Sunday, July 1, 2018

I cannot say..

What all the turkey vulture activity was about yesterday but it held me captivated and taking pictures and videos for hours.  After I posted yesterday I also cannot say I accomplished much all day but it was nice to just relax and enjoy my surroundings once again. I have missed that.  I am not saying I did nothing at all because, in fact, I did make 2 chimes yesterday, the first one I shared with you and the second one:

I added red glass at the top because the blue alone looked kind of lost

I also hooked the printer up to the wifi for Bev and tended to my garden and MY HOW DOES IT GROW!  Lookie:

The lower box

My squash!

The cucumbers

The big tomatoe plant

Little green tomatoes, what a delight to see!

Getting so big it is falling down, I need to work on that today

The Dahlias are Bev's, in truth, but I did weed, water and tend them this whole time so I claim them, too and she says cool.

What I can tell you is that later in the afternoon I did not see the vultures as much but I could hear them, no doubt squabbling over whatever they had been waiting to devour all day.  I really don't know what it was and I am okay with not knowing, it would make me kind of sad to know it took hours to die and I don't need that scarring my psyche.  I have enough crap trying to do that already.  I really did enjoy my day, being away from work.

And I also combed through hundreds of bird pictures to delete enough to get to the pictures I took last week.  Here you go:

I know it looks like a tree but this bird sat at the top for a very long time watching all the activity going on, it is in the middle (from side to side) of the picture

Two little fiches perched on the newly planted Daisies Bev put in the night before, in the big bucket on the left

I was sitting at a stoplight, a bit agitated that only 3 cars got through the light before it turned again and I was stuck sitting in the heat.  Then I recalled that the Universe is perfect and everything that happens is for a reason and I saw these cattails, which I have passed numerous times and never noticed.  I love cattails and we don't have them in Hawaii so I said thank you for stopping me and felt peaceful again.

Something that kind of amused me knowing very well that few of the "Royals" will actually see this sign since they don't bother to follow me here, and that is okay,  it is still a free country but they are missing out on the joy that is me ;-)

Half of the "closet" I keep talking about in the master suite

The other half of  it, look at the floor space not the "stuff", it's huge

The reason I stopped at Wally World earlier this week, to get batteries for this baby

I got it at Goodwill for like 2 bucks, me and fiber optics, love it.  It changes colors, too.

I generally believe that the universe is perfect and that everything happens is in perfect harmony with it and I am trying to understand the lesson it is trying to show me in working for, as I said in a voicemail to Danial last night, "I am working for Satan's minions and they dominate my time and I am pretty sure we are in a battle for my soul as well" (and while it was partly in jest, it sometimes feels that way there to me) my current employer, it has yet to reveal itself to me clearly.  At first I thought they kind of needed the little ray of sunshine that I was but now in the struggle to maintain that sunshine, I am not so sure about that part.

I was thinking last night about how much I have come through in my life, still standing and mostly joyful and grateful, and I will not let this beat me either.  I never got around to looking online for what else is out there, there must certainly be something more uplifting.  I have to believe that (and find it) or all may be lost.  Okay, that is rather dramatic and not entirely true, it just sounded good at that moment.  I get carried away when I am writing.

Oh. Oh. Oh.  Just got a text from my buddy Danial.  My day is made, LOL.  Said he would call later when he was off work.  I miss that man so much, the laughing and talking and just being around him.  My happy place.  Well, one of them, another is here, writing, as I should do more, finish my book, make a bunch of money and retire to do just my chimes. And my gardening, of course ;-)  I guess (I am not sure given I have not done it before) life would be a little dull without challenges of one sort or another.  No contrast to keep us humble, ya know?  We came for the contrast, to experience different things and I certainly have done that.  And every bit of it brought me to this moment, to who I am now.  No regrets.  Would I have chosen differently?  Not likely, this is the path I chose, for whatever reason and I trust in the journey AND it is a journey, this life, not some menial task, and so we must enjoy each moment along the way, even the less than pleasant ones.  

It's funny, at least to me, that I am at work and I will occasionally get the soldering iron a little too close to my fingers holding the wires (or get my fingers holding the wires too close to the iron) and burn myself, say ouch, that was rather unpleasant.  Then upon hearing myself say that, I crack up laughing, thinking I am the only person I know who would say such a thing instead of something harsher.  I am unique, that is for sure.  And it is also nice that I can so easily amuse and entertain myself.  Would I love to have a large following here?  Sure I would, but it is not my dream goal or anything, I do pretty well on my own, with my own company, it's just wonderful to be able to share it with others.

I have been at this for a couple hours now and it is after 7 in the morning, so I should get to posting my other chimes on Etsy while the internet is still working well.  Yesterday I got 2 on there but it took so long with the connection going in and out that by the time I had uploaded the pictures on just the 2 chimes, my battery was nearly dead.  SO until tomorrow stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

Here's a link to my Etsy shop: Chrisscreativechimes

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