Monday, October 24, 2016

Awesome 10-24-2016

Okay, this is more for my own amusement than anything else but I think we can all say this because it is true.  We are created in our makers' image and that is pretty awesome.

And I am chilly.  I am finding lately that I really love my sleep/dream time.   It could be the onset of winter with the cooler temperatures and yes we do experience that here on the islands as evidenced by locals wearing sweaters and sweatshirts or at the least long sleeves.  While it may not seem chilly here to you, you are likely from the mainland and have thicker blood and are not going to feel it like we do.  But I digress.  We have that tendency to want to hibernate when it is cooler and yes there is nothing quite like throwing on the extra quilt and snuggling up under your bedding. 

But part of it is the dreaming.  It could be because I can control them and I don't have the instantaneous ability in waking life as I do in dreams.  But they also tell us so much about ourselves and honestly mine have baffled me lately.  To the point I wake up and ponder them, sometimes asking what did I just do and why did I do that?  Nothing horrible I assure you, just strange.  Sometimes the dreams are messages, other times just working things out from waking life while I sleep.  But oddly, I still enjoy them all.

I found myself waking up early this morning and laying there for a couple more hours recalling my dreams and enjoying the warmth of my cozy bed.  It was almost hard to get up.  It was cold and the covers so warm and I really had nowhere I had to be but I have a thing about actually getting my butt out of bed in the morning even when I have no plans for the day.   I also am one of those people who it takes a while to really wake up once I am out of bed.  Unless I have to be somewhere and then I am likely to get up early enough to sort of wake up before I go anyway.

On the upside I did get my TWIC  in the mail today and I only applied for it last Wednesday, that is pretty quick, less than a week.  So I am very happy about that, just another step forward on my new job journey.  If I could only find a new pet friendly house as fast, everything would be perfect.  Everything is already good, just another little hurdle to pass.  But that is why I said:

Awesome ends with "me".  Coincidence?  I think not.

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