Sunday, May 27, 2018

Well, that was interesting.

A few pictures from the Saturday market:

This sculpture is always there but I got a close up view

I want to find out who made it, since it reminds me of a lamp I saw in a shop.

These were along the fence, oddly, behind the portapottys, beautiful though

I must confess that I was not truly excited about going, curious, yes, excited, not so much but I actually did have a wonderful time there.  Granted, there were a lot of vegetable booths and a number of other local growers booths selling everything from eggs to coffee and there was one with handmade soaps, among others and I had a nice time. I spent awhile talking to the humane society folks and looking at pictures of the animals they currently have there as well as a local farmer who makes cheese curds (can you say yummy?!!!!) among others that had some pretty cool stuff.

Bev was going to a particular booth to pick something up and she lost me as soon as we got there when I stopped to take a picture of the grasshopper (I am guessing here but I think  it is a grasshopper) so I decided I would meander around until she called looking for me.  I got to the end of one row and looking to my left, on the next block, were the crafters and artisans so I went there to see what the local people are creating.  I wish I would have taken pictures of some of the booths, cool stuff, very creative, like minded people.  There was an older gentleman that uses the burl knots from trees to make these stunning carvings of woodland fairies.  Detail work, no doubt and I chatted with him for quite some time.

Heading back towards the other growers' side, I saw the humane society folks first and spent some time there and got a map to the place so I could volunteer when I have time.  There has never been a doubt about my love for animals and I like going just to cuddle with them and giving them attention.  I require a certain amount of pet love and shelter animals are so grateful for it.  I stopped and bought a cup of coffee, it was very good and was almost back to the entrance when Bev called to see where I was.  I said look left I am waving at you.  She had bought a couple of Adirondack chairs, locally crafted, and was going to go get the truck.  Ok then.

Since there had been a parade a couple blocks over while we were at the market, traffic was horrendous and roads were blocked off but we finally ended up at the other end of town going to Goodwill.  Her, not me, I sat in the truck and guarded the chairs.  You would think they would be safe in a small town like this but apparently not.  I had been with Rich and Bev when he was here, at Fred Meyer and I had bought my little garden plants, set them in front of the rear wheel of the truck and gone to sit down.  They were okay for a long time and then a van pulled in and blocked my view of them so I got up to look and they were gone.  REALLY?  Fred Meyer was good about it because the lady in the garden center knew it had been about a half hour since she had sold them to me and told me to get new ones.

Back to guarding the truck.  It wasn't so much that she wanted me to, although I think she was grateful I offered, it was more I had no discretionary income to venture in there and no real need of anything either.  Plus I was waiting for Danial to call, which he did and made my day (how sweet is it that your gay best friend makes your day?  They know all about you and love you anyway, much like I love people just for who they are) and the chairs were safe in the process.

Then she went to Fred Meyers and spent an hour in there, me in the truck, before going into town to a consignment store for clothes and shoes.  I went in with her and hung out eating a little bag of Lays (it was 2:30 and I was hungry) before we went home.  I thought we were done shopping for the day but later I would find out I was wrong.  I had a bite to eat and went out for a smoke after I helped her carry in all her purchases and was just sitting on the porch enjoying the stillness and I heard the neighbor shooting a gun a few times and wondered if Molly, the escape artist, would come running around the house in a tear.  It was quite before she did.

Now thinking that I would be working on putting up more fencing on the deck, I cuddled and calmed her until I took her in and was grabbing my compost stuff from the fridge to put in the composter.  It had been my intent to put the stuff in the composter then return to the porch to get the tin snips and go work on the fence but like all good intentions that pave the road to hell, that is not what happened.  Once I put the stuff in the composter I was already closer to the back yard than the front so I thought I would check my garden to see if it needed water first and before I made it that far I started weeding Bev's flower boxes.  That done, I went for the hose to water, which I did, but I kept going with the hose until everything back there was watered.  When I went to turn off the spigot, I was faced with weeds in the gravel that, for some inexplicable reason, I could not leave untouched.  So I weeded the greater part of the gravel before I finally headed up for the tin snips an hour later.

I did, indeed, get the fence done, was hungry again since it was after 5 and I had been working in the sun so I was having a bite to eat when Bev asked if I wanted to go to Big Lots with her.  Ok, sure, I will go scope it out.  That was a long journey.  Big Lots is next to the Dollar Tree which is next to Grocery Outlet and so suffice it to say we spent a while over there.  Then since she couldn't find what she went to Big Lots for in the first place, it was back to Fred Meyer.  Oh lord.  Nope, not there either so off to Ross.  Again, shopped out I had stayed in the truck at Freddys and again at Ross but it was cool because I caught this wondrous site:

I just love seeing the moon out on a sunny afternoon, the best of both worlds really.  Then, finally on the way home and going through town I got a clear shot of this mural:

I have tried numerous times to capture it without obstructions (signs, cars passing, light staying red long enough to get it) and it was a great shot.  We pulled into the driveway and while Bev was checking the mail I got the moon again:

A better foreground I think :-)  I helped carry stuff in again and hung out on the porch for a couple hours until I looked up and took this:

an ordinary picture of my porch view but at 9PM at night.  Still light, which is awesome, but confusing to my body clock.  It's like going to Alaska during the "midnight sun" part of the year when it never gets dark.  I decided since it was cold out again that a hot bath was in order.  SO I went up, filled the tub, threw in a eucalyptus and mint bath bomb and soaked until my feet were prunes and the water was cold.  So relaxing, tunes playing, listening to Regina Specter (I love her voice) and then it was time for jammies and bed.

It was cold out when I came down at 6:30 this morning, thought the sun is out and it is suppose to be 83 today.  One can only hope.  I am adding two more pictures, these are specifically for my Granddaughter Sis, with whom it is a secret code, but saw the first one at the Dollar Tree and the second at the Grocery Outlet and she was on my mind, I believe that seeing them, I was on hers, too.  Here you go Sis:

^ a flyswatter

^ A garden decoration

Time to do something productive physically but until tomorrow...

Have a glorious day, be well and all my love.

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