Sunday, May 29, 2016

Normal is overrated 5-26-2016

I was thinking about this when I had a conversation with a friend who used the phrase "Settling back into normal" and I seriously gave the thought some long consideration.  Being someone who has never been quite "normal" by society's standards, I couldn't get my head around it at first.  Sure, I have what is my own "normal", a loving, consistent pattern of being, someone who can be counted on, because I have integrity, I do what I say I will do, but I am kind of a nonconformist when it comes to doing what society expects of me.
For instance, unless I really love doing something, in this case a "job", I will stay with it, otherwise my track record is 2 years at anything else.  I give it a try, but when it becomes monotonous, I am over it and done.  It doesn't look very great on a resume.  But I need to constantly be learning something new, it has always been so.  When I was younger I thought it would be nice to be a professional student, always attending college, learning and getting paid for it.  That is not the real world, sadly.
I am part child, part scientist, part engineer, I need to be stimulated or life just seems stagnant. But I am not now, nor have I ever been "normal", nor do I ever want to be.  Most people live in their "comfort zone" and for me that is the most uncomfortable place to be.  It's a big world and I want to explore all of it, know it, at least a little bit, try new things, experiences.  I am the kind of person who would jump out of a perfectly good airplane for the experience of sky diving.

Life is meant to be relished, savored, explored and enjoyed.  How can one possibly do that if they "settle into normal"?  Or perhaps each person has their own normal.  Try looking normal up in the dictionary.  I would rather be anything BUT normal.  

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