Sunday, July 29, 2018

Contrary to what anyone may think.....

I have NOT fallen off the face of the planet.  I have just been very busy.  Odd, that seems to be a pattern with me.  "Normal times " when I have time to do anything my heart desires (including blogging) and being too darn busy to get much of anything done at all. Though I do tend to my precious little garden (lol) every day, I have not had a lot of down time to sit and relax and spew out whatever is on my mind, entertaining as I may be.  I haven't even had the time to make a chime in at least a couple of weeks and even though it was on my agenda for today, it did not happen yet again.  Besides the 10 hour Monday through Fridays and 8 on Saturdays, last weekend it was a 10 hour Saturday and 8 hour Sunday.  But little Chrissy don't play that game.  I did work but only until lunch time (9:30 in the morning) so I did 4 1/2 hours so I would have time for my weekly shopping, cooking and laundry along with my own spiritual practice time.

I did take a number of pictures again, many of my garden (of delights!) which I am so pleased with and proud of this year after 16 years without one.  But there were pictures from work, showing the difference between morning, when the smoke was so heavy you couldn't see the hills, and after work when, one day, it cleared enough to see them.

I have come to not hate the work environment, not that they have turned me to the dark side, but now when I listen to them I just laugh.  It amuses me instead of frustrating me.  It's an improvement for my own peace of mind given that I have no time to look for work elsewhere, nor the energy after the long days.  Although, in an interesting turn of events this week, I did get an email from NCL saying they would like to have me back on the ship and will let me know when a position opens.  The upside, besides crappy but FREE food, lodging and medical, is I would get to see my Danial every single day and not just a weekly phone call.  I am pleased about the calls, don't get me wrong, they are the highlight of my weeks, but to be able to see him, man that is a huge plus.  He makes me laugh, I love that in a person.

It would appear that this past week the planets have lined up and I am in perfect alignment with them as things have gone very well for me overall.  It's been amazing in a way but expected so not that it surprises me so much as delights me (and really isn't that how life is supposed to be?) and most things go as I wish them to go.  I have found money several times (sometimes in my purse, that I never saw there before) and I made a trip to the immediate care facility and that was an adventure in its own right.

I had run out of my thyroid medication and I always used Urgent Care in Hawaii so I Googled and it sent me there.  It's like an urgent care but privately owned and a LOT more expensive.  Whereas in Honolulu I would pay 110 bucks for the office visit and lab work to get my refills every 6 months, this place wanted 274 bucks just for the visit.  Well, one must do what one must do and I needed the meds so I said I had no choice and they said they had a couple of payment plans so I said well alrighty then, hook me up.  So they took me in and did the history and vitals and such then stuck me in an exam room.  I had my big water bottle with water and sliced cucumbers (from my garden!) that I use at work and my phone to amuse myself with, but at 5:15 I was freezing, tired, starving and had waited long enough so I said I have got to go how much do I owe?  They said since I had not been seen there was no charge and I went home and was almost there when I realized I had left my water bottle on the floor by the chair in the exam room, cucumbers intact and called them when I got home to ask them if they had found it.  I was told it was at the front desk whenever I could get back to pick it up.  Then I see I missed a call and the voicemail was from them (but the main office in Medford) saying they understood that I had not been seen but that they had already called in the script to Walmart with 3 refills so it was ready for me.  Now I feel kind of bad for running out and not paying them (even though they said there was no charge) so the next day I stopped at Walmart to pick it up and get some cash with every intention of leaving them a nice gratuity.  I then went over to pick up my water bottle and tip them and they said they were not allowed to take it and it was not necessary.  I said I was tired, cold and hungry so I left rather quickly and was kind of cranky.  She said that with my schedule she understood and would have been too.  Nice.

The point being that things are tending to go well for  me, as........................................This is where I left off last night when my tablet went wonky and no words would appear when I typed so I went off to my garden, but I am back this morning, before 5 am to continue............. they should when one has found that "sweet spot" of contentment in inner peace and joy and I have landed there.  While it is still true that my happy place is in my garden, getting my hands dirty with natural things, I am joyful all of the time, even when things would usually frustrate me.  Not only is life good but it is interesting and delightful.  May you all connect with your inner being and discover this feeling, that is my desire for you after all.

