Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Be open 5-31-2016

Since I touched on this the other day, it is more a reminder for myself, since this blog is as much for me, its creator, as anyone else.  Being open requires faith, the substance of things hoped for, and faith requires action, such as giving up control of how the thing you desire is delivered to you.  And stepping out and acting like you already own that which you are wanting.  

If you are always "wanting" it, that tells the universe that you lack it.  It does not distinguish the want or don't want, it merely responds to what you are focusing on and gives you more of it.  So by wanting, you are focusing on the lack of it, so the universe gives you more lacking of it.  If you are focusing on thanking the universe for providing it (as if you already have it), that is what it will do, provide it for you.

When we ask for anything, the immediate response from the universe is yes and it goes about manifesting that for you.  So there is no room for doubts or negative thoughts, that only works against you.  It basically comes down to not really being open to that which you have asked for, because you are not in vibrational alignment with it.  Doubts and fears are the killers of dreams.  But if you keep a grateful heart open to even the possibility of it being true, miracles occur.

Think, imagine or visualize what the having of it (whatever it is, health, loving relationships, prosperity) would FEEL like and by carrying THAT feeling, as if you already have it and thanking the universe for it, it will send you THAT.  If you cannot imagine it, you will never have it, you are not open to it, are not in alignment with it and cannot manifest it into anything tangible.

Try a simple test of this.  Something small, a parking space, a butterfly, a feather, whatever.  And speak it into a positive statement such as "thank you Universe for giving me this (whatever it is) today and showing your love for me".  And be OPEN to receiving it, because if you doubt it, you won't see it.  But if you are believing in seeing it, you will manifest it.  I have done this many times for small things, signs that the universe hears me and supports my desires.  

Okay, the bigger things may take a bit more time, because they are bigger, but keep that open heart and mind and they will manifest. That is why I said to start with something small first, to build your faith.  When you can see how it works with the small things, you will know you can do it for anything you desire, that is for the highest good of all concerned.  And it only works towards the highest good of all concerned.  Free will and all.  So if you are trying to manifest something wonderful for someone else, if that is not what they want, it won't necessarily happen as you are asking for it because THEY are not open to it.  Lead by example.

I'm off to do some manifesting now :-)

Monday, May 30, 2016

What you think matters 5-30-2016

I never know where my mind will wander off to in the mornings. It's true.  I am not really what you could classify as a morning person.  And when I wake up, I like to just stay in that in between zone, half awake, half asleep, not fully either one, trying to recall and interpret my dreams or just try to recall if I had any.  And this is where it meandered to this morning.

Let me back up, for those of you who do not know my history.  I grew up in a house that did not attend or even speak of church, let alone own a bible.  But given that I was able to see and speak with spirits, I just knew there was some power greater than myself.  As a child I could not really explain what it was, but I knew it was there.  Since I grew up with a lot of abuse, I knew that there was something better even if I could not quite picture what it was, there had to be a reason for all of it.

My oldest brother, who was grown and out on his own when I came along, was one of my closest links to that "better" beyond what I was living.  I was always close to him, me hanging on like he was a life preserver while I was battling an angry ocean.  He had all this wisdom that I wanted to understand and to this day I still listen when he advises me (well, mostly) because he is what you could call a self made man.  By all appearances, he has it all, wants for nothing, does what he loves when he wants, with whom he wants, wherever he chooses to do whatever that is.

I did raise my child in the church, not because I had any great "calling" to be a Christian but mostly because I enjoyed church, especially the worship part.  I will be the first to admit that I cannot carry a tune in a bucket, but I still love to sing.  Add to that the fact that we, like many species, are social creatures and fellowship is a wonderful thing.  I was raising my son in a little town of 3,000 souls that had around 26 churches I think.  I tried a lot of them before I settled on one and that was mostly because they had an amazing worship team, with full instrumentation.  In a small town where everyone knows everyone else, it was a good fit for us.

