Sunday, July 29, 2018

Contrary to what anyone may think.....

I have NOT fallen off the face of the planet.  I have just been very busy.  Odd, that seems to be a pattern with me.  "Normal times " when I have time to do anything my heart desires (including blogging) and being too darn busy to get much of anything done at all. Though I do tend to my precious little garden (lol) every day, I have not had a lot of down time to sit and relax and spew out whatever is on my mind, entertaining as I may be.  I haven't even had the time to make a chime in at least a couple of weeks and even though it was on my agenda for today, it did not happen yet again.  Besides the 10 hour Monday through Fridays and 8 on Saturdays, last weekend it was a 10 hour Saturday and 8 hour Sunday.  But little Chrissy don't play that game.  I did work but only until lunch time (9:30 in the morning) so I did 4 1/2 hours so I would have time for my weekly shopping, cooking and laundry along with my own spiritual practice time.

I did take a number of pictures again, many of my garden (of delights!) which I am so pleased with and proud of this year after 16 years without one.  But there were pictures from work, showing the difference between morning, when the smoke was so heavy you couldn't see the hills, and after work when, one day, it cleared enough to see them.

I have come to not hate the work environment, not that they have turned me to the dark side, but now when I listen to them I just laugh.  It amuses me instead of frustrating me.  It's an improvement for my own peace of mind given that I have no time to look for work elsewhere, nor the energy after the long days.  Although, in an interesting turn of events this week, I did get an email from NCL saying they would like to have me back on the ship and will let me know when a position opens.  The upside, besides crappy but FREE food, lodging and medical, is I would get to see my Danial every single day and not just a weekly phone call.  I am pleased about the calls, don't get me wrong, they are the highlight of my weeks, but to be able to see him, man that is a huge plus.  He makes me laugh, I love that in a person.

It would appear that this past week the planets have lined up and I am in perfect alignment with them as things have gone very well for me overall.  It's been amazing in a way but expected so not that it surprises me so much as delights me (and really isn't that how life is supposed to be?) and most things go as I wish them to go.  I have found money several times (sometimes in my purse, that I never saw there before) and I made a trip to the immediate care facility and that was an adventure in its own right.

I had run out of my thyroid medication and I always used Urgent Care in Hawaii so I Googled and it sent me there.  It's like an urgent care but privately owned and a LOT more expensive.  Whereas in Honolulu I would pay 110 bucks for the office visit and lab work to get my refills every 6 months, this place wanted 274 bucks just for the visit.  Well, one must do what one must do and I needed the meds so I said I had no choice and they said they had a couple of payment plans so I said well alrighty then, hook me up.  So they took me in and did the history and vitals and such then stuck me in an exam room.  I had my big water bottle with water and sliced cucumbers (from my garden!) that I use at work and my phone to amuse myself with, but at 5:15 I was freezing, tired, starving and had waited long enough so I said I have got to go how much do I owe?  They said since I had not been seen there was no charge and I went home and was almost there when I realized I had left my water bottle on the floor by the chair in the exam room, cucumbers intact and called them when I got home to ask them if they had found it.  I was told it was at the front desk whenever I could get back to pick it up.  Then I see I missed a call and the voicemail was from them (but the main office in Medford) saying they understood that I had not been seen but that they had already called in the script to Walmart with 3 refills so it was ready for me.  Now I feel kind of bad for running out and not paying them (even though they said there was no charge) so the next day I stopped at Walmart to pick it up and get some cash with every intention of leaving them a nice gratuity.  I then went over to pick up my water bottle and tip them and they said they were not allowed to take it and it was not necessary.  I said I was tired, cold and hungry so I left rather quickly and was kind of cranky.  She said that with my schedule she understood and would have been too.  Nice.

The point being that things are tending to go well for  me, as........................................This is where I left off last night when my tablet went wonky and no words would appear when I typed so I went off to my garden, but I am back this morning, before 5 am to continue............. they should when one has found that "sweet spot" of contentment in inner peace and joy and I have landed there.  While it is still true that my happy place is in my garden, getting my hands dirty with natural things, I am joyful all of the time, even when things would usually frustrate me.  Not only is life good but it is interesting and delightful.  May you all connect with your inner being and discover this feeling, that is my desire for you after all.

