Monday, