Saturday, July 30, 2016

Becoming the answer 7-30-2016

And having been sick all night and into today, I am going to answer by taking care of myself because I do recognize the responsibility and the need to some serious self care today.  So not filling up to being upright, it makes me more nauseated.

But I did want to post something today and I love this statement and the photo I took 4 years ago.  I am not sure if it was food poisoning, although that would be my guess, having eaten at a restaurant last night and not at home.  It is rare that I do that but when family is in town, I make exceptions, I am good like that.

I think it was the clam chowder, most likely culprit anyway.  So for today, this is all I have to give:

Blessed is the person who sees the need, recognizes the responsibility, and actively becomes the answer.

Friday, July 29, 2016

What the world needs 7-29-2016

Yes, yes, yes.  And even though this is my niece I was hugging, I greet all people the same because the world does need more of that.  Today I will venture out to have dinner with my brother and his lady and I will hug both of them the same way, it's what I do (among many things) and it makes not only me feel good, but the recipient as well.  What is not to love about that?

I do not care what color you are, what religion you practice, what political party you support or what groups you may be involved in (although I do hope they are not groups that do harm to others, but even so...) I will hug you if you allow it.

Everyone needs so many physical touches per day, according to the scientists, and I think I read 8 a day was the minimum to be healthy.  I don't know if I agree with that or if I am just an exception to the rule, little rebel that I am, but I seldom get that many and I am a pretty well adjusted individual.  But if given the chance, I will hug anyone because I think they are worthy of it.

In an age where the internet has everyone connected electronically, so few people actually connect with other human beings in their presence and I find that kind of sad.  I ride the bus and I see it all the time, people glued to their devices and totally unaware of what or who is around them and now they have added an app called Pokemon Go to get people even more distracted from their actual environment while chasing imaginary things and giving the NSA their location (and any hacker who wants to know I suppose) with an eye view of the surroundings.

Yes, technology is a  good moderation, as with all things and I am not discounting all the amazing things you can learn while using it, I am just more aware of my world without being attached to it all of the time.  I never quite understood the whole selfie thing and the duck lip pose specifically and I still don't get the duck lip pout thing but to some degree a selfie is not as bothersome to me anymore.

But every single day?  Really?  There is a difference between healthy love of self and egotism.   Seriously there is.  I do love myself and that allows me to love all others but I do not need to be standing in a bathroom mirror with my camera every day (or seldom really) to show myself some self love.  Nor would I purposefully post them for the whole world to view.  My mirror time is just that...mine and not for anyone else.  It really is the only way to actually look into one's own eyes to see the soul within and I am good with that, for ME.

I just prefer to show it outwardly to others through a hug or a touch of the arm or hand, to really connect with another human than to take pictures of myself and share them electronically.  So, stepping down off of my soap box now and I still believe that:

The world needs more people holding each other and less people holding cameras in front of bathroom mirrors.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lean on me 7-28-2016

So this was the earworm that I woke up with this morning, you remember this song?  I love the sentiment of it and I am good for leaning on because I am a good friend.  I am the type of friend that will be your friend until my last matter what.  Even if we don't speak often or see each other even rarely, if at all, I am there for you.  Yes, it goes on to say "for it won't be long, until I'm gonna need somebody to lean on", as we all need that.

I am one of those souls who people find it easy to talk to, I think due to the fact that I don't judge, I just listen and present possible options.  I likely would have made an excellent bartender or therapist had I felt called to either of those professions, but I was not.  Mostly because the engineer and scientist in me want to tinker with things hands on.  I still, to this day, love building and fixing things with me hands.  And power tools :-D 

But I do have such a deep well of compassion and love for people and they can see it in me and so they will tell me things they have never told another person in their lives, at least they tell me that.  A true friend is someone who is with you through thick and thin, good times and bad, highs and lows and does not judge you for any of it, just loves and supports you through all of it.  I am that kind of friend.

Granted, if you seek counsel and then continually disregard all of it, time after time and then complain that you just can't catch a break, I might put a little space between us, but I will be there praying for you and hoping you decide to choose to take good advice and change your pattern of behavior before I let you back into my inner circle, but I will not desert you.

A friend is someone you can count on and I am that kind of friend.  A friend is someone you can lean on and I am that kind of friend.  A friend is someone who actually gives a crap about what happens to you and for you and I am that kind of friend, too.  And so I guess it is appropriate that this song is stuck in my head today....

Lean on me, when you're not strong,  And I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on...

