Saturday, July 9, 2016

No shame here 7-9-2016

I, like all sentient beings, was born to love.  Shame is a learned behavior taught to us by a bygone society who learned from a previous one.  Just because any large group says a thing is true does not make it truth.  Without overlooking the obvious shame from the garden of Eden, which they took upon themselves, God did not put it upon them, because they turned from their true nature.  The apple and the snake were only a metaphor folks.

When you live in the truth of who and what you really are, there is no shame.  And that is the truth.  Being the little rebel that I am I have never quite bought into what society or the media would have me believe.  Do they look within themselves for the truth?  Or do they just live from the ego and attempt to control the masses?  I won't go there now.

Sure, when I was young and under the control of my parents, I did what I was told when I was told.  Not that I bought it, but life loves life and does everything it can to survive.  Once I was on my own, I was free to be me, who I really am.  Years later I would have spiritual conversations with my mom who asked "where did you learn all of this?" and I told her I knew it before I arrived in this body, I just never covered it with poop.

So then I asked her "do you believe in miracles?" and she had to think about it a minute or two.  She said "well, yes, don't you?" and without skipping a beat I said "No, I go beyond belief and rely on them".  She had to ponder that a while.  Faith is knowing what you know without knowing how you know.

There is no shame if you come from love and emanate that, there isn't.  Love knows no shame, only itself, love.  And that is what we are, made of the very same elements as the stars, just pure love energy.  We are meant to shine, not to be ashamed.  And honestly, when you live in the truth of who and what you are, you do nothing that would cause you shame.  And so:

Have you no shame?  Ummm, nope I was not born with any.

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