Monday, July 25, 2016

You are valuable 7-25-2016

Normally my blog would have been updated by now as I usually do it first thing in the mornings.  But with the storm coming through I had a lot of other things to catch up on and I did them first.  And all that energy of the storm sort of tweaked my own energy a bit, as it were.

During the thunder and lightning last night, with the lights blinking on and off at times, I got out a pencil and paper since I started this week out on my public page intent on telling people all of the things that they are and I needed more to continue through the week.  Granted, this one was already done, but I still pondered all the amazingly good things that each of us truly are.

And since my energy is a tad out of whack today I decided to just share this poster here because we are ll valuable beyond measure and someone needs to see this and know that they are.  In order to realign my energy I need to go sage the house or do some drumming but until tomorrow I want you to know that:

You are valuable beyond measure.

My public page on facebook:

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