Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Anything is possible 10-19-2016

I believe this.  It is one of my strongest beliefs. It is quite possible and easy to make another person's day.   I was out doing errands today and I passed a homeless guy who looked up and said hello to me.  I said hello, how are you doing today and he said hanging in there and then proceeded to have a lengthy conversation with me.  His name was Todd and he told me that he was grateful I talked to him without looking down on him like so many others do and I told him that he was a person and no less than anyone else, which is true.  He said I made his day.  That felt nice, just being myself and showing kindness to all, it made his day.

Later in the day I passed a rather large woman and as we passed each other I said out loud "you are very beautiful" because I found her stunningly beautiful.  She said well thank you and I turned around and said I was sincere, she was breathtaking and she, too, said I made her day.  I was merely being honest, I did not look at her size as much as her face and the sweetness that radiated from her eyes, it made her beautiful, she just had that "something".

So step 1) interview, check
     step 2) physical, check
     step 3) TWIC completed, check
     step 4) MMC printed, signed and scanned to return, check.

Now I just have to wait to here when I ship out to Piney Point and I will be on my way into my wonderful new career.  I am happy.
Meanwhile, I look for new housing and make chimes and think how blessed I am, life is great <3  And so, yes,

Anything is possible.

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