Wednesday, July 11, 2018


The day started slow as I was in the middle of a dream and the last word I recall when the alarm went off was GAIN.   It took me hours to really come around as I debated whether it was laundry detergent or an actual gain of some kind.  I just couldn't bring myself around to wakefulness.  Yes I did get up when the alarm went off and went through the motions of getting dressed, washing my face, closing the window and drapes and everything else I do of a morning and I was not really all that coherent.

It wasn't until later in the morning when I went to the bathroom that I had to laugh at myself because I realized I was wearing a plethora of colors.  Dark blue capris, white undershirt, yellow sleeveless shirt, burgundy long sleeve thermal shirt, green, pink and black sweatshirts (which I always wear, I am cold in the mornings).

I worked on the same thing I was working on before my classes began yesterday morning and I was enjoying it.  It wasn't a bad day, just that I felt in limbo for alot of it.  The trainer never came to get me to go over my board or give me my certificate, still no 30 day review and I wondered what is going on.  It was a tad frustrating but the work was okay and we are way short of solderers so the work is piling up.  They are talking about working Sundays and i flat out said I would not.  I need time away from there, to rest my hands and brain.

I went looking for the trainer after work but she was gone so I went to HR to ask about the review and she said she is on it and trying to get the appropriate parties to get it done (??? Michael?) and that things come up during the day that are more pressing, which I get, but I said I seriously had doubts about the integrity of the company when people in charge do not do what they say they will and then say nothing about it.  Even an "I'll get back to you" would appease me really.  Anything at all.

I spent part of the day debating whether I would go to the funeral of the coworker who passed since they say you have to make up your time.  How on earth does one do that?  I didn't know her that well or that long and I don't want to be insensitive and not go in support of the others but on the other hand all that sadness and crying will affect me and I won't want to go back to work after all that.  It might be easier to stay at work and be there for support when they all get back.  I'm torn.

Then last night before I went to bed Bev said she wanted to enlist me to help her get the house cleaned after she gets home from work tonight.  I asked what time she was coming home, she didn't know and I asked if she was expecting me to stay up late to do this.  She said I didn't have to stay up late but she wanted the living room vacuumed, the kitchen floor swept and mopped and the coffee table windexed.  I was thinking how I get to clean everything that anyone walking through would be able to see.  I don't know why I harbored a bit of resentment about that but I did.  I work 10 hours a day and I would have done it over the weekend if she had asked.

I know it is likely because Rich will be here on Friday and heaven forbid he should see anything amiss, like he would be upset by it.  Plus I needed to do some laundry so when I got home, I changed clothes, put a load in the washer, did the living room stuff, did the kitchen floors and the entryway to boot before I even stopped to eat at 5 and just rest a minute.  It was, during the day, a feeling of her not wanting to see me relax, until the date dawned on me and the conclusion hit me about Rich.  But I got it done and I did not bring Tony out, nor am I going to, so there.  I am an old meany ;-P  Well, maybe I will bring Tony out, it isn't his fault that I am tweaked about the whole thing.  And I realize it is stupid to be bothered my it but I have been.

So the pool guys left a bit ago so I went to see if they got it running and it was! Then, since I was there I decided to water and tend to my garden and lookie:

The upper box with small tomato, cantaloupe,  squash and a few potatoes

The lower box with the big tomato, cucumbers, squash and a few potatoes

My ginormous tomato plant, leaning

A cucumber!

Oh, wait, there's more!

Behind the vine

A squash, too!

And another!

More cucumbers hiding!

I picked a couple

One monster cuke!

I am once again in my happy space :-D  Back in the vortex of goodness and light.  It is going on 7 so I need to end this for today and get my clothes out of the dryer efore heading up to get ready for bed.  SO until next time, stay blessed, be well andall my love <3

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