Getting back to the original thought of today's post, I asked my brother if he believed in God and to this day his answer is as clear to me as if he had just now spoken it.  He said "I believe in myself".  I never believed God to be this white haired old man on a throne with a staff looking down on us in judgment, but more of a peace that is within us.  Even in the bible it is said "my peace I leave with you".  But his (my brothers') words "I believe in me" have stayed with me.

And of course he is right, again.  Handsome and smart, such a great combination.  Because I have learned over the years that what we think of ourselves matters more than anything else in this world.  If you think you are not worthy of anything good, you will never experience the good, your thoughts being the starting point of the creation of your reality.  But if, like my brother, you believe good things about yourself and that good is your destiny, your birthright, then that is what you will experience as that is what you will create.  He believed in greater for himself, that he was worth it and could have it and so he has.  I have, too, but not always consistently.

I, like my little blog here, am a work in progress, farther along than some, not as far as others, but a work in progress all the same.  And so I mind my thoughts and listen to what I tell myself about myself and the world at large and mostly I experience great things.  I invite you to look at what you think of yourself and what your experiences look like because of your thoughts about yourself.

What you think of yourself matters more than anything else in this world.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Not everything is as it appears 5-29-2016

As I began to build this page today, I got to a spot where I thought I had it exactly as I wanted it.  But when I hit view blog, only the most recent post was as I wanted the whole blog to look.  So I tried changing it and the other posts (the content of writing) had disappeared.  It seemed no matter what I tried, I could not revert it so I deleted everything and started over.

Which brought me to this thought, that things are not always as they appear.  What started out quite joyfully turned into more of a bang head on desk fiasco than the joy it had begun.  You just never know.  What may seem simple on the surface can be more complex than you could have anticipated and things that seem difficult at first glance can turn out to be far simpler than you could have imagined.

While I did not literally bang my head on my desk, the thought occurred to me that at some point in my life, I might have, in frustration, done just that.  I just decided that a do-over might be the easiest way to figure out how I got part of what I wanted to begin with.  Just like when we were kids, we could call a do-over, and hope to do better than the time we botched something. It has not turned out to be the case in this instance, yet.  But at least my posts are readable and that is better than a post with nothing to read.

As for the statement on the poster?  I believe it applies to most everything in life.  We only see the surface of things and may not know, really, what is going on below the surface of anything or anyone.  Even the saddest person can use their facial muscles to smile for the world, while they are feeling ripped to shreds on the inside.  So don't judge others unless it is with compassion and remember to do the same for yourself.  Be kind to YOU.

we make a difference 5-27-2016

Sometimes, being human, I wonder if I make a difference at all in this world.  Mostly I believe we all do.  But the human factor, with the ego, emotions, all that being human entails, it is not a hard leap to make and wonder about all of it.  I know we all are here for a reason, for our highest good, in my heart I know this, and then when we are not fully aligned with our higher self or source, for whatever reason, we can doubt our own worthiness of being, question our purpose.

Having been sick for almost 2 weeks, I knew that the universe was orchestrating it, to my frustration, (seriously who likes to be sick?) and the message was that I needed to disconnect, mostly from electronics and to some degree the world at large, to be with ME, to hear ME and listen.  It did not come without confusion, as I felt I was getting somewhat mixed messages, and so I asked for specific things to be shown to me.  Yes, I talk to the Universe, it is always communicating with all of us, if we but listen.  But, having had a brain injury some years ago, I am not always as sure of what it is showing me, like I instinctively knew before the injury.

I learned a long time ago that it has a sense of humor, it does.  And when I get that, I laugh, either at it or with it, I am not certain, but I laugh.  If you look back, in retrospect things seem clear, don’t they?  But when you are going through things, you cannot always grasp the bigger picture of what it intends for you.  And it is always conspiring in your favor, for your highest good.  Such has been the case for me for a while now.
Even the bible says, knock, seek, ask and it is given.  The step it leaves out for you to figure out, it would seem, is that you then have to ALLOW it in.  I knocked.  I sought.  I asked.  And I kept getting “You’ve got this”.  What am I to do with that?  And got what?  You have to be aligned with that which you ask for.