I have learned to be happy no matter the circumstances and when I stick with that happiness within myself things go as I desire.  I have done it so much of my lifetime and then I slide but the sliding never has gotten me anywhere good so I am staying in this space because I know how well it works.  The past week has been a bit of a blur with much activity that honestly I don't really recall what all I was going to share but then again I don't live in the past, it is history and I live in the moment which is the PRESENT and what a gift it is!  Although I do recall yesterday enough to share that, not that it was fascinating but I had a good day again.

Friday night Bev said she and Rich were going to take the RV and go to Seven Feathers and I asked if it was a casino. She said it was so I stated that I would like to go play, too and her immediate response was "but you have to work the next day" and I proclaimed that I had learned that afternoon before getting off work that we had the whole weekend off.  She said that this time she wanted it to be just the 2 of them (like they never spend all his time here together) and I said I could follow in my truck and come home when I was done playing.  She was all "whatever".  She is not always very nice to me and I just blow it off.  I said I had no interest in spending the night or taking any of their time as I did not need company to gamble.  That was all that was said.

Yesterday we all went to an estate sale in the morning, had a little breakfast and hit a few yard sales before coming home.  On the way there Rich said I could ride in the RV with them and hang out in the back and take a nap or read or write a book or whatever I wanted to because they were not going to stay overnight but just driving the RV to keep it running well.  COOL.  She said they would leave around 4 and I said okay.  They needed to be here to see and talk to the gardener and I took off for some more retail therapy.  I needed a few things and she said if I was going to be at Walmart to see if they had any Calla Lillies and I inquired how many and what color, her choice was 5 and color didn't matter.  SO off I went to Walmart to get a bottle brush and they did not have any lillies whatsoever.  When I came out I remembered I needed a couple things to make a nice meatloaf today for my dinners this week so I ran next door to Grocery Outlet to get them and THEY had her Lillies so I got the 5 plus a nice Antherium for my room (a little Hawaii for my space) and headed over to Goodwill to return some sundresses I got that did not fit.  I am now down to 111lbs and so in I went with them and looked all over and got a few things.

When I took my stuff back to the truck I checked my phone there to find a couple texts from her saying they were not going until today because she was too sweaty and so they were leaving at 4 to go to Costco.  I had a fleeting thought for a second that she would do anything to keep me from going and being in my joyful place I texted back a mere OK and meant it.  Whatever, if the universe intended me to go it would happen and if I wasn't then that would happen.  Who knows that it wasn't protecting me from some disaster I was not to be involved in.  It's all good.  So then I put the phone back in the truck and went next door to Harbor Freight to look around, it's an interesting store and I have time since I have no interest in going to Costco and the day is mine, the first whole weekend off since I started so I am going to play.

After that I headed towards home but stopped in to Glass Forge to see if they had tumbled any new glass (they had not sadly) but I bought a little of what I could find that I can use for my chimes and hung out and visited with NJ who works the front on Saturdays.  Coming home and up the driveway I see Rich is out picking his blackberries and I stopped to chat a minute.  He said we would leave around 2 (today) to go up to the casino, maybe have some pie and coffee and play for awhile.  I asked if they were coming back late and he said no WE would be back around 6 tonight.  He wants me to go, I love that about him, he includes me.  Bev later said that she is having someone come in to clean the house today ( I knew this from her the other day, in preparation for their birthdays party next Saturday before he heads back to the Bay area, hers is the 2nd and his is the 5th) and if the cleaning lady wanted her to stay she would and it would just be me and Rich going but if the lady was okay with her leaving she would go to.  I am fine either way, although secretly, deep down I am rooting for the cleaning lady to need guidance, my bad.

Well dears, it is now after 6:30 in the morning and I have stuff to accomplish before we leave this afternoon so I will put my pictures in and then go get busy.

Monday morning at work ^

Monday morning again

Also Monday morning

Same pictures but after work ^

My squash is getting big!

This was the same day when I got home on Tuesday, it looks overcast ^

Tuesday  I think later

This was all I could see of the sun one day, it looked like a porch light shining on my arm and i kept looking for a light on until I discovered it was the sunlight

Thursday morning leaving for work ^

My precious little garden

My big tomato is out of control, wide tied up as well as tall (almost 8 feet at least)

Friday morning leaving for work

Friday morning at work

Yesterdays sunrise that I actually saw!

It was pretty so I zoomed

Still later yesterday

This morning when I came out at 4:45

Well kids that's all for now and I ope to have time to blog sooner than this last gap was but until then stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

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