I have learned to be happy no matter the circumstances and when I stick with that happiness within myself things go as I desire.  I have done it so much of my lifetime and then I slide but the sliding never has gotten me anywhere good so I am staying in this space because I know how well it works.  The past week has been a bit of a blur with much activity that honestly I don't really recall what all I was going to share but then again I don't live in the past, it is history and I live in the moment which is the PRESENT and what a gift it is!  Although I do recall yesterday enough to share that, not that it was fascinating but I had a good day again.

Friday night Bev said she and Rich were going to take the RV and go to Seven Feathers and I asked if it was a casino. She said it was so I stated that I would like to go play, too and her immediate response was "but you have to work the next day" and I proclaimed that I had learned that afternoon before getting off work that we had the whole weekend off.  She said that this time she wanted it to be just the 2 of them (like they never spend all his time here together) and I said I could follow in my truck and come home when I was done playing.  She was all "whatever".  She is not always very nice to me and I just blow it off.  I said I had no interest in spending the night or taking any of their time as I did not need company to gamble.  That was all that was said.

Yesterday we all went to an estate sale in the morning, had a little breakfast and hit a few yard sales before coming home.  On the way there Rich said I could ride in the RV with them and hang out in the back and take a nap or read or write a book or whatever I wanted to because they were not going to stay overnight but just driving the RV to keep it running well.  COOL.  She said they would leave around 4 and I said okay.  They needed to be here to see and talk to the gardener and I took off for some more retail therapy.  I needed a few things and she said if I was going to be at Walmart to see if they had any Calla Lillies and I inquired how many and what color, her choice was 5 and color didn't matter.  SO off I went to Walmart to get a bottle brush and they did not have any lillies whatsoever.  When I came out I remembered I needed a couple things to make a nice meatloaf today for my dinners this week so I ran next door to Grocery Outlet to get them and THEY had her Lillies so I got the 5 plus a nice Antherium for my room (a little Hawaii for my space) and headed over to Goodwill to return some sundresses I got that did not fit.  I am now down to 111lbs and so in I went with them and looked all over and got a few things.

When I took my stuff back to the truck I checked my phone there to find a couple texts from her saying they were not going until today because she was too sweaty and so they were leaving at 4 to go to Costco.  I had a fleeting thought for a second that she would do anything to keep me from going and being in my joyful place I texted back a mere OK and meant it.  Whatever, if the universe intended me to go it would happen and if I wasn't then that would happen.  Who knows that it wasn't protecting me from some disaster I was not to be involved in.  It's all good.  So then I put the phone back in the truck and went next door to Harbor Freight to look around, it's an interesting store and I have time since I have no interest in going to Costco and the day is mine, the first whole weekend off since I started so I am going to play.

After that I headed towards home but stopped in to Glass Forge to see if they had tumbled any new glass (they had not sadly) but I bought a little of what I could find that I can use for my chimes and hung out and visited with NJ who works the front on Saturdays.  Coming home and up the driveway I see Rich is out picking his blackberries and I stopped to chat a minute.  He said we would leave around 2 (today) to go up to the casino, maybe have some pie and coffee and play for awhile.  I asked if they were coming back late and he said no WE would be back around 6 tonight.  He wants me to go, I love that about him, he includes me.  Bev later said that she is having someone come in to clean the house today ( I knew this from her the other day, in preparation for their birthdays party next Saturday before he heads back to the Bay area, hers is the 2nd and his is the 5th) and if the cleaning lady wanted her to stay she would and it would just be me and Rich going but if the lady was okay with her leaving she would go to.  I am fine either way, although secretly, deep down I am rooting for the cleaning lady to need guidance, my bad.

Well dears, it is now after 6:30 in the morning and I have stuff to accomplish before we leave this afternoon so I will put my pictures in and then go get busy.

Monday morning at work ^

Monday morning again

Also Monday morning

Same pictures but after work ^

My squash is getting big!

This was the same day when I got home on Tuesday, it looks overcast ^

Tuesday  I think later

This was all I could see of the sun one day, it looked like a porch light shining on my arm and i kept looking for a light on until I discovered it was the sunlight

Thursday morning leaving for work ^

My precious little garden

My big tomato is out of control, wide tied up as well as tall (almost 8 feet at least)

Friday morning leaving for work

Friday morning at work

Yesterdays sunrise that I actually saw!

