Saturday, May 19, 2018

More bears, because I could.

So yesterday, before my train of thought jumped tracks  and steamed on like nobody's business, I was talking about detesting jobs and though I have had few of them, then the train derailed and as entertaining as that might have been, my point was leading to the conclusion of a means to an end.  Like the waitressing, which I did not detest, it was not my calling, it was in itself a means to an end (that I just happened to be very good at).  I was married with children (God rest my dear Scotty's soul) and needed an income to help with the high cost of living in California.  Truth be told, I went there first, with my child and HAD to make a living, Scott followed me a few months later and proposed, we got married and I was already working.  But that is beside the point. The point was I needed to make a living to feed, clothe and house the munchkin and I worked jobs I didn't love to make it.  A means to an end.

Not what I was called to do.  But it, too, served it's purpose.  When Scott was gone and Travis had moved on I got into electro-mechanical assembly and I rather loved that and am still quite good at it and would love to be doing it today as well as my writing and chime making, but I am not today and it still wasn't what my purpose is,  just another happy means to an end.  I love learning new things and when I was in college I said if it paid, I would always be in college as a career choice.  But you do not get paid to be a student for life, no, you have to pay to do it, that simply does not work for me.

I also mentioned my steel trap mind before the TBI (traumatic brain injury) and after, as well as now, I'm lucky if I remember what day it is when I wake up.  No, it's not as bad as the film 50 first dates, but like the film it has a happy ending.  I process things differently now and I do forget midstream in thought of where I was heading with it.  Just part of my charm really.

Now, back to the bears and other things.  I had a job interview at the Lodge in housekeeping (yeah, I know...) and all the bears except the last one were there, the real (stuffed) one was inside and so I got pictures because I was way early.  I wasn't positive how to get there so I didn't want to be late.  Plus I am just as apt to get distracted on the way by a yard sale sign.  Afterword I went into town, hunting for a piece of driftwood for a custom order and took these of a couple more murals:

I will likely go downtown and wonder around today and take lots of pictures as there is a big antiques sale on one of the streets.  I'm not looking for antiques in particular but it will be a good day to just meander around and see lots of things.  Much like the song by One Republic "I Lived", the chorus being,  "I did it all, I did it all, I owned every second that this world could give,, saw so many places and things that I did, with every broken bone, I swear I lived".  That would be the song I want for my memorial, should there ever be one.  Words to live by.  Ok, that and Greenday's "Good Riddance", also a favorite of mine.  But I digress yet again..

So when I got home from my little adventure last night I had some dinner and created this cute little chime:

It was after 9 when I finally went in and caught the rest of the Hawaii 5-0 season finale, which I haven't watched in a LONG time, but now that I am not there, I love to see my scenery.  Which is why I watched it to begin with.  Weird, I just got this sense of deja vu, like I have written this before.  Maybe I have. I was there on the beach for the first premier when the show started and watched it every week, they used my apartment building once and I watched them film at the building behind us as well.  I used to laugh because they would close down streets, snarling traffic and say to myself "I'm not lost", thinking of the show "Lost" that also use to film on the island.  Watching them shoot is really kind of boring after the first couple of takes, it's a lot of repetition.

I woke early this morning (5:35) but rolled over and slept until 6:45 before I finally got up.  I slept in :-)  And looking at the date, I realized that tomorrow would be my mothers' 82 birthday, were she still with us.  Oddly, with the childhood I had, let us just say she was not very kind to me, only me, but now that she is gone I really miss her.  The devil you know is probably better than the one you don't.  Not saying she was a devil but she definitely showed me some evil intent.  On the flip side, as an adult, I could always call her and ask for one of my favorite recipes of hers.  She used (among other things) a Good Housekeeping cookbook, likely from the 50's and everything she ever made from it, she made a notation on it, the date and if it was good or not.  Yes, she was OCD but that part of it was a gold mine.

I went way off the rails there, didn't I?  Well, it was something that passed through my head and me with no filters, poured right on out onto the keyboard, normally it trips over my lips, yet another endearing thing about me.  I had a boss a few years ago, who when asked what (by higher ups) his impression was of me and how effective I was in my position.  He said "you never have to wonder where you stand with her and she is always ahead of the curve on doing her job".  I took it as high praise.  :-D

I need to go do some more laundry and unload the dishwasher (yeah, it's mundane but it needs doing and I am effective like that) so I will venture off for the day now so until tomorrow...

Be well and all my love

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