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Shall not want 7-27-2016

For reasons that are known to me (mostly the universe telling me things it wants me to see, hear, or know again) this passage popped up for me yesterday to ponder on, after the whole family members thought train.  And it is not about desire or not having any desires.

No, what I believe it to mean is that I shall not want for anything since the universe kindly supplies what I need.  That I shall not want for anything because it is already given.  Not that I should not have desires for anything, such as my dreams, but that I am provided for with all I truly need.  

Desires are another whole realm really.  We can desire to be better humans and if striving for that desire, are likely to reach that dream, day by day.  It doesn't necessarily mean that we will if we merely desire it and do not work at achieving it or that if it is something we "want" that we will get it by simply wanting it.  

To be happy in the moment because you are in it, you lack nothing and have no need to want within it.  It is when we look forward to some unpredictable future moment that we have the want of something we think we lack but in reality we were given everything we needed, when we came into this physical world, to attain anything we desire.

And so if you are in the moment, every moment, you lack nothing and therefore you have no need to want for "more".  And that is just my belief but in any case:

I shall not want.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Family members 7-26-2016

Yes, yes I am late again today but once again I needed to do some other things first.  And yes the good energy is once again flowing through the house (it helped to clean the fans, too) and all is well in my little world.  And I was pondering this while I was out and about today.

This may not be true of anyone else's family but I do not think I am alone in this feeling, not one bit alone.  Because we all feel the same feelings and think similar thoughts, that is part of being human.  But given I run a small business from my home it really bothers me that my immediate family does not support me in this dream.  If I could just roam the beach, collecting glass and corals and such and then make my chimes and sell them WITHOUT ever having to work for someone else's dream, I would be quite content.  
I do not need a lot or to make a boatload of money in pursuing my little dream, no, but a little support from family who will actually buy one from me and then tell others who marvel at them where to go buy them would be nice.  But noooooo..... even when I have gifted them my lovely chimes, they say they love them and yet never have once referred anyone to my shop.

Don't get me whole life, every dream I have ever expressed, have been shot down verbally by my "family", the people who are suppose to love me and want to see me live my dream.  And maybe it isn't a huge dream or even a practical dream but it is MINE and it has as much value as anyone else's dreams and I do support theirs, I do want to see them happy and doing what they love.

This is not a rant, mind you, just more a head scratching query and if it is not true in your family, consider yourself truly blessed, because for so many:

FAMILY MEMBERS: Why are they the MOST likely to say they love you and yet the LEAST likely to support your dream?

And if you are interested in seeing my chimes, (currently running a 20% off any purchase over 50.00 using coupon code July promo, until the end of the month)  you can see them here:

Monday, July 25, 2016

You are valuable 7-25-2016

Normally my blog would have been updated by now as I usually do it first thing in the mornings.  But with the storm coming through I had a lot of other things to catch up on and I did them first.  And all that energy of the storm sort of tweaked my own energy a bit, as it were.

During the thunder and lightning last night, with the lights blinking on and off at times, I got out a pencil and paper since I started this week out on my public page intent on telling people all of the things that they are and I needed more to continue through the week.  Granted, this one was already done, but I still pondered all the amazingly good things that each of us truly are.

And since my energy is a tad out of whack today I decided to just share this poster here because we are ll valuable beyond measure and someone needs to see this and know that they are.  In order to realign my energy I need to go sage the house or do some drumming but until tomorrow I want you to know that:

You are valuable beyond measure.

My public page on facebook:

Sunday, July 24, 2016

You are precious 7-24-2016

It is Sunday and we here in Hawaii are watching tropical storm Darby go through and do what tropical storms do and I want you to know how much you are worth.  Not just for reading my blog, but just because you live.

I know my own value and so I see it and recognize it in all others and I know that you are more precious than gold, or whatever material thing is of value at the moment, you are far more precious than any of it.

I hope you know and if you don't, I hope you see it in yourself soon, that there is only one you, ever, in history or ever will be in the future and how amazingly valuable you are.  There is a space in the universe that ONLY you can fill and without you the picture seems incomplete.  You are that priceless.

Really, that is all I had to share today and wanted to get across to you:

You are more precious than gold.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

This is the day 2-23-2016

Many mornings I wake up with a song stuck in my head and even if this is not a song (I cannot say for sure in all honesty), in my head it was a catchy little tune that had a wonderful message.  And I do rejoice in my days and am glad in them.  The feelings of overwhelming joy that are in my heart and soul for no other reason than I am alive in a physical body tell me to rejoice.

