Monday, July 11, 2016

I love this moment 7-11-2016

Although the picture might seem to imply that I love the moment when a wave is building (I do) it really is not what I meant when I chose that picture to put with those words.  It is the perfect mantra really for bringing you back into the moment should your thoughts start to wander.

If you are mindful and always aware of your thoughts without being attached to them or holding on and running with them, you may not need a mantra at all.  I do love OM as a mantra but mostly because said out loud, it is the same vibration and frequency of the universe, however, it may not always be "appropriate" to say it out loud.  And so I can say this to myself anytime, anywhere, even out loud.

Often times when I go to bed at night and start thanking the universe for all that I am grateful for in that day, I can tend to wander and this brings me back to the present moment, the one I am currently in and just be grateful for it, in the still dark quiet of night.

Or should I find myself surrounded by people who are not loving the moment, I can say it, if just to myself, so that I am not caught up in whatever they are saying or doing and pass that moment without any judgment or questioning why they are hating it.  So for me, it is the perfect mantra to stay in the present and love it as it is:

I love this moment.

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