Sunday, May 29, 2016

Not everything is as it appears 5-29-2016

As I began to build this page today, I got to a spot where I thought I had it exactly as I wanted it.  But when I hit view blog, only the most recent post was as I wanted the whole blog to look.  So I tried changing it and the other posts (the content of writing) had disappeared.  It seemed no matter what I tried, I could not revert it so I deleted everything and started over.

Which brought me to this thought, that things are not always as they appear.  What started out quite joyfully turned into more of a bang head on desk fiasco than the joy it had begun.  You just never know.  What may seem simple on the surface can be more complex than you could have anticipated and things that seem difficult at first glance can turn out to be far simpler than you could have imagined.

While I did not literally bang my head on my desk, the thought occurred to me that at some point in my life, I might have, in frustration, done just that.  I just decided that a do-over might be the easiest way to figure out how I got part of what I wanted to begin with.  Just like when we were kids, we could call a do-over, and hope to do better than the time we botched something. It has not turned out to be the case in this instance, yet.  But at least my posts are readable and that is better than a post with nothing to read.

As for the statement on the poster?  I believe it applies to most everything in life.  We only see the surface of things and may not know, really, what is going on below the surface of anything or anyone.  Even the saddest person can use their facial muscles to smile for the world, while they are feeling ripped to shreds on the inside.  So don't judge others unless it is with compassion and remember to do the same for yourself.  Be kind to YOU.

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