Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Be open 5-31-2016

Since I touched on this the other day, it is more a reminder for myself, since this blog is as much for me, its creator, as anyone else.  Being open requires faith, the substance of things hoped for, and faith requires action, such as giving up control of how the thing you desire is delivered to you.  And stepping out and acting like you already own that which you are wanting.  

If you are always "wanting" it, that tells the universe that you lack it.  It does not distinguish the want or don't want, it merely responds to what you are focusing on and gives you more of it.  So by wanting, you are focusing on the lack of it, so the universe gives you more lacking of it.  If you are focusing on thanking the universe for providing it (as if you already have it), that is what it will do, provide it for you.

When we ask for anything, the immediate response from the universe is yes and it goes about manifesting that for you.  So there is no room for doubts or negative thoughts, that only works against you.  It basically comes down to not really being open to that which you have asked for, because you are not in vibrational alignment with it.  Doubts and fears are the killers of dreams.  But if you keep a grateful heart open to even the possibility of it being true, miracles occur.

Think, imagine or visualize what the having of it (whatever it is, health, loving relationships, prosperity) would FEEL like and by carrying THAT feeling, as if you already have it and thanking the universe for it, it will send you THAT.  If you cannot imagine it, you will never have it, you are not open to it, are not in alignment with it and cannot manifest it into anything tangible.

Try a simple test of this.  Something small, a parking space, a butterfly, a feather, whatever.  And speak it into a positive statement such as "thank you Universe for giving me this (whatever it is) today and showing your love for me".  And be OPEN to receiving it, because if you doubt it, you won't see it.  But if you are believing in seeing it, you will manifest it.  I have done this many times for small things, signs that the universe hears me and supports my desires.  

Okay, the bigger things may take a bit more time, because they are bigger, but keep that open heart and mind and they will manifest. That is why I said to start with something small first, to build your faith.  When you can see how it works with the small things, you will know you can do it for anything you desire, that is for the highest good of all concerned.  And it only works towards the highest good of all concerned.  Free will and all.  So if you are trying to manifest something wonderful for someone else, if that is not what they want, it won't necessarily happen as you are asking for it because THEY are not open to it.  Lead by example.

I'm off to do some manifesting now :-)

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