Tuesday, July 3, 2018

So I missed a day...

I got home late yesterday, the day went very well and I stopped at the store on my way home for cream for my coffee, along with everybody else and their kin.  And when I got home I barely remember what I did but I do recall tying my tomato plants up as they grew so fast that some of the stalks went up past the cages and I couldn't bend them to put them in without damage.

Yesterday was actually a really good day, I proclaimed it in the morning on my way to work "it will be a great day and no one will be mean or snotty to me" and so it was.  I sailed through several orders of new stuff I hadn't done before and the last one I started I had a hard time with at first but I asked my lead to show me how to do them.  She showed me but then cut the end of the wire, which made it too short to reach around to touch the other side of it.  Hard to explain but she told me to take my first one to inspection instead of having her do it because I was unclear on the pictures in the instructions and what they meant exactly.  I took hers and mine to inspection and one of my wires was fine but the other was not touching, although before I soldered it, it had been.  So she tried one and showed me how to do it and from there on I did fine and they got more beautiful the longer I did them.  My leads' one failed too so I redid both of them

I started on those this morning and moved on to a new thing that was a challenge at first but now I have it down so when we go back to work on Thursday I should be able to get it done pretty easily to see what will be next.

Sunday, after I made my chimes and did whatever I did that day (I have no idea, it seems so long ago) I went over to the "river house" as Rich and Bev call it, the first house they bought and lived in here in Grants Pass. I took some pictures there, so here you go:

I love this bird feeder

And flowers from one of the gardens here:

And because it amused me (it doesn't take much):

Okay, it is upside down but I don't have the rotate option here, it was the drain after my shower on Sunday night.  It looked like a little ghost face or something.  Well, it is already 7:30 and I am sleepy, even though I don't have to get up early tomorrow, I always tend to wake up early anyway, so I am ready to head to bed.  So until tomorrow, stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

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