Sunday, August 7, 2016

Love is the answer 8-7-2016

I had a train of thought going when I originally chose this poster to display today and then my browser crashed.  And so I had to close everything, run my spotmau program to clean everything out and restart my PC.  This took some time and now that I finally got it up and running, my train of thought jumped the track and I cannot for the life of me recall where I wanted it to go.

I did start the custom chime yesterday, worked on it for hours until my hands could take no more and blisters were starting to form and they (my hands) are still sore today.  And yet I still have 2 bamboo pieces to carve before I can even entertain the idea of staining them and so I thought some computer time was in order for the morning.  Sure, that didn't start off all that well, but I am a trooper and here I am.

I had needed to catch up on my public page ( )  and I did catch up for the most part, which felt good, and yet I feel like I need to do more there, how odd is that?  It isn't like it is growing fast or even as fast as it was for a few months, but I still want it to do well, which requires work.  It is Sunday and oddly I like to have Sundays off from anything that seems like work, I don't know why.  It isn't like I attend church services or consider any other day less sacred than the "sabbath" and I did kind of take a mental break yesterday to some degree.

I can see now that todays post is a rambling type post with no clear direction and although it is not how I normally write I do find it rather fun.  To just put down whatever happens to pass through my thoughts without grabbing onto any of them to run with just one is a bit liberating.  Just to free flow...AAAhhhh, yes!  And perhaps tomorrow will bring me back to whatever my original train of thought was (or later today, after I have already hit publish) and the moment will have passed, but I still believe:

Love is the answer no matter the question or the problem.

I am here just loving you all <3

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