Absolutely, in the material, physical world, there appear to be no logical reasons to do so and yet I do.  I know that even if I am not in control of anything, I am in control of how I feel about all of it...and my response is joy.  I know that there is a greater power in control of it all and I am a part of that "all" and it is always working in my favor for my highest purpose.

Yes, I call upon angels and archangels and even MotherFather God since everything has both a feminine and masculine energy and I figure that "God" does as well.  The whole yin/yang thing, light and dark, everything has the opposite to balance it.  And so I do call upon the higher powers to lead, guide and direct my steps and to show me which way to go.  And so I do wake up with a song in my head, whether it is an actual song or not being irrelevant.  There is always a message.  And today it was:

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Tears come when....7-22-2016

This came to me last night when I was thinking about the nearly 6,000 souls who follow my  Radiating Love page on facebook and imagining myself in an auditorium with all of them.  And as I pictured myself standing before them and looking out at all these beautiful souls, I teared up at the overwhelming joy I felt.  Thinking back to when I was younger and the only other times I cried were when I was frustrated, truly frustrated.  When I was very young I cried when I was in pain and even then there was frustration attached to it.

And so I started thinking about the reasons behind our tears and these were just a few, but certainly the most obvious and experienced (personally) to me.  And though I seldom cry anymore, as I don't get frustrated and letting go of things is easier, I do get all verklempt with overwhelming joy from time to time.  And the oddest things can trigger it.  I am nearly always joyful, even when circumstances may dictate that to be an improper response, but I believe that we were created to be joyful and sometimes the stimuli can trigger an over-abundance of joy within me.  Tears are a natural release.

Tear are healthy and we would not have the capability to produce them if there was no need or use for them.  Much like farting (or fluffing as my granny would say) when you have gas, if you could not release it you might explode, like a beached whale when the gas takes up too much space and has nowhere to go.  My apologies for that visual but it is true.  It is merely another bodily function that serves a purpose.

So if you feel the need to cry, no matter where you are or what you are doing, no matter the reason, go ahead and let the tears roll and like a summer rain that cleanses the earth, your tears, too, will cleanse you as well.  It is a healthy release, which is why I said:

TEARS COME WHEN.... You are overwhelmed with joy, you are frustrated, you are grieving and letting go, you have something in your eye...but no matter the reason, they are a healthy release.

And of you would like to join the nearly 6,000 souls on my page:

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Awe and gratitude 7-21-2016

It is so true, I really am!  I am shown blessing after blessing, day after day and I am in awe of it all and grateful for it as well.  I never know what the day will bring, I am not really a long range planner, which may or may not be to my detriment (who is to say?) and rather live in each moment as it comes.  But in "going with the flow" and offering no resistance to what is, I am blessed beyond belief.

I love surprises, adventure, beauty and oddly enough the smell of a skunk, of all things.  Granted, we do not have any skunks on the island and I kind of miss those little creatures and for me I relate the "smell" of them to that of puppy breath.  I always have.  Go ahead, try to conjure up the smell of when a puppy licked all over your face and that smell, to me, is so similar.  And I digress, as I do..

Oh, yeah, on surprises, to me all of life is one surprise after another because I do not know what each new moment will bring. Or who it will bring.  And I love that. Even the most mundane things for most people are an adventure for me, all new and fresh, each and every time.  Even my housemate will tell me when I leave the house, no matter where I am off to, she will say "have fun on your adventure" because she knows for me it will be.  She gets me :-D

I am open to whatever the Universe wants to show me and I am continually asking for it to help me be more accurately intuitive like I was when I was young.  And I do go out with an open mind, an open heart and the desire to enjoy every moment of it.  Most days I am successful at seeing all the beauty and wonder and blessings, even if I don't know what else I am to understand from it on any given day.  But I do enjoy it immensely.

Although I do not live in the past, it is fun to look back and see where I have been and how far I have come.  I have so many wonderful memories and those that were less than pleasant at the time, I do not hold on to the feelings I had in the past about them.  I can look back and say I have had a very full and blessed life.  Not in a material sense but overall I have the most beautiful memories of people, places and events that I have experienced.  And looking at all of that and what I feel today I can say:

I am in awe and gratitude for blessing after blessing, day after day.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A beautiful picture 7-20-2016

The message is two-fold really.  I took this photo the other day and while going through all the shots I caught, this one just grabbed my attention and held it, the beauty of it.  I didn't have anything in particular I wanted to say as a message on it and I did want to share it.  It is just what it says it is, simple enough.

But then yesterday I was reflecting on life in general and mine specifically and I was just so darn happy on the inside, for no reason, which is not uncommon for me, but it was powerful.  From all appearances about my life on the outside and challenges that I face, I had no real reason to be joyful about any of it, but I was joyful all the same.

