Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My cup runneth over 9-14-16

Most of the time I am just thankful for the cup and today is no exception.  Another day off and since it has been pouring rain off and on and otherwise quite overcast I have been just relishing doing nothing.  Well almost nothing as I have been thinking but then unless one is meditating it is difficult to not think at all.

I am not a quitter although I do believe it is time to move on from the current JOB, as in just over broke, and get out of what I mostly consider to be a bit of a hellish hole I got myself into.  I thought employment would be wonderful for getting me out of a financial hole but it turns out that I spend a minimum of 16 hours a week commuting to a thankless job that is barely making rent.  My bad.

This week I have been thinking about how when you step out in faith the door will open and I am going to trust that it will.  Wearing myself out physically, mentally and emotionally is also dragging me down spiritually and I am worthy of far better than that and self inflicting it is just nonsense.

I want to be energized by the things I do, not drained by them.  When I was much younger my husband held the same job for many years and I did not do the same.  He asked why I never stayed anywhere longer than 2-3 years and I said I got bored and I need stimulation to thrive.  He said there was something to be said for stability and I said yes, it is boring unless you have a true passion for it.

I still believe that to this day and although stability is nice, nothing lasts forever and when we are young I think it is the perfect time to try many things to see what fits us, what excites and empowers us.  I know for me it allowed me to see my many strengths, gifts and talents as well as my weaknesses and to be able to grow by learning all of that.  And isn't that why we are here?  To learn?

I was watching a revival on facebook last week and it was repeated many times: RELEASE (the praise), RECEIVE (the blessings), REPEAT and it stuck with me.  I know that we have to believe to see what we ask for and I am all for releasing the praise as I do on a regular basis. Release, receive, repeat.  And so I have been doing that.  Well, the releasing anyway.

I was on my way in to work yesterday and my gut said, NO, don't go! and so I asked myself one question:  Does doing this bring me joy?   And honestly the answer was no, it does not.  So I had my answer, it is time to get out while there is a trace of ME left.  And while I did continue in to work, I was regretting it 5 minutes later.  Life is far too short to have regrets and I knew it.

So I am looking for other means of making finances that will allow me to be joyful about what I am doing and that will also allow me to do things I love, writing here for example.  And so today I can say:

My cup runneth over.

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