It was pretty so I zoomed

Still later yesterday

This morning when I came out at 4:45

Well kids that's all for now and I ope to have time to blog sooner than this last gap was but until then stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

Friday, July 20, 2018

Work is consuming me.

And I am trying very hard to maintain my inner peace and joy about it, amid everything else.  Since I have been getting home late and tired and they are working 10 hours tomorrow and 8 on Sunday before starting all over again, I will just give you the week in pictures today.  It is already after 6 and I am beat but I did want to check in.

This was a couple days ago, the whole span of it, escaping the planter boxes

Cantaloupes on the left and going to the right towards the other box and in the right side box on the left hand side is my squash growning to the left towards the other box.  What to do when they meet?

My little squash is growing!

And another growing!

I stuck an avocado seed in by the big tomato plant and it is even taking off

It's hard to see but there is a family of wild turkeys just above the middle of the picture in the shade just beyond the dead dandelion lawn

A little slew of babies between the mom and dad, who is bringing up the rear

They're in there...

A nice little bee on the Dahlia

The same squash yesterday, the larger of the 2

The other one

Baby cantaloupe!

More babies

The big one that started INSIDE the box

Tomatoes on the smaller plant, not sure what they are, maybe Roma's?

I don't know but there are a lot of them

It just amazes me how everything grows overnight so much.  I don't have time for much but I do tend to the back gardens every night before I head up to get ready for bed.  Which is where I will be going shortly, to the garden and then bed and I am well.  All is very well :-)  so until next time, stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

Monday, July 16, 2018

Wandering in Chrissyland

I was originally going to title it lost in Chrissyland but I am not lost.  Then I was going to go with off in Chrissyland but I am not off.  But I have been wandering, oh yes I have.  I had every intention of blogging last night, it was part of my evening plan.  But, as happens, it did not go down that way.  In the least.

I had a good day at work, music and fun units to solder, challenging as they became and I got out at 1;30, so that was nice.  I forget what it feels like to get out that early all week.  I stopped to get some Carmex as I had popped myself in the lip and it was blistering up (it's all better today) and it was a little after 2 when I got home.  Rich and Bev were just getting ready to leave so it was nice to see him before they were gone.

The first order of business was feeding Molly, which I did and then I got a big, cold bottle of cucumber water and headed out to the porch  for a smoke.  Then I gathered my stuff for my garden since I needed to add straw  to the potatoes and tie the big tomato plant up.  I was out there for over an hour and was happy when I was through.  I found this:

A cantaloupe!

And more little ones :-D

Then I realized the pool was low on water so I put the hose in to fill it and started skimming the top with the net.  The hose would not have been a mistake had I not spaced that it was running but I went up to the porch for a rest and got distracted and then hungry so I went in and made dinner and ate.  Back to the porch with my coffee, having a smoke, I realized that it was my intent to have a smoke earlier and then check the water level.  Went running down there and could hear it overflowing the top before I got there.  Oh no!

So I get there and realize the pressure has blown a hole in the intake hose to the filter and water is spraying the lawn behind the pool.  It's not really a lawn since it never gets watered so it is tall and dead but it was getting plenty of water now.  I stood on the lower end and shoved the water out like I was swimming and did that for quite some time and I had shut off the water when I got there and disconnected and layed the opposite end (from the end in the pool) down to water everything else to drain enough water to turn the filter off and repair the hose.  Which, when I disconnected the hose from the filter, immediately was shooting water out even stronger than the little hole had been.  But fear not, I had electrical tape in hand and I taped that puppy up tight and put the end back on the filter.

I was looking for any leaks in my tape job and I saw moisture, so I tapped it from top to bottom a few times, adding another kind of tape (I don't know what it was but it had cloth fibre so I figured it would be strong) in between my layers of electrical tape and when I seemed fairly certain that it would hold, I headed back to the porch.  It was already after 7 pm and I was not in a hurry to get to bed with the possibility of another leak so I was sitting there and I happened to notice that I was yellow.  My hands and arms were yellow.  Not all yellow, just splotches all over them.  So I thought I was getting jaundice or something so I took a picture of my eyes to make sure I was wrong.  I mean I had my arms in the pool water with chlorine for quite a while baling water, how could I possibly be yellow?

My eyes are fine!

