Sunday, September 11, 2016

Making life better 9-11-2016

Many times I ask this of myself as well but I really do want to make people's lives better.  And yet I have deprived myself (and anyone else who follows me here) of writing for the past couple weeks.  Working so hard for so little has been a life sucking experience and so I continue on with looking for something that will add energy instead of taking it from me.

Not only has it physically drained me but it has left me uninspired and too exhausted at the end of the day to want to even get on my computer let alone write.  It has taken everything I have to not be totally negative, working in an environment that is less than uplifting.

And so here I am, with not much to say because I honestly don't want to think.  I merely want to meditate and hear whatever it is the Universe has to tell me.  But when I do get still and quiet I nearly fall asleep and then wonder if that is what the Universe is saying I need right now.  I cannot say for sure.

But what I can say is that I still have faith as strong as ever even if I am not seeing the desires of my heart at this moment.  Faith is believing in what you cannot yet see, the substance of things hoped for and so I cling to that for now.

I know that I create it all and sometimes when I create things I think I want it turns out that it wasn't exactly what I wanted because I asked and then took things into my own hands instead of trusting fully that the Universe had it all under control, as it does.

For me, today, it is about surrender.  Not to defeat but to trusting that what is coming is so magnificent that even I, in my wildest dreams, cannot fathom it.  So for now I will once again trust the Universe and watch things turn around even better than I asked for.  And that makes my life better today.  So:

What can I do to make your life better today?

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