Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I feel joy 8-9-2016

That is how it is.  Honestly.  I don't need or require a reason other than the fact that I exist really.  I know that if I were to feel joy because of anything outside of me, be it circumstances or physical things, it could be taken from me in an instant and where would that leave my joy?  No, instead it is just a feeling that at times overwhelms me, for no apparent reason whatsoever.

And I love that.  I love knowing that I can be doing the most mundane thing and extreme joy can and does overtake me for absolutely no reason.  I just go with it, it feels good, and anything that feels that good without cause is from spirit and I recognize it as such.  I ride that joy as long as possible until I get distracted, which happens, and yet I don't let it go entirely.

Even during the times when the least desirable circumstances are taking place in and around my life, I hang on to that feeling, if only the smallest amount of it.  Because no one can take it away from me, only I have the power to let it go and, like the rebel I am, I refuse to let it go.

But, when you think about it, or at least when I think about it, of all the things to never let go of, it is the one thing that we, or I, should never let go of.  Let go of hurts, let go of resentments, let go of bad habits and toxic people and things, but never let go of joy.  Ever.  Everyone wants to be "happy" and yet they seem to not find it because it is NOT "out there" somewhere, it is within us and what we are created to be or we would not have the desire to be so.

Our spirit, our soul, our very essence IS joy and we as humans tend to deny it by looking for it where it is not instead of where it actually is.  Within us.  When you feel anything, be it love, peace, joy, sadness, anger---where does the feeling come from?  Is it something you feel outside of yourself?  See how silly that sounds?  No, it is something you feel from within yourself and every second of your life you choose what you are feeling, whether you are aware of it or not.

It just so happens that my spirit is present much of the time and I feel it in that wonderful sensation of joy.  I do not live there 24/7 because I am still human but when I get quiet and free my mind, there it is again to remind me, that sense, that knowing, that all is well and as it should be and was intended to be because the universe loves me and always conspires in my favor.  And that is why, I suppose, that:

I feel joy for no reason at all.

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