Saturday, June 30, 2018

Strange days indeed

So picking up from where I was heading in last nights' post, on Thursday I was seeking some help with a repair from Wanda, who despite her talking about the past, is a great trainer and very efficient and much like myself, always looking for ways to make her job easier and faster.  I was working on something I was enjoying and I messed up a wire and I thought she would be a great resource since the lead was not around, which is more often than not the case.

And my supervisor and the lead walked up behind me and in the middle of the room and begins to reprimand me for going to Wanda and to go to my lad and trainer (as if I have never tried to do just that) and what I was thinking was 1) how totally unprofessional and inappropriate to scold me in front of everyone and 2) my lead/trainer is never around because you have her running around doing your work and when she is there to assist, what she actually does is put it under her scope, where I cannot see what she is doing and learn nothing from it OR she tells me to go fix it when I have come to her to learn their process for doing so, duh!.  I didn't say any of that, I just said okay.  But inside I was stewing and went to the bathroom to cry for a minute because cussing is not allowed and it was all I could do otherwise.

By the end of the day I was in with HR and voicing my complaint about the treatment and explaining my dilemma with my "trainer" who does not train well at all.  Nothing against her personally but as a trainer she is horrible because she does not listen or hear when I tell her I am a visual learner and when I see a thing done, anything at all, I can then do it.  And Wanda is always very helpful and always at her station nearby.

So before 6 am yesterday morning the supervisor, with my lead in tow, was walking past my stating saying loud enough for a couple of rows t hear " I am a professional" and of course the lead says "yes you are a professional".  Had I not found it so comical I would have said "a professional at what?"  or in a more passive aggressive manner " yeah that is real professional".  I basically ignored them since I was still working on the project from Thursday and enjoying myself and at the same time wondering if he was trying to intimidate me.  He failed, I just laughed about them all day.  Then they came back to me late in the afternoon and said they understood I needed a "buddy", someone to help me with issues when Lead/trainer is not around.  So they assigned someone to me and brought her over to tell her she was now my help buddy and to help me when lead/trainer is MIA.  Not Wanda, who is nearby, but another lady who is as far my station as one can get.  It felt like they were making fun of me and again I blew it off to childish behavior and considering the source(s) and realizing his being a bully will not get to me again because I refuse to give him the satisfaction.

At the end of the day lead/trainer walked by and said "we are working 10 hours tomorrow" and I said I cannot do 10 but would be happy to do the 8.  So I drag in there at 5 am and by 7 am they told me to go home that they had nothing else for me to do.  Oh really?  Yesterday we are doing 10 and today I am doing 2?  OK, whatever.  I really need to look for a different job, I just really lack time with the normal schedule.  Since I have had time today, I made a new chime:

I have a good source of supply for horseshoes, so I started with this one ^

Pretty, yeah?

And I need to get on job searching and tending to my garden.  Right now I feel like I could use a nap.  I have been watching the vultures all morning an taking pictures and videos, which I will share at least some of them.

More pictures from today:

I also have to go through and cull through the few hundred pictures of the vulture activity to get to anything else since this will only show me my last 40 pictures or so.  I couldn't help it, I was captivated by the activity and sometimes they came low and close but never when the camera was on them and then I would be too late.  But I enjoyed watching them and they are still very active so maybe I can get a better shot before the day is over.

So until tomorrow, stay blessed, be well and all my love <3

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