Sunday, May 13, 2018

So, there are these..

Things I enjoy seeing every single day from the front porch.  Granted, the turkey pictures are a little out of order, but it struts across the lawn, stops at the gate, surveys the situation, deems it safe (I guess or at least imagine, for who can know what a turkey is thinking?) and flies up onto the top of the gate, jumps down and walks its merry way into the yard next door.  Every afternoon, without fail.  It's amusing to me.

And then the Eagles.  Lots of them, but I am not quick enough with my camera to get the great shots, but I do love seeing them throughout the day.  I will be hanging here, working on a chime and look up and there they are!  I love that.  Just another reason I love Grants Pass and there are many reasons to, believe me.  I never wanted to leave the island but it has been a perfect choice for me thus far.

And for some strange reason the 48* temp this morning did not chill me to the bone as it has so far of a morning.  I take that as a good sign that I am at least acclimating a bit.  It was a lovely 80* yesterday, which was spent going from yard sales to thrift shops when the yard sales ended.  It was a good day and I scored some things without spending much, bonus!  In Hawaii there are not many yards in the city.  I have always enjoyed yard/garage sales and flea markets, as well as antique shops and they are rare on Oahu, given the humidity and termites so antiques are a great thing if you can find them there.  So even though not one Belgian waffle or can of Stokes green chili (yes I am still hung up on getting my Stokes, it's an addiction one might understand had they ever had any) was found, overall  it was fun.  I was tickled to find books for a quarter and 50 cents.  So I ended up with a dozen that I have not read before.  And a pair of Danskins shoes, much like the sketchers I prefer, for 3 bucks, can you say "score!"?

Today I will probable make another chime, try to get my Etsy store back on line and ride one of the bikes for a while since it is supposed to be toasty warm again today and I think my brother and Bev are doing yard work or some such thing.  I may help with that, we'll may take me awhile to decide which chime I want to work on next, I have a few options and options are a good thing.  But whatever I decide I will likely run in here and show it off because I just get so excited to share my new creations.  So until then.......

Be well and all my love

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