You ask, it is given.  That does not mean it is an instantaneous thing.  It can be, I have done that before.  But in general, it is already yours, BUT you have to allow it to come in.  If you do not feel like it is ever really going to happen for you, that is not allowing it in.  The universe is not going to give you anything you are not ready for.  And if you do not believe it can happen for you, it cannot, because you are not yet ready to allow it in, to receive it.
So I asked for very specific signs, sometimes you have to in order to get what the universe is laying down for you, like me.  And it smiled and gave me the signs and message I was asking of it.  Okay, got it, loud and clear, thank you very much :-D

And so my message for you is to be still and ask, get specific if you must, about what you need to see or hear for direction, then wait, watch, listen and you will get your sign or message.  True story.  And know that you do make a difference in this world.  Each of us are little pieces of a much larger puzzle but all the pieces are vital to the whole.  You make a difference.

Normal is overrated 5-26-2016

I was thinking about this when I had a conversation with a friend who used the phrase "Settling back into normal" and I seriously gave the thought some long consideration.  Being someone who has never been quite "normal" by society's standards, I couldn't get my head around it at first.  Sure, I have what is my own "normal", a loving, consistent pattern of being, someone who can be counted on, because I have integrity, I do what I say I will do, but I am kind of a nonconformist when it comes to doing what society expects of me.
For instance, unless I really love doing something, in this case a "job", I will stay with it, otherwise my track record is 2 years at anything else.  I give it a try, but when it becomes monotonous, I am over it and done.  It doesn't look very great on a resume.  But I need to constantly be learning something new, it has always been so.  When I was younger I thought it would be nice to be a professional student, always attending college, learning and getting paid for it.  That is not the real world, sadly.
I am part child, part scientist, part engineer, I need to be stimulated or life just seems stagnant. But I am not now, nor have I ever been "normal", nor do I ever want to be.  Most people live in their "comfort zone" and for me that is the most uncomfortable place to be.  It's a big world and I want to explore all of it, know it, at least a little bit, try new things, experiences.  I am the kind of person who would jump out of a perfectly good airplane for the experience of sky diving.

Life is meant to be relished, savored, explored and enjoyed.  How can one possibly do that if they "settle into normal"?  Or perhaps each person has their own normal.  Try looking normal up in the dictionary.  I would rather be anything BUT normal.  

Thoughts for the world at large 5-24-2016

The purpose of my blog, really, is to share a message of love, hope and encouragement to anyone who needs it and anyone willing to hear it. You are a divine being, you may have forgotten this fact, but it is true all the same.  You did not just get dropped here on this planet for no reason whatsoever, you came with a divine purpose.
Okay, yes, we can lose sight of that due to our upbringing, what we are taught, how to conform, but that is someone else’s thoughts.  You, as a divine being, have your own.  You may have forgotten how to hear it or use it, but it is there, deep inside you, waiting to guide you to your purpose, your "mission" here.  If you can get still and quiet and seek it, it will meet you halfway and be there for you. Your true essence is love and connection.
Everything is connected.  Everything.  The energy source, the life force, if you will, is the same source for all that is.  Although all things may be a different frequency of energy, that energy is part of the whole, all that is.  That is who and what you truly are, not a body, not your mind, but the energy of love.  And it does conspire in your favor at all times, it seeks only your highest good.
I believe it was Einstein who said that you have to either believe that everything is a miracle or that nothing is.  I believe that everything is a miracle, myself included.  And I believe you are a miracle, too, and only hope that you can see it in you, too.

If just one person gets how truly beloved they are, then I have succeeded in getting this message out.  I know that when we are facing difficult times in the physical world, it can seem otherwise, but you are not just a physical being, you are a spiritual being in a physical body.  And your spirit is always well, always whole, always perfect as it is and does not concern itself with physical things.  When you tap back into that, everything else will fall into place, just as it should.  All is well within your soul.