I had no reason to expect a positive outcome and yet I do and that made me gloriously joyful.  To go beyond belief, to rely on the best outcomes, it's what I do.  And it is a big picture thing.  In the physical "present" time, things look a bit grim for me, however, in the big picture I know I will come out of it far better off than I currently am, or as it would appear that I am.

I fully trust the divine even when I cannot see what it is up to on my behalf because I know it always conspires in my favor and for my highest good.  I often trust my intuition (or think I do) and am often wrong and one would think I would stop that, given my recent record of getting it wrong, but, no, I keep on trusting in something greater than myself and asking for more clear intuition and guidance.

I know that the dreams in my heart are there for a purpose and that I was not given those dreams to not have them come to pass.  The divine does not work that way, lift you up to drop you, no, it does test you for sure, but will not drop you.  And because of that and so much more life is......

Just a beautiful picture.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Open book 7-19-2016

This is very true, I am indeed an open book and I hide nothing.  I am as apt to talk about poop as I am about life's big questions, what would seem as a "normal" person, really, and I am no better or worse than anyone else.  I just tend to say what is on my mind and in my heart, where many don't.  Nothing is off limits.

And given that I had the most useless sleep last night I may not be firing on all cylinders today and I hate to lay blame anywhere, but this time is actually does go to the cat. For some unknown reason she decided to wake me up every time I fell asleep and then it would take me a little bit to go back to sleep.

You would have thought I had gone to bed with a concussion and she was my night nurse making sure I did not fall into a deep sleep or death perhaps.  Seriously.  She would get right in my face and her light touch on my nose would stir me or she would head butt me like she wanted me to roll over, to move and let her know I was still amongst the living.

This is a creature who most times appears to sleep a minimum of 22 hours a day and so I recognize that it may have been a true effort on her part to disrupt her pattern, bless her heart.  And now that I am up and about she is once again sleeping.  Even though I am tired I am grateful, for who knows why she did that but the universe?  Was it a test for me?  For her?  For the both of us?  There was absolutely nothing going on that I needed to be awakened for, nothing at all.

But since I do not know, maybe I was close to death in her opinion or maybe there were spirits visiting that she saw and wanted me to see, too.  It happens here and normally I am aware of it when it does and I have my conversations with them BEFORE I go to sleep.  On the other hand, I did ask my higher power to communicate with me and share some insight that I would recall when I awoke.  And what I recall is not really being able to get a deep sleep because China kept waking me.  What is the message there?  I am still pondering it.

And the reason I shared this story is because:

I am an open book, I hide nothing and speak what is true for me.

Monday, July 18, 2016

I'm all about the chimes 7-18-2016

I am all about recycling and creating beauty with whatever I find.  I am usually looking for glass, shells and corals at the beach  and in my own back yard it is bamboo.  And everything becomes a wind chime.  Because that is what I do.

I am doing a drawing to give the above pictured chime away and that can be found here:

You can also find many other beautiful chime photos and videos there as well as here for purchase:

I am all about the chimes I tell ya ;-)  And I post this today because I am also about going to the beach and sharing it with others as well as all my love.  You can find that at this site here:

So no real philosophical thoughts today, just a lot of beauty :-D

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sheer Joy 7-17-2016

I confess, this is something I wrote a year ago but it is still appropriate and I have stuff to do today but wanted to put something down today.  Besides, I love this piece :-)

Did you miss me? Yes, I know I have been quiet lately. Started trying to write my memoir and got a tad sidetracked, as happens when you are me. But you were never far from my thoughts and never out of my heart. Soooooo............

Can you imagine? Well, alrighty then, it is a rhetorical question, since everyone has the ability to imagine but for the sake of my musings here just play along. Just so you can know what it feels like to be me. Sort of. You won't ever be me, of course, but you will get an appreciation for what it is that I feel and why I am the way I am. At the end of reading this I want you, yes all of you, to close your eyes and try something for me. Back to the question at hand about imagining.

Can you imagine yourself feeling the same deep down love and gratitude that say you perhaps once felt when you fell in love with your "person" (not necessarily a spouse but that would work fine, too, just someone who made you feel truly ALIVE!) or held your newborn for the first time? Or even that feeling that is close to the excitement you feel in your being when you are looking forward to a vacation or concert or connecting with people you absolutely love? You know, where your heart quickens and you feel actual JOY and at one with that feeling.

