Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A beautiful picture 7-20-2016

The message is two-fold really.  I took this photo the other day and while going through all the shots I caught, this one just grabbed my attention and held it, the beauty of it.  I didn't have anything in particular I wanted to say as a message on it and I did want to share it.  It is just what it says it is, simple enough.

But then yesterday I was reflecting on life in general and mine specifically and I was just so darn happy on the inside, for no reason, which is not uncommon for me, but it was powerful.  From all appearances about my life on the outside and challenges that I face, I had no real reason to be joyful about any of it, but I was joyful all the same.

I had no reason to expect a positive outcome and yet I do and that made me gloriously joyful.  To go beyond belief, to rely on the best outcomes, it's what I do.  And it is a big picture thing.  In the physical "present" time, things look a bit grim for me, however, in the big picture I know I will come out of it far better off than I currently am, or as it would appear that I am.

I fully trust the divine even when I cannot see what it is up to on my behalf because I know it always conspires in my favor and for my highest good.  I often trust my intuition (or think I do) and am often wrong and one would think I would stop that, given my recent record of getting it wrong, but, no, I keep on trusting in something greater than myself and asking for more clear intuition and guidance.

I know that the dreams in my heart are there for a purpose and that I was not given those dreams to not have them come to pass.  The divine does not work that way, lift you up to drop you, no, it does test you for sure, but will not drop you.  And because of that and so much more life is......

Just a beautiful picture.

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