Tuesday, October 18, 2016

All is well 10-18-2016

Indeed it is.  I have managed to jump through a couple more "hoops" for the new job and have only a couple more to do so yes, all is well.  Although being out and about keeps me from my computer, I like it just fine as I am getting in shape at the same time, what with all the walking and hiking my hill home.

I am so excited about this new adventure and will do whatever it takes to pass with flying colors, I really will.  Add to that the fact that we (my housemates and I) have to move in the next month as the owner is going to demo the house and start over, which adds another layer of busy to our schedule but I am even accepting that with great anticipation and a positive attitude and with my strong, unshakeable faith I know it will be amazing.

We don't care where we find a place as long as it accepts pets and for me personally I really want a bathtub.  Given the way the city is built and the living spaces small, tubs are not a common commodity unless you can find an older (or newer) house but they are pricey, let me tell you.  And given that once I "set sail" I will be gone 10 months of the year, it seems impractical to pay a ton of money for so little use but I do want the housemates to have a place they love, too.

This also means that once I conclude all my hoop jumping and have a sail date that I will be closing my Etsy shop since I won't be around to ship packages and such once I am aboard.  Also my public page will be left alone although I will put a link to follow me here for those who really care to see what I am really up to and if they are just there for the uplifting and motivational posters and choose not to come here then my page may self destruct itself.  Whatever ;-)  If you follow me here, please feel free to share the link to those you think may enjoy my adventures.

Tomorrow I have an appointment for my TWIC card so I can get my MMC and if you have no idea what these are, it is credentials saying you are an upstanding citizen who is no threat to the security of a maritime port.  That would be me :-D  Once these credentials are complete then I will eventually be sent off for training in Maryland for my final "hoop" and then get my offer to start.

So, even if I may lag on here, or elsewhere for that matter, I want you to know that:

All is well.

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