Saturday, July 16, 2016

Thank you 7-16-2016

This is true.  I am grateful in between as well, even if things are not perfect, I choose to be thankful for it all and stay in my peace and joy.  So, yes, when I lay down at night I say "thank you for this day" and again when I wake up I say "thank you for this day"

Every day that I wake up and I can stretch my arms because I am not in a coffin, is a day to be thankful for.  And every night that I can lay down in my bed because I made it through the entire day above ground, I am thankful for.  Because, as I have said numerous times, the more grateful you are the more you have to be grateful for.  Life loves us and it is we who must choose to love life. 

Yes, I said choose to love life, no matter what.  Every thought and emotion you feel is a choice, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.  And if you are not aware of it then you are still choosing by default from your past and the opinions you formed about it and things you learned growing up.

It is much like the old adage that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  If you tried it once and it didn't work, okay, you tried that (move on!) but if you repeat it and the result is still the same that should be a red flag to you to do something different because repeating it over and over will not change the outcome.  You need to change how you go about it.

But if you just change how you feel about it, whatever it is that you are wanting, it is so much easier to obtain.  Effort means there is resistance.  And what you resist will persist until you step back and release your attachment to it and just flow with what is.  And that requires being grateful for whatever IS in the moment.  The not wanting of it will not change it, but the second you accept it, magic happens and it changes, all because you did.  You changed your THOUGHTS about it, which changed the feelings and it is free to go away so that something more pleasant can come in to take its place.  And so yes:

I go to bed each night and wake each morning with the same words on my lips...Thank you for this day.

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