Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Another good day

I was still in class today for my certification, something required by companies that do space, medical and DOD work, and finished my last written test with the best score of all of them.  Then I had to load a through hole board and solder it to complete the class.  I think I did very well, with a few mistakes (leads not cut short enough, simple errors that in the scheme of the scoring doesn't affect it- the scoring)  and will go do the review on it in the morning and get my certificate. This is great news because it can be the way to an even better job in the future.

After blogging last night I went and tended to my garden and will have to get some new pictures soon, it has grown so big so fast, trailing out of the planter boxes and doing their viny thing.  My big tomatoes plant must be about 6 feet tall, it is way taller than I can put my arm up to touch near the top, I cannot.  I know I am vertically challenged but MAN!  Then I chilled on the porch with Tony (the dog) since Bev has been taking Molly to work with her while she has to give her meds every 6 hours.  I don't want Tony to be lonely, I think he must be all day by himself.

I went up to get ready for bed around 7 and remembered I needed to call my brother to wish him a happy birthday and so I did that before I got in bed at 7:30, finally on time.  But I woke up every hour with a really dry mouth to drink some water and then an hour later to go to the bathroom.  But I still had a good day today.  Except towards the end, while I was doing my board in the lead room and my supervisor was there looking at something someone else was working on and I said thank you for putting me in the class.  A simple you are welcome would have sufficed but he gets snippy and says "everybody has to take the class to work here and it is not special".  I was kind of floored because I knew that but given I still have not had my 30 day review and I am still there in a certification class, I was expressing my gratitude and so I told him a simple you're welcome would have done it for me since I knew that and was just saying I appreciated that he put me in there.  Kind of a bummer really and part of me wanted to say to him "do you always have to be such a dick to me?" but he is gay and that would not have ended well so I said nothing else.  That place does not always bring out the best in me, it tends to suck the good out many times.

On the way home, I took this, another picture of the cattails, I just love them:

And now the sun has come over the fence and is baking me again so I think I will post this and go get Tony out here with me to hang, he enjoys that.  So until next time stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

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