You have that in your memory bank right now, right? You are understanding what I am expressing? Good, because that is how I feel most of the time. Can you now imagine feeling like that most of the time? Or would you even want that for yourself? It is one of the main reasons I do not get caught up in the emotions or drama or goings on that irritate the hell out of the majority of humanity. Why on Gods little green earth would you choose to NOT feel that good feeling and opt instead for a lesser one? You are, in essence, that love and it is closer to who and what you are than anything else you choose to feel. The truth of who you are.

Have you ever stopped and pondered that you are NOT your thoughts, NOT your emotions, not even your body? YOU are the soul within all of that, the observer of it all. And the soul just loves, nothing more, nothing less, sees it all go past and doesn't judge one iota of it. So when you have those deep feelings in the core of your body, the heart quickening, joyous moments, THAT is the soul and you just BEING what you are. It is what we are intended to be, the very best version of ourselves.

I had that thought in meditation last night, how many people feel like I do all the time? Feel that deep warm loving feeling just to be alive? I have learned that gratitude brings all good things AND all good things should bring gratitude, even though I don't care for the labels of good/bad, one comes with the other. The more grateful you are for what you do have, the more the Universe gives you to be grateful for. And the more you practice it, it becomes like instant manifestation. I am purely in awe of that. Ask my housemate, she can tell you. I put a request out to the Universe the other day and within hours BOOM the Universe provided it. How can you not be in awe of that? And how can you not have even more gratitude than you thought possible when that happens?

Many times when people have asked how I am doing, my response was "living the dream, baby!" even when it looked in the physical sense that I was not. Looks can be deceiving little bastards. What you perceive to see and what IS are normally 2 different animals altogether. Which I tend to call judgment. And I try to stay far away from judging anything. I understand that everything just IS and is put in front of me to learn from. I did not say I am perfect nor that I have perfected this task as I judged someone just last week.

Case in point, I made a mistake (Carla, you will understand the way this is said as we use to say it to each other about stuff and it's downright amusing) and being the honest person I am I admitted it to the person who would never have known I made the mistake had I not told them. I expected compassion or at the very least a little of the aloha spirit and to be told "no worries". But that is the exact opposite of what he said and did. He was nasty about it. REALLY? So I judged him to be an ass (which may or not be true but it was my opinion of him nonetheless) and the lesson I could have taken away was that being truthful was a pain in the ass (no pun intended) and cause more problems (which it did). BUT what I did take away was that in the end the Universe loves me, it conspires in my favor and will return to me what I put out into it so when I perceive that someone has made a mistake against me or my property that compassion is still a better way to proceed. I generally don't feel as if anyone wrongs me but then I see everything as positive and since we find what we are looking for and giving our energy to, we tend to draw it to us, but perhaps in the past I felt someone did and I was less than compassionate to them. Karma served. I only took a few minutes to feel guilty about judging him before I forgave myself and moved on ( and handed it over to the capable hands of my insurance agent to finish dealing with) knowing that I am taking the right path for me. Staying in that loving grateful mode  Besides, the crappy energy that comes with guilt (or shame or any myriad of negative emotion) is not where I want to dwell, it's life sucking. And a reminder why I do NOT judge.

Sometimes I ponder if I am merely conflicted. I believe that we are in control of what happens to us because we are energy and what energy we put out brings to us what we need to learn and yet I believe in God and know that God is in control of it all. Which would tend to imply that we are in control of nothing more than our thoughts and how we choose to feel. See the dilemma? But the more positive energy I put out, the more grace I am shown. The more gratitude I express, the more I get to be grateful for. And I adore living in gratitude and that nice excited tingly feeling that comes with it.

Congrats on making it this far into todays musings! I mean that sincerely. And now, if you will, take a few moments to close your eyes, conjure up that feeling, the one you know you have felt before and that I mentioned in the first paragraph. Once you have that feeling deep inside you, send it out to something, anything that you are grateful for right now, in this moment. See that thing (or person or whatever it was) receiving it and smiling. And then see them sending it back to you. (okay, so I did get that exercise from the meditation journey I am doing right now and didn't come up with it on my own but it is still very powerful). Stay in that for as long as you can stand it. Then get back to me and let me know how that felt. That is how I feel most of the time. Again, can you imagine that?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Thank you 7-16-2016

This is true.  I am grateful in between as well, even if things are not perfect, I choose to be thankful for it all and stay in my peace and joy.  So, yes, when I lay down at night I say "thank you for this day" and again when I wake up I say "thank you for this day"

Every day that I wake up and I can stretch my arms because I am not in a coffin, is a day to be thankful for.  And every night that I can lay down in my bed because I made it through the entire day above ground, I am thankful for.  Because, as I have said numerous times, the more grateful you are the more you have to be grateful for.  Life loves us and it is we who must choose to love life. 