It was over 100 degrees so I thought I would take a shower and see if under different lighting maybe I was not yellow.  But as I watched the water turning yellow as I was scrubbing myself off, I realized it must have been from my contact with my tomato plant and other veggies.  Relief!  I had drunk a ton of water yesterday so the jaundice thing seemed impossible but what I have learned from life is NOTHING is impossible, nothing at all.  Then I went back out to check on my hose job.  Holding fine but a tiny bit of moisture coming out the top end at the coupling where the hose connects.  Add Home Depot to my to do list for today to get plumbers tape to seal that baby off.  Sure, I will end up buying them another new hose (this one was only a week or two old) but disaster averted so this is good.  It was 9:30 when I checked it last and got in bed.

There was a LOOONG intermission here as I started this early yesterday (Sunday) morning and then I took off for the store intending to get back to it.  And the Universe laughed.  I was on my way to Home Depot for plumbing tape and the store when the lightning and thunder started and since the door was open for the dogs to go inside I didn't think too much about it.  I was dressed for the 100 degree day that never happened.  I got to the store and it got dark and a few drops fell so I ran in, grabbed my half a dozen items and got back to the truck hoping it would not pour until I got my bags in.  It did not but the minute I started out on the road the heavens opened and it smelled wonderful.

Halfway home I was in the sun again (fickle stuff - the rain here) and I stopped just down the road at a garage sale.  I scored big time. I got a nice light upright dirt devil vacuum, a couple of books, 2 tank tops, A pair of sweat pants,  a nice sized blue basket to carry all the little stuff in and this amazing picture:

It's hard to tell but it floats with glass around the picture in the frame.

A close up view

And ALL for a mere 8 dollars!  My joy in being able to linger over it for awhile was cut short by my arrival home.  It was threatening to pour again so I rushed all my stuff in the house and grabbed keys to all the vehicles to roll up the windows, stopped to give the dogs some love and their feet were wet and Molly's head, in the cone, was drenched.  I was baffled by why they did not go inside even though the deck is covered.  I was to find out soon enough.  After getting all the windows up I prepared Mollys' meal and went to take it to her and could not find her.  I could hear her but not see her.  I walked around the bed thinking she was stuck under there and got her to go in the bathroom to eat and discovered the bathtub water running.  Weird.  Then it hit me she was freaked out and for whatever reason was in there and somehow got it on because it was NOT on when I fed her earlier in the morning..

After I got her situated I went back to haul my score up to my room and came down to make my stuffed peppers for the week.  That is when I saw the clocks all flashing and realized the power had been out as well.  I reset the appliances and thought I would run out to do the pool hose repair quick while it was not raining and the filter not running did not concern me (the power had been out, no biggy) and discovered the hose leaking from a couple of the couplings.  I dried them off the best I could, did my tape job and then reset the filter hoping, since the outlet was wet, that it would not electrocute me.  Obviously it did not, I am here.  And the leaks were no more.

Back inside, made my peppers and then went up to my room to put my stuff away and test out my new little vacuum.  It works amazing and I even did the stairs with no hassles with the weight of it.  Then I went out to clean out the truck for the week since Rich is going to use it tonight to pick up a new fridge for the garage and headed down to the garden.  It is doing wonderfully:

My cucumbers have these new little flowers on them ^

I am not sure why or what it means

Pretty though

My little squash just starting to take off ^

My little tomato plant that Bev would have thrown out for dead, has finally grown above the cage :-)

And I forgot I took these while I was cooking my peppers:

Not too bad from the kitchen sink window ^

Stepped outside and it seemed darker than this makes it look ^

Don't know if it will play but the thunder was going on

I got home late as I had to go to the post office to mail a chime that sold yesterday and then visited with Rich for awhile so it is already 6:30 and I have yet to go out to my garden so I will leave you here for the day.  Not sure if I will post tomorrow since I have a massage at 5pm, compliments of Rich since they had texted me about dinner last night and I didn't see it for an hour and by the time I answered they had made other plans so this is a very sweet gesture for not waiting to hear.  It's okay by me!  So until next time, stay blessed , be well and all my love <3

Friday, July 13, 2018

Today was draining

Ups and downs with work. I started with the fun little speakers and finished before long then moved back out to my regular station to help someone with a nightmare they were working on  and one issue after another ensued.  My iron wouldn't stay hot, my tip was too big so I kept burning the insulation.  Another lady. my "buddy" helped me get new tips  but then I burnt another one so I asked to be taken off of them before I ruined any more cables.  I had already trashed 4 of them and on a class 3 they need to be perfect and very precise.  So my lead put me on the little connectors she had planned on starting me on and this time I was "helping" Cole.  But he clearly was kicking my arse in the speed department.

