Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th America 7-4-2016

No "poster" today, it is an American holiday and I was not inclined to be that creative today.

But I do have a nice read for you:

I love life and holidays bring to mind the many reasons why I love life (beside the fact that life loves ME!) and all that I am grateful for.

1) I love and am grateful for my housemates Anita and Rob, who give me the space for solitude in the mornings and again in the evenings and yet are there for me when I need, amusing me no end and sharing their kind hearts with me.

2) I am grateful for holidays that open up the roads and stores for me to get things done that I need to do, all without any fuss whatsoever. I am also thankful for those folks who work the holidays so I can access their wares and goods.

3) I am grateful to live in a country, despite her flaws, that offers me a life of freedom. I am FREE to make my own choices about so many things. We have the freedom of religion (though I abstain from religion as an institution and I am FREE to do so, I do not look down on anyone or think less of them for choosing any organized religion) so I am FREE to believe in love and kindness above all else.

4) I am FREE to choose to have an Anchor Steam on the 4th of July to celebrate my freedoms. Those who know me know I do not drink (and they say I am so much more fun and funny when I do) but I choose not to drink 99.999% of the time. I am FREE to choose otherwise today. I have nothing against anyone drinking in moderation and fail to see the logic in drinking to excess and numbing oneself from the beautiful life we are given. There is nothing quite like a GOOD cold brew on a hot day such as today. Yes, they cost a small fortune here, but if one is going to have a GOOD beer, one must make that sacrifice in order to purchase one.

5) I am grateful to live on such a beautiful planet in such a beautiful place as I choose to live. Living in the forest is AMAZING and I highly recommend it. There is nothing like driving up the hill, feeling the temps drop and have a house with so much greenery surrounding it.

6) I am grateful that God has given me a kind heart and gentle spirit and no fear to stop me from using them.

7) I am grateful for the many friends I have and people I am friends to. I made that distinction since I love all my people even if they do not consider me THEIR friend, I will always be a friend to them. For me it is once a friend, always a friend. Sure we all may go different ways and choose different paths, but I will always be there for them.

8) I am grateful that happiness is a choice, as are love, peace, joy and any other emotion. One can always choose the opposites of these but for me the opposing ones suck too much energy and I find them to be time wasters. I choose to live my life in joy.

9) I am grateful to be alive and healthy.

And as with my quiet times, I do reflect and always on the joy in my life and how blessed I am. And how much I actually CHOOSE to be blessed and to be a blessing to others. Today, for me, it was not about picnics or BBQ's but about being thankful for those who paid the price for me to have my freedoms, for them it was not free.

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