Friday, July 29, 2016

What the world needs 7-29-2016

Yes, yes, yes.  And even though this is my niece I was hugging, I greet all people the same because the world does need more of that.  Today I will venture out to have dinner with my brother and his lady and I will hug both of them the same way, it's what I do (among many things) and it makes not only me feel good, but the recipient as well.  What is not to love about that?

I do not care what color you are, what religion you practice, what political party you support or what groups you may be involved in (although I do hope they are not groups that do harm to others, but even so...) I will hug you if you allow it.

Everyone needs so many physical touches per day, according to the scientists, and I think I read 8 a day was the minimum to be healthy.  I don't know if I agree with that or if I am just an exception to the rule, little rebel that I am, but I seldom get that many and I am a pretty well adjusted individual.  But if given the chance, I will hug anyone because I think they are worthy of it.

In an age where the internet has everyone connected electronically, so few people actually connect with other human beings in their presence and I find that kind of sad.  I ride the bus and I see it all the time, people glued to their devices and totally unaware of what or who is around them and now they have added an app called Pokemon Go to get people even more distracted from their actual environment while chasing imaginary things and giving the NSA their location (and any hacker who wants to know I suppose) with an eye view of the surroundings.

Yes, technology is a  good moderation, as with all things and I am not discounting all the amazing things you can learn while using it, I am just more aware of my world without being attached to it all of the time.  I never quite understood the whole selfie thing and the duck lip pose specifically and I still don't get the duck lip pout thing but to some degree a selfie is not as bothersome to me anymore.

But every single day?  Really?  There is a difference between healthy love of self and egotism.   Seriously there is.  I do love myself and that allows me to love all others but I do not need to be standing in a bathroom mirror with my camera every day (or seldom really) to show myself some self love.  Nor would I purposefully post them for the whole world to view.  My mirror time is just that...mine and not for anyone else.  It really is the only way to actually look into one's own eyes to see the soul within and I am good with that, for ME.

I just prefer to show it outwardly to others through a hug or a touch of the arm or hand, to really connect with another human than to take pictures of myself and share them electronically.  So, stepping down off of my soap box now and I still believe that:

The world needs more people holding each other and less people holding cameras in front of bathroom mirrors.

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