Yes, I said choose to love life, no matter what.  Every thought and emotion you feel is a choice, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.  And if you are not aware of it then you are still choosing by default from your past and the opinions you formed about it and things you learned growing up.

It is much like the old adage that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  If you tried it once and it didn't work, okay, you tried that (move on!) but if you repeat it and the result is still the same that should be a red flag to you to do something different because repeating it over and over will not change the outcome.  You need to change how you go about it.

But if you just change how you feel about it, whatever it is that you are wanting, it is so much easier to obtain.  Effort means there is resistance.  And what you resist will persist until you step back and release your attachment to it and just flow with what is.  And that requires being grateful for whatever IS in the moment.  The not wanting of it will not change it, but the second you accept it, magic happens and it changes, all because you did.  You changed your THOUGHTS about it, which changed the feelings and it is free to go away so that something more pleasant can come in to take its place.  And so yes:

I go to bed each night and wake each morning with the same words on my lips...Thank you for this day.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Riddle me this Batman 7-15-2016

I will preface this by saying that I am not egotistical, I know that I am no better or worse than anyone, we are all the same and just trying to find our way home.  There is a vast difference between having a healthy self esteem and being egotistical and thinking your poop doesn't stink.  On the other hand we hear so much today from therapists, counselors, life coaches and the like who refer to our ego as the "monkey mind" that just chatters at us constantly.

That said, I listen to my "chatter" and it is nearly always positive which made me wonder what it means if this is the case, that it is our "ego", and mine is kind.  It is almost always uplifting and cheering me on, making me believe that anything is possible for me.  And as I observe this pattern, for me personally, I don't really care what anyone, counselors, coaches, whoever, would think of me but I am curious what they would make of it.

Whereas many are filled with self doubt, I am filled with belief, or whatever the opposite of doubt is.  Okay, I took the time to stop and look it up and I was correct in saying doubt.  Doubt is disbelief or uncertainty and I lack that most of the time.  I believe in me and the universal power within me.  So did my "ego" just fall in line?

I believe in myself so much that others believe in me, too.  I am not perfect, no, but I do believe that I can do all things, should I desire to do them.  In reality, however, with this small busted vessel of a body I dwell in, many times my spirit and mind make promises that my body cannot keep. At least in this particular physical world.  I think that is what my dreams are for, to allow me to do things that I cannot during waking hours. And yet again I digress...

Because the same little chatter voice that tells me positive things is also the same one who said the "what does it mean" statement.  Things to ponder my friends, things to ponder.  So riddle me this Batman:

What does it mean if that little voice that always chatters in your head says nothing but positive things?

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tone for the day 7-14-2016

This is not to say that I don't have weird dreams or weird days but since I don't label things I wouldn't really know if I had one of either.  They are just dreams and days.  Of course I choose what kind of day I will have each morning when I wake up, no one else can choose for me, not even my dreams.

And sure, I look for the deeper meaning of my dreams as I wake up and I recognize which are prophetic, which ones are just playful, which ones are guiding me and which ones are my brains way of working things out from the previous day.  But they do not set the tone for my day, I do.  And I simply choose to have joy filled days, no matter what they may hold in store for me.

I may seem, to those I live with, to be grumpy in the mornings, but really I am not, I just take a while to fully wake up and left to myself I am in my happy place.  I don't snap at them when I see them, I just kind of mumble and they leave me be to wake up.   They know me.  

Many times it is because I did not wake from a dream and put it in my dream journal, thinking I would remember it in the morning, but I don't.  So I am trying to recall them so that I can write them down and I need solitude to stay in that half awake and half asleep state.  If I cannot get the details back I let it go and return to happy and wake up.

And then I go about my days happy, full of peace and joy and see where the day takes me.  It is almost always pleasant.  I will have the occasional days where my allergies will kick up and be uncomfortable and I can be a little pissy but I don't take it out on anyone, it is not their fault, why should I?

The point is I do not let anyone or anything determine the tone of my days, only I get to do that.  And so I choose love and joy filled days.

There ya go :-D

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Change a life 7-13-2016

I was on a bus yesterday and when I do ride buses, which is regularly, I watch people.  They are entertaining as all get out, just being themselves.  Most of the time I silently send them a hug and say I love you, just spreading love around wherever I go.

Hawaii is a very loving state, diverse in culture, race and nationalities and I seldom witness people who are unkind.  I do realize that it is far different on the mainland right now and the world needs more love and for each person to love themselves and others and I want to hug them all.

