Monday, July 16, 2018

Wandering in Chrissyland

I was originally going to title it lost in Chrissyland but I am not lost.  Then I was going to go with off in Chrissyland but I am not off.  But I have been wandering, oh yes I have.  I had every intention of blogging last night, it was part of my evening plan.  But, as happens, it did not go down that way.  In the least.

I had a good day at work, music and fun units to solder, challenging as they became and I got out at 1;30, so that was nice.  I forget what it feels like to get out that early all week.  I stopped to get some Carmex as I had popped myself in the lip and it was blistering up (it's all better today) and it was a little after 2 when I got home.  Rich and Bev were just getting ready to leave so it was nice to see him before they were gone.

The first order of business was feeding Molly, which I did and then I got a big, cold bottle of cucumber water and headed out to the porch  for a smoke.  Then I gathered my stuff for my garden since I needed to add straw  to the potatoes and tie the big tomato plant up.  I was out there for over an hour and was happy when I was through.  I found this:

A cantaloupe!

And more little ones :-D

Then I realized the pool was low on water so I put the hose in to fill it and started skimming the top with the net.  The hose would not have been a mistake had I not spaced that it was running but I went up to the porch for a rest and got distracted and then hungry so I went in and made dinner and ate.  Back to the porch with my coffee, having a smoke, I realized that it was my intent to have a smoke earlier and then check the water level.  Went running down there and could hear it overflowing the top before I got there.  Oh no!

So I get there and realize the pressure has blown a hole in the intake hose to the filter and water is spraying the lawn behind the pool.  It's not really a lawn since it never gets watered so it is tall and dead but it was getting plenty of water now.  I stood on the lower end and shoved the water out like I was swimming and did that for quite some time and I had shut off the water when I got there and disconnected and layed the opposite end (from the end in the pool) down to water everything else to drain enough water to turn the filter off and repair the hose.  Which, when I disconnected the hose from the filter, immediately was shooting water out even stronger than the little hole had been.  But fear not, I had electrical tape in hand and I taped that puppy up tight and put the end back on the filter.

I was looking for any leaks in my tape job and I saw moisture, so I tapped it from top to bottom a few times, adding another kind of tape (I don't know what it was but it had cloth fibre so I figured it would be strong) in between my layers of electrical tape and when I seemed fairly certain that it would hold, I headed back to the porch.  It was already after 7 pm and I was not in a hurry to get to bed with the possibility of another leak so I was sitting there and I happened to notice that I was yellow.  My hands and arms were yellow.  Not all yellow, just splotches all over them.  So I thought I was getting jaundice or something so I took a picture of my eyes to make sure I was wrong.  I mean I had my arms in the pool water with chlorine for quite a while baling water, how could I possibly be yellow?

My eyes are fine!

It was over 100 degrees so I thought I would take a shower and see if under different lighting maybe I was not yellow.  But as I watched the water turning yellow as I was scrubbing myself off, I realized it must have been from my contact with my tomato plant and other veggies.  Relief!  I had drunk a ton of water yesterday so the jaundice thing seemed impossible but what I have learned from life is NOTHING is impossible, nothing at all.  Then I went back out to check on my hose job.  Holding fine but a tiny bit of moisture coming out the top end at the coupling where the hose connects.  Add Home Depot to my to do list for today to get plumbers tape to seal that baby off.  Sure, I will end up buying them another new hose (this one was only a week or two old) but disaster averted so this is good.  It was 9:30 when I checked it last and got in bed.

There was a LOOONG intermission here as I started this early yesterday (Sunday) morning and then I took off for the store intending to get back to it.  And the Universe laughed.  I was on my way to Home Depot for plumbing tape and the store when the lightning and thunder started and since the door was open for the dogs to go inside I didn't think too much about it.  I was dressed for the 100 degree day that never happened.  I got to the store and it got dark and a few drops fell so I ran in, grabbed my half a dozen items and got back to the truck hoping it would not pour until I got my bags in.  It did not but the minute I started out on the road the heavens opened and it smelled wonderful.

Halfway home I was in the sun again (fickle stuff - the rain here) and I stopped just down the road at a garage sale.  I scored big time. I got a nice light upright dirt devil vacuum, a couple of books, 2 tank tops, A pair of sweat pants,  a nice sized blue basket to carry all the little stuff in and this amazing picture:

It's hard to tell but it floats with glass around the picture in the frame.

A close up view

And ALL for a mere 8 dollars!  My joy in being able to linger over it for awhile was cut short by my arrival home.  It was threatening to pour again so I rushed all my stuff in the house and grabbed keys to all the vehicles to roll up the windows, stopped to give the dogs some love and their feet were wet and Molly's head, in the cone, was drenched.  I was baffled by why they did not go inside even though the deck is covered.  I was to find out soon enough.  After getting all the windows up I prepared Mollys' meal and went to take it to her and could not find her.  I could hear her but not see her.  I walked around the bed thinking she was stuck under there and got her to go in the bathroom to eat and discovered the bathtub water running.  Weird.  Then it hit me she was freaked out and for whatever reason was in there and somehow got it on because it was NOT on when I fed her earlier in the morning..

After I got her situated I went back to haul my score up to my room and came down to make my stuffed peppers for the week.  That is when I saw the clocks all flashing and realized the power had been out as well.  I reset the appliances and thought I would run out to do the pool hose repair quick while it was not raining and the filter not running did not concern me (the power had been out, no biggy) and discovered the hose leaking from a couple of the couplings.  I dried them off the best I could, did my tape job and then reset the filter hoping, since the outlet was wet, that it would not electrocute me.  Obviously it did not, I am here.  And the leaks were no more.

Back inside, made my peppers and then went up to my room to put my stuff away and test out my new little vacuum.  It works amazing and I even did the stairs with no hassles with the weight of it.  Then I went out to clean out the truck for the week since Rich is going to use it tonight to pick up a new fridge for the garage and headed down to the garden.  It is doing wonderfully:

My cucumbers have these new little flowers on them ^

I am not sure why or what it means

Pretty though

My little squash just starting to take off ^

My little tomato plant that Bev would have thrown out for dead, has finally grown above the cage :-)

And I forgot I took these while I was cooking my peppers:

Not too bad from the kitchen sink window ^

Stepped outside and it seemed darker than this makes it look ^

Don't know if it will play but the thunder was going on

I got home late as I had to go to the post office to mail a chime that sold yesterday and then visited with Rich for awhile so it is already 6:30 and I have yet to go out to my garden so I will leave you here for the day.  Not sure if I will post tomorrow since I have a massage at 5pm, compliments of Rich since they had texted me about dinner last night and I didn't see it for an hour and by the time I answered they had made other plans so this is a very sweet gesture for not waiting to hear.  It's okay by me!  So until next time, stay blessed , be well and all my love <3

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