Friday, July 8, 2016

The power to bless 7-8-2016

I was sitting at a bus stop and someone sneezed and without hesitation I said loudly "bless you" because I wasn't sure who sneezed and because it is my automatic response when someone does.  In the past when someone sneezed and I said that and they thanked me, as people do, I would say exactly what the poster does.

And I thought about that after this little exchange, though the person did not thank me, how I would always respond that way.  Because that is one power that no one can take from me, or from anyone else for that matter.  We do have the power to bless one another, we do.

This happened yesterday and I did not know about all the shootings on the US mainland at the time and returning home to learn about all of that really saddened me.  And rather than look at another human being, regardless of color or profession, with a blessing for that soul in their heart, they chose to shoot them.

I don't often speak out about current events as I normally avoid the media since they seldom show all the good happening in this world unless it is a tiny sound bite at the end of the news.  But apparently drama and violence sells and so they are biased, which feeds the drama and violence "machine" as it were.  

So it was that I really reflected on this poster saying above because I truly believe it.  And I sent love out to all those affected by the senseless shootings, cops killing blacks, blacks killing cops and thanked the Universe that I live in a civilized state where people don't pick each other off like that.  Hawaiians are very honorable folks who would prefer to pummel you with their fists like men do than to use a gun where someone will or may die.  No, they may fight, but they are not killers.  But I digress...

And as I sent love and light out and every blessing to all, not just to those affected, but around the globe, I will confess that for a split second I wondered if the world had gone insane.  There was just so much craziness going on yesterday and I cannot say it was everywhere but it was going on all the same on the US mainland.  And I do say mainland because Hawaii IS one of the United States but is separated from the rest, the mainland.

I do not comprehend the senseless acts of hostility or violence.  I cannot fathom living in a society that treats others that way.  Or a society that doesn't see the core issue causing it all.  It is time to wake up people.  To wake up to who and what you really are, the essence of you, of us all, is love and that is a super power.  Those who would hurt another are powerless, lashing out in fear.  Hurt people, hurt people.  There is no love in fear nor is there fear in love.  And love is where your power is.  Yes you have the ability to harm but:

I have the power to bless others. And so do you.

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