Saturday, October 15, 2016

Spilling the beans, in a manner of speaking 10-15-2016

Yes, I have been a bit of a blog slacker the past 10 days but there is good reason why my attention has been focused elsewhere.  For those who actually follow me here this is my little secret (depicted in the photo) that I have been busy manifesting.  No, I did not buy it, do not own it, but I did get a conditional offer to work and live aboard it and so I have many things I have to achieve and complete for the offer to go from conditional to REAL offer.

My dream job, as it were.  Not that I dream of working because that would just be crazy, nobody dreams of working their whole life.  But if one must work then one should, at the very least, enjoy where they do their job and what could be more perfect than cruising around the Hawaiian islands for a living?  I mean seriously? 

It has always been somewhat of my dream to write a travel blog, to share pictures of the beauty I see and tell the stories of what they are about and this is the best place for someone my age to do just that.  I have not shared this info publicly anywhere else as I am still in the process of "jumping through the hoops" to make it a reality and I don't want praise for following my dreams until I am actually living them or closer to that.  But Lordy I am bursting to tell the world!

So, when I do go aboard, this blog will be so much more consistent and contain more of the local beauty that is Hawaii as well as my thoughts and experiences on board.  Okay it may not technically be a "travel" blog since it will not be all over the world or even the country but it is a place to start and then maybe transfer to another of NCL's ships with an international destination.  I don't know if that is even possible but I believe all things are possible, so why not?

Plus I have been making my new chime "curtains" to sell to help pay the rent and given that we have to move next month I need to make serious funds.  So yeah, I get a little preoccupied with other things from time to time but once on board my beautiful new home those thing will no longer distract me from doing what I really love doing.

Just because they are beautiful I am sharing this photo of one of the chimes I did recently:

This one is over 4 feet long!  So pretty, I do good work ;-)  and should you be interested in buying them, you can find them here:

Life is amazing and I just love how the Universe always conspires in our favor, we just have to get out of the way and let it.

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