Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lean on me 7-28-2016

So this was the earworm that I woke up with this morning, you remember this song?  I love the sentiment of it and I am good for leaning on because I am a good friend.  I am the type of friend that will be your friend until my last matter what.  Even if we don't speak often or see each other even rarely, if at all, I am there for you.  Yes, it goes on to say "for it won't be long, until I'm gonna need somebody to lean on", as we all need that.

I am one of those souls who people find it easy to talk to, I think due to the fact that I don't judge, I just listen and present possible options.  I likely would have made an excellent bartender or therapist had I felt called to either of those professions, but I was not.  Mostly because the engineer and scientist in me want to tinker with things hands on.  I still, to this day, love building and fixing things with me hands.  And power tools :-D 

But I do have such a deep well of compassion and love for people and they can see it in me and so they will tell me things they have never told another person in their lives, at least they tell me that.  A true friend is someone who is with you through thick and thin, good times and bad, highs and lows and does not judge you for any of it, just loves and supports you through all of it.  I am that kind of friend.

Granted, if you seek counsel and then continually disregard all of it, time after time and then complain that you just can't catch a break, I might put a little space between us, but I will be there praying for you and hoping you decide to choose to take good advice and change your pattern of behavior before I let you back into my inner circle, but I will not desert you.

A friend is someone you can count on and I am that kind of friend.  A friend is someone you can lean on and I am that kind of friend.  A friend is someone who actually gives a crap about what happens to you and for you and I am that kind of friend, too.  And so I guess it is appropriate that this song is stuck in my head today....

Lean on me, when you're not strong,  And I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on...

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