have power over anyone else or how they behave or react, that is in their power.  Most people just fail to realize they have any power at all.

Do I believe that Jesus really turned water into wine?  Who am I to say other than I do know that anything is possible because everything is possible.  I think maybe the greater message there was possibly that you can turn any situation into a better, more positive situation.  And I am willing to be "wrong" as much as I do not believe in right or wrong, only differences of opinion.  He also said I leave you my power to do these things and more and I do believe that to be quite literal. We have the same power since we come from the same source, hello!

People "talk" to God all day long but never stop to listen for an answer, only an outcome.  That generally does not give you the outcome you most desire because you have to believe in it as much as you desire it, to feel it as if it already were true.  You don't wait to see it to believe it, you believe it to see it, because it is your belief and emotions of already having it that bring it to you.

You have to give up.  Give up worry and choose to be positive.  Give up sadness and choose to be happy.  Give up the past to move into the future.  Memories are great because they can help you to get that feeling of joy all over again, but the ones that are not happy or positive serve no purpose to you except to keep you there where you don't want to be, feeling crap you don't want to feel.  Live in the moment, the present, it is a gift that is why they call it the present.

And LISTEN for the answer for goodness sakes.  Get quiet, that is why meditation is so beneficial, to just quiet your mind, those little gaps between thoughts that will pass, jump into those and don't give any energy to the thoughts passing and go along with them.  You can't not think when you are awake but you can also choose not to attach anything to those thoughts and just ride the gaps in between.  THAT is when you will get your answers, those Davine creative ideas that solve problems, that creativity that leads you to the best things you want.

Okay, the past week brought nothing new and exciting to share with you in particular but I witnessed and felt hundreds of small delights, things that delighted me, no matter how small or insignificant they may have been to anyone else.  That is what riding your bliss does.  I am a better version of me than I was a week ago and I just get better all the time.

I did take pictures to show you many of my delights:

The sun setting last night

It was so red!  hard to tell, but it was

And just beautiful

The right side planter box

The left side planter box

My squash nearing ripe :-)

Three of them, looking forward to eating them

Another new baby squash

I picked another couple of my amazing cucumbers

Doodling with circles on the back of a paper plate, it amused me

The sunrise on Thursday

It was stunning at first 

Zoomed in

What it looked like when I got home, the smoke was so close I was breathing it

It has been smoky for many days but that day it was really bad, walked out of work and it smelled like we were in it and thinking it would be clearer at home but found it was not :-(

Well kids, that is all I have at the moment but I do have the entire weekend off again (WOO HOO) so maybe will find more time to come back and share again before it is over.  In the kindtime (I will not be forced to say MEANtime, it does not suit me and the choice is mine!) stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

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