I thought I found my groove and ran across wires that were soldered together and some that did not have solder all the way up to the insulation, which makes them bend wrong when you are trying to just bend the very tip of them.  Got through that, setting them aside for later and was on a bit of a roll when the folks who had left for Judy's service returned and I, being an energy magnet, could feel the sorrow when they came back.  I spent the rest of the afternoon praying for them and telling myself it wasn't MY emotions, not my stuff, i belonged to others.  But it was overwhelmingly draining.

When I was cleaning up my station Marci walked by and asked if I was going to go home.  I said yes, just cleaning up and she asked if I would be working tomorrow.  I said I believe so, why wouldn't I?  She said she thought they weren't letting me work weekends and I told her that they are pretty much insisting on it.  So I turned to me lead and asked if I was working tomorrow.  She said yes, they have tons of work for me.  I said "well there you have it Marci".

I felt the need after work for a little retail therapy, not to buy anything so much as to put myself into a better energy.  So I went to grocery outlet nearby and thought I would see if they had a windshield screen for the truck.  They did not but I did pick up more Aleve, which I was out of anyway and some petroleum jelly for my poor dry, cracking, splitting fingers.  Then I came home after hitting the quick mart to get a chicken finger for dinner.  They are normally pretty good but it was the last 3 and they were pretty dried out so they gave me the 3 for the price of 1 so they would make new fresh ones.

I got home and the garbage can was pulled out from the wall and the floor had stuff on it, looked like coffee grounds so I swept and mopped the space and put  anew bag in.  Changed clothes, made a cup of coffee and was coming outside to sit when Bev got home and was in a cantankerous mood.  I stayed quiet and have since.  She is out weeding and I am just trying to unwind and decompress from the day.

She just showed me how to feed Molly since she has the cone of shame on and is not eating solid foods yet, apparently the meds made her not want to besides loosing a tooth so it is a concoction of  soft dog food, baby food and water.  As well as giving me the schedule for the food and watering.  Rich will be home tonight and then they are taking off for the coast until Sunday night so I may not see him until Monday. But it will be a peaceful weekend and maybe I can loaf most of Sunday, always appealing to me but seldom accomplished.  Such is my life these days and it will get better. Heck, I got 3 chicken fingers for the price of one so it is already getting better.

It is 6 pm and I need to check on my garden .  I brought in 3 more cucumbers last night and sliced one up, put it in a baggy and put new slices in every water I had at work today.  It was wonderful.  Well, Rich got here so I stopped to go have a quick catch up with him and get my hug before he and Bev go out to dinner and on to the grocery store.  SO now it is almost 6:20 but I am glad I got to see him.

I need to go scope my garden so until tomorrow stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

I can't get the new pictures to load, sorry.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

I had a good day

I had a good day for no particular reason, I just felt amazing.  On my way to work in the mornings I hit a stoplight that crosses the expressway and every morning I count the seconds before it turns yellow again.  Why do I do this?  Because when I started working there, I hit that light the first morning and it turned yellow when I was halfway through.  So every morning I count the seconds,  it always turns yellow before I get all the way across.  It is, if you are wondering, 3 seconds long and on rare occasions 4 seconds or 5 seconds.  This morning it was 4 and I almost made it across but I did gun it to get that far.  There was a small celebration  in my head when it happened and I thanked the universe for giving me yet more ways to amuse and delight myself.  Also on my way in I smelled skunk, which has never bothered me and made me kind of happy because I haven't seen or smelled one in years.  Weird but true.

I finished whatever I was working on yesterday and I honestly can't recall what it was because when you start something new and do almost a 100 of them, yesterday is ancient history.  I did enjoy what I was working on this afternoon and will finish that last 13 in the morning before moving on to the next thing.. a ton of them I think.  But I can do it.  Normally I hate being in the lead room but today it was kind of enjoyable, Charlotte being back from her trip and Marci, who is hilarious, and Wanda around the corner from us, so it was fun listening to them.  They will all go to the funeral tomorrow and I will stay and hold the fort down.  I have no issues with the dead, it is the living left behind hurting that gets to me.  I would not be taking care of myself if I went and spent the time around the sadness and crying.  I, too, would be a blubbering mess with no desire to return to work afterward.  Everyone was asking if I was going to go and said nothing when I said no.