That said, I will, at times, spontaneously hug someone or even just touch their arm because I was to send my loving vibration directly into them.   If more people were inclined to hug another human, stranger or not, than to say harsh things or physically hit them, the world would be a far better place.

Ok, back to the bus...normally a lot of the people are on their phones looking like they are perusing facebook or playing games but yesterday was different. Out of a bus load of people only 2 were on their devices except for a lot of them were getting phone calls.  But mostly they were just riding in silence and I wondered what they were thinking.

Before the bus got full, however, this elderly man chose to sit right next to me.  He could have chosen any number of empty seats but he sat next to me.  I was charmed I tell you.  We watched people together and smiled a lot.  When it came time for my stop I thanked him and told him I had a wonderful ride because of him and went to gently touch his arm and he took my hand.  I gave his a squeeze back and he seemed to not want to let go.  It was not a forceful grip just a hand hold that said sorry to see you go now.  So I gave him a wink and got off the bus.

And it made me want to hug someone else, to share that connection, spread the love around as I do.  Because I felt like that made that mans day, that connection, that kindness.  And it inspired this (above) poster.

Please join me on my public page if you will:

And there is a drawing for a set of handcrafted (by me) bamboo wind chimes here:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Close your eyes 7-12-2016

This struck me when I went to bed last night and as I layed in bed in the dark with my eyes closed I thought to myself, I could be in a bed in Paris or Australia or even Colorado for that matter.  Okay, physically I would not wake up in any of those places in reality, I could just as well have been anywhere at that moment. Anywhere in the universe.

I have oft closed my eyes and imagined I was in the cosmos, just part of that space among the stars.  You have all seen pictures of the beauty of that and in just closing your eyes, think yourself there, too.  You are really made of that anyway and are a part of it, so why not enjoy just being there?  If only for a little while.

Our imagination is so powerful we can create sights and sounds and smells out of thin air just by closing our eyes and I do it all the time.  Stressing out a bit?  Close your eyes and go somewhere else, away from your stress or whatever is causing it (well, honestly you are, as it is your belief about a thing that causes it and not the actual thing itself) and just be wherever you want to be, for that moment.  Stress relieved.  And even after you open your eyes, stay with that feeling of wherever you went and stress cannot rear its ugly little head.

Peace can be found just by being still and closing your eyes and going where your heart desires.  And so:

Close your eyes and your mind can take you anywhere your heart desires to go

Monday, July 11, 2016

I love this moment 7-11-2016

Although the picture might seem to imply that I love the moment when a wave is building (I do) it really is not what I meant when I chose that picture to put with those words.  It is the perfect mantra really for bringing you back into the moment should your thoughts start to wander.

If you are mindful and always aware of your thoughts without being attached to them or holding on and running with them, you may not need a mantra at all.  I do love OM as a mantra but mostly because said out loud, it is the same vibration and frequency of the universe, however, it may not always be "appropriate" to say it out loud.  And so I can say this to myself anytime, anywhere, even out loud.

Often times when I go to bed at night and start thanking the universe for all that I am grateful for in that day, I can tend to wander and this brings me back to the present moment, the one I am currently in and just be grateful for it, in the still dark quiet of night.

Or should I find myself surrounded by people who are not loving the moment, I can say it, if just to myself, so that I am not caught up in whatever they are saying or doing and pass that moment without any judgment or questioning why they are hating it.  So for me, it is the perfect mantra to stay in the present and love it as it is:

I love this moment.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Makaha beach 7-10-2016

I took off for the beach this morning and never got around to my blog.  Some days you just have to get out in nature and play and enjoy what the day brings. 

Seriously, who else would travel 2 hours each way by bus to spend an hour on a beautiful beach just to take pictures and do a little video to share with you?  I would :-D

And so I sincerely hope it plays.  I do these videos for my radiating love facebook page people but I thought I would share it here first today.  Because I have a desire to put something here in my blog every day.  Yes, I have missed a few days over the past (going on) 2 months but I do like to have it current every day.  I am funny that way.

If it doesn't play, you can always go to the facebook page:
to see it as it will be on there in the next couple of days.  I do not know why it won't make the link but it is easy enough to copy/paste into a browser.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

No shame here 7-9-2016

I, like all sentient beings, was born to love.  Shame is a learned behavior taught to us by a bygone society who learned from a previous one.  Just because any large group says a thing is true does not make it truth.  Without overlooking the obvious shame from the garden of Eden, which they took upon themselves, God did not put it upon them, because they turned from their true nature.  The apple and the snake were only a metaphor folks.

