Sunday, August 28, 2016

What if....8-28-2016

Playing this little game in my head is one of the reasons I am grateful for everything.  We are, at any given moment, exactly where we are meant to be for our highest good and growth.  Really.  If you think back and look at any one experience in your life and it had NOT happened, life might look very different for you today.

I can pick thousands of little moments and ask the question and even if I cannot honestly say where I would be today, I know, deep down, it would look very different than it currently does.  I think back to the day I saw my first love and had that not happened I would not have the wonderful son that I did have, now.  Had I not had the experience of a head on (car) collision, with a traumatic brain injury, and a second chance to be an infant, of sorts, I would likely be somewhere very different than I am now.

So as I am going about my day and things occur, I am grateful because even if I don't know where it will lead me, I know that it will lead me to exactly where I need to go and to be.  We cannot look into the future so much as we can somewhat predict it, not exactly, but in general, by our thoughts and actions now.  What we focus on is what becomes, be it with positive or negative energy we give it.  If you are always believing the best, that is what you will find and if you are always believing the worst, that, too, is what you will find.

I cannot even adequately predict my own future in general since I take each moment as it is and it is not that I lack focus, entirely, as I simply trust the universe to lead me where I most need to go and do what I most need to do.  I would imagine that if I focused constantly on my dreams they might arrive quicker but I have this firm belief that the ultimate power lies with the universe, or God, who are in control of all things and I try to not input anything of my ego into anything that is not in the "grand design" of God's plan for me.

I will always look for the best in everything and find the silver lining in any cloud and love my way to the last breath, I just want to not fight the flow of the universal plan and so I may "float" at times, letting it put me where it will and keep my dreams in the background of my thoughts.  It's one of those things I need to work on I suppose.  But everything happens for a reason and so for that reason I am grateful for all of it.  Because, seriously....

What would be different if any one experience in your life had NOT happened.  Ponder this.

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