Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A video and some ther stuff :-)

As promised on facebook:

Oddly I did 3 videos, all longer than the next and it chose this one, without my intro, to choose from, no idea where it all went, but knowing me as I do, I will fuss with it until I can find the longest one and post it, with my face, if it will let me.  If not, then I suppose it was not meant to be. 

Moving along,  I got domestic, really domestic, and went in, did all the floors, including vacuuming the large rug on my little porch, I went nuts with the Kirby, I did.  And while I was there, and it needed it, I cleaned the fireplace, above and beyond, certainly, and moved upstairs to start my rubbish gathering (it goes out tonight so I start on the top floor) and since I was there and still in my jammies, started getting dressed but got distracted and cleaned my bathroom (it is a dust factory, I do not understand how) before finally getting clothes on and heading down to grab all the rest of the rubbish.

Then I emptied the litterbox, fed and watered the cat, went out to do all of the same for the dogs and took all the rubbish out to the big bin.  While I was out there, I watered the entire back gardens and plunked a couple of my spaghetti squash seeds in my garden area, hoping to see  them sprout.  Walked around to the front to water stuff the sprinklers don't catch and, finished with chores, I sat down and finished the above chime.

Just before I went into town I spray painted it black and left it to dry while I was out.  My normal swing by Goodwill to sign in on my application and headed from there to Home Depot for more wire.  My running around accomplished now, I was starving and wet home to reheat my squash from Sunday nights' leftovers.  Bev got home around 6ish and I chatted with her awhile before looking up stuff on Google.  I am a curious soul, okay?  So I think of something and I Google it.

It was a rather quiet evening, not that it isn't normally, but usually I am working on a chime until it gets dark but last night I just wasn't feeling the need, since I had already finished one for the day, so I ended up just messaging with a friend until it was bedtime.

Got up this morning and went down to make me a coffee and apparently to wipe the counter and sweep and mop part of the floor since, wait, let me back up...I went down to make my coffee, which is a wonderful cappuccino mix I shipped from Hawaii, not knowing if I would be able to find it here and then remembered that I needed a new one, which was in my closet.  So I traipsed back upstairs, less than a minute after coming down to get one.  Instead of shipping more boxes, due to the size of the containers, I had double bagged it in big ziplock bags. and when I pulled the inner bag out of the outer bag, not realizing it was not zipped all the way any more, I dumped it all over.  Another "crap" moment, laughed at myself yet again, and was going for the broom when Bev came out for her coffee.  I warned her and she said something like "oh great, ants"and I said I was cleaning it up.  Which I did and then mopped so it wouldn't be tracked around (any residue) or sticky.

Not exactly the way I love to start a day but you get what you get and work with it. My mess cleaned up, I headed out to the porch to find it wasn't freezing so that was a plus in my book, it was 51 degrees.  I can remember days in Colorado in winter where 51 was a temperature for short sleeves and celebration.  Honey, you're not in Colorado any more, nor nearly as young, but you keep thinking how warm that is in comparison to temps some people live with. Yes, that was me talking to myself.

I will go into the DMV today to renew the registration for my brother, for his RV, check in with Goodwill as I do, and yes, make a chime.  That is my plan anyway and I understand that when we make plans God laughs and laughs so I will see what the day brings, given how it started, I would think that it could be the lowest point in my day and I will hope for the best.  Who knows?  It could end well beyond my wildest imagination and I have a pretty wild imagination.

I talk about my chimes and Etsy shop all of the time and I never think to add the link, so here are the links to my page, you may have to copy/paste since I am  not sure it will hyperlink it for you:

Etsy, (the most recent listing but everything is there and you can navigate from it):


If I hurry and finish this I can get it posted so my friend Dee can read it when she gets up, she loves my blog :-)  And I love her, so when I can, I try to post so she can read it first thing in the morning, I'm good like that.  And since it is early and nothing else has yet occurred this morning, this is no problem.

Have a great day, be well and all my love.

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