Thursday, July 12, 2018

I had a good day

I had a good day for no particular reason, I just felt amazing.  On my way to work in the mornings I hit a stoplight that crosses the expressway and every morning I count the seconds before it turns yellow again.  Why do I do this?  Because when I started working there, I hit that light the first morning and it turned yellow when I was halfway through.  So every morning I count the seconds,  it always turns yellow before I get all the way across.  It is, if you are wondering, 3 seconds long and on rare occasions 4 seconds or 5 seconds.  This morning it was 4 and I almost made it across but I did gun it to get that far.  There was a small celebration  in my head when it happened and I thanked the universe for giving me yet more ways to amuse and delight myself.  Also on my way in I smelled skunk, which has never bothered me and made me kind of happy because I haven't seen or smelled one in years.  Weird but true.

I finished whatever I was working on yesterday and I honestly can't recall what it was because when you start something new and do almost a 100 of them, yesterday is ancient history.  I did enjoy what I was working on this afternoon and will finish that last 13 in the morning before moving on to the next thing.. a ton of them I think.  But I can do it.  Normally I hate being in the lead room but today it was kind of enjoyable, Charlotte being back from her trip and Marci, who is hilarious, and Wanda around the corner from us, so it was fun listening to them.  They will all go to the funeral tomorrow and I will stay and hold the fort down.  I have no issues with the dead, it is the living left behind hurting that gets to me.  I would not be taking care of myself if I went and spent the time around the sadness and crying.  I, too, would be a blubbering mess with no desire to return to work afterward.  Everyone was asking if I was going to go and said nothing when I said no.

I just felt really good today and when I came out from work to this 101 degrees and warmth.  Last time I checked about a half hour ago it was 102 and oddly here it gets warmer as it gets later so we are apt to see the 105 they predicted.

I am going to finish with my laundry and play in my garden a bit before bed tonight, my last load is in the dryer now and I need to head in and get a couple things done, it is after 5:30 already and bedtime fast approaches.  It always does.

SO until tomorrow stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

Just a random photo from 10 years ago, according to Google

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