Friday, July 22, 2016

Tears come when....7-22-2016

This came to me last night when I was thinking about the nearly 6,000 souls who follow my  Radiating Love page on facebook and imagining myself in an auditorium with all of them.  And as I pictured myself standing before them and looking out at all these beautiful souls, I teared up at the overwhelming joy I felt.  Thinking back to when I was younger and the only other times I cried were when I was frustrated, truly frustrated.  When I was very young I cried when I was in pain and even then there was frustration attached to it.

And so I started thinking about the reasons behind our tears and these were just a few, but certainly the most obvious and experienced (personally) to me.  And though I seldom cry anymore, as I don't get frustrated and letting go of things is easier, I do get all verklempt with overwhelming joy from time to time.  And the oddest things can trigger it.  I am nearly always joyful, even when circumstances may dictate that to be an improper response, but I believe that we were created to be joyful and sometimes the stimuli can trigger an over-abundance of joy within me.  Tears are a natural release.

Tear are healthy and we would not have the capability to produce them if there was no need or use for them.  Much like farting (or fluffing as my granny would say) when you have gas, if you could not release it you might explode, like a beached whale when the gas takes up too much space and has nowhere to go.  My apologies for that visual but it is true.  It is merely another bodily function that serves a purpose.

So if you feel the need to cry, no matter where you are or what you are doing, no matter the reason, go ahead and let the tears roll and like a summer rain that cleanses the earth, your tears, too, will cleanse you as well.  It is a healthy release, which is why I said:

TEARS COME WHEN.... You are overwhelmed with joy, you are frustrated, you are grieving and letting go, you have something in your eye...but no matter the reason, they are a healthy release.

And of you would like to join the nearly 6,000 souls on my page:

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