When you live in the truth of who and what you really are, there is no shame.  And that is the truth.  Being the little rebel that I am I have never quite bought into what society or the media would have me believe.  Do they look within themselves for the truth?  Or do they just live from the ego and attempt to control the masses?  I won't go there now.

Sure, when I was young and under the control of my parents, I did what I was told when I was told.  Not that I bought it, but life loves life and does everything it can to survive.  Once I was on my own, I was free to be me, who I really am.  Years later I would have spiritual conversations with my mom who asked "where did you learn all of this?" and I told her I knew it before I arrived in this body, I just never covered it with poop.

So then I asked her "do you believe in miracles?" and she had to think about it a minute or two.  She said "well, yes, don't you?" and without skipping a beat I said "No, I go beyond belief and rely on them".  She had to ponder that a while.  Faith is knowing what you know without knowing how you know.

There is no shame if you come from love and emanate that, there isn't.  Love knows no shame, only itself, love.  And that is what we are, made of the very same elements as the stars, just pure love energy.  We are meant to shine, not to be ashamed.  And honestly, when you live in the truth of who and what you are, you do nothing that would cause you shame.  And so:

Have you no shame?  Ummm, nope I was not born with any.

Friday, July 8, 2016

The power to bless 7-8-2016

I was sitting at a bus stop and someone sneezed and without hesitation I said loudly "bless you" because I wasn't sure who sneezed and because it is my automatic response when someone does.  In the past when someone sneezed and I said that and they thanked me, as people do, I would say exactly what the poster does.

And I thought about that after this little exchange, though the person did not thank me, how I would always respond that way.  Because that is one power that no one can take from me, or from anyone else for that matter.  We do have the power to bless one another, we do.

This happened yesterday and I did not know about all the shootings on the US mainland at the time and returning home to learn about all of that really saddened me.  And rather than look at another human being, regardless of color or profession, with a blessing for that soul in their heart, they chose to shoot them.

I don't often speak out about current events as I normally avoid the media since they seldom show all the good happening in this world unless it is a tiny sound bite at the end of the news.  But apparently drama and violence sells and so they are biased, which feeds the drama and violence "machine" as it were.  

So it was that I really reflected on this poster saying above because I truly believe it.  And I sent love out to all those affected by the senseless shootings, cops killing blacks, blacks killing cops and thanked the Universe that I live in a civilized state where people don't pick each other off like that.  Hawaiians are very honorable folks who would prefer to pummel you with their fists like men do than to use a gun where someone will or may die.  No, they may fight, but they are not killers.  But I digress...

And as I sent love and light out and every blessing to all, not just to those affected, but around the globe, I will confess that for a split second I wondered if the world had gone insane.  There was just so much craziness going on yesterday and I cannot say it was everywhere but it was going on all the same on the US mainland.  And I do say mainland because Hawaii IS one of the United States but is separated from the rest, the mainland.

I do not comprehend the senseless acts of hostility or violence.  I cannot fathom living in a society that treats others that way.  Or a society that doesn't see the core issue causing it all.  It is time to wake up people.  To wake up to who and what you really are, the essence of you, of us all, is love and that is a super power.  Those who would hurt another are powerless, lashing out in fear.  Hurt people, hurt people.  There is no love in fear nor is there fear in love.  And love is where your power is.  Yes you have the ability to harm but:

I have the power to bless others. And so do you.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Living the future 7-7-16

Given that this is basically a journal of my thoughts which I can look back upon to see where I was and if I have changed (or not), and even though it would seem as if I am "beating a dead horse" so to speak, I just can't say it enough.  How your thoughts create your feelings and combined create your reality.

That said, if you are currently living what you thought about in the past and you are still thinking into the future, it would behoove you to think of it in happy terms rather than dread, would it not?  Then at least you would feel happy now, in the present, instead of anxious.

I would rather feel excited about my future now than anxious or worried about things that may never happen because the universe is always conspiring in my favor.  And if it is in my favor then I should be, too, since I am connected to and a part of it.  The big difference here is that though it conspires in my favor and shows me signs continually, if I am too busy being filled with worry or dread I am not open to what it is showing me.

On the other hand, if I live excited about things that may (or may not) happen, at least I have them now in my present and can live joyfully and be open to what the universe shows me.  And it shows me that it is in my favor and generally delivers what I am excited about, or something better.  It is funny like that.  It strives to bring me better than I can imagine.  And so:

If you are already living your future in your head, it might as well be happy rather than dread.