I just felt really good today and when I came out from work to this 101 degrees and warmth.  Last time I checked about a half hour ago it was 102 and oddly here it gets warmer as it gets later so we are apt to see the 105 they predicted.

I am going to finish with my laundry and play in my garden a bit before bed tonight, my last load is in the dryer now and I need to head in and get a couple things done, it is after 5:30 already and bedtime fast approaches.  It always does.

SO until tomorrow stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

Just a random photo from 10 years ago, according to Google

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


The day started slow as I was in the middle of a dream and the last word I recall when the alarm went off was GAIN.   It took me hours to really come around as I debated whether it was laundry detergent or an actual gain of some kind.  I just couldn't bring myself around to wakefulness.  Yes I did get up when the alarm went off and went through the motions of getting dressed, washing my face, closing the window and drapes and everything else I do of a morning and I was not really all that coherent.

It wasn't until later in the morning when I went to the bathroom that I had to laugh at myself because I realized I was wearing a plethora of colors.  Dark blue capris, white undershirt, yellow sleeveless shirt, burgundy long sleeve thermal shirt, green, pink and black sweatshirts (which I always wear, I am cold in the mornings).

I worked on the same thing I was working on before my classes began yesterday morning and I was enjoying it.  It wasn't a bad day, just that I felt in limbo for alot of it.  The trainer never came to get me to go over my board or give me my certificate, still no 30 day review and I wondered what is going on.  It was a tad frustrating but the work was okay and we are way short of solderers so the work is piling up.  They are talking about working Sundays and i flat out said I would not.  I need time away from there, to rest my hands and brain.

I went looking for the trainer after work but she was gone so I went to HR to ask about the review and she said she is on it and trying to get the appropriate parties to get it done (??? Michael?) and that things come up during the day that are more pressing, which I get, but I said I seriously had doubts about the integrity of the company when people in charge do not do what they say they will and then say nothing about it.  Even an "I'll get back to you" would appease me really.  Anything at all.

I spent part of the day debating whether I would go to the funeral of the coworker who passed since they say you have to make up your time.  How on earth does one do that?  I didn't know her that well or that long and I don't want to be insensitive and not go in support of the others but on the other hand all that sadness and crying will affect me and I won't want to go back to work after all that.  It might be easier to stay at work and be there for support when they all get back.  I'm torn.

Then last night before I went to bed Bev said she wanted to enlist me to help her get the house cleaned after she gets home from work tonight.  I asked what time she was coming home, she didn't know and I asked if she was expecting me to stay up late to do this.  She said I didn't have to stay up late but she wanted the living room vacuumed, the kitchen floor swept and mopped and the coffee table windexed.  I was thinking how I get to clean everything that anyone walking through would be able to see.  I don't know why I harbored a bit of resentment about that but I did.  I work 10 hours a day and I would have done it over the weekend if she had asked.

I know it is likely because Rich will be here on Friday and heaven forbid he should see anything amiss, like he would be upset by it.  Plus I needed to do some laundry so when I got home, I changed clothes, put a load in the washer, did the living room stuff, did the kitchen floors and the entryway to boot before I even stopped to eat at 5 and just rest a minute.  It was, during the day, a feeling of her not wanting to see me relax, until the date dawned on me and the conclusion hit me about Rich.  But I got it done and I did not bring Tony out, nor am I going to, so there.  I am an old meany ;-P  Well, maybe I will bring Tony out, it isn't his fault that I am tweaked about the whole thing.  And I realize it is stupid to be bothered my it but I have been.

So the pool guys left a bit ago so I went to see if they got it running and it was! Then, since I was there I decided to water and tend to my garden and lookie:

The upper box with small tomato, cantaloupe,  squash and a few potatoes

The lower box with the big tomato, cucumbers, squash and a few potatoes

My ginormous tomato plant, leaning

A cucumber!

Oh, wait, there's more!

Behind the vine

A squash, too!

And another!

More cucumbers hiding!

I picked a couple

One monster cuke!

I am once again in my happy space :-D  Back in the vortex of goodness and light.  It is going on 7 so I need to end this for today and get my clothes out of the dryer efore heading up to get ready for bed.  SO until next time, stay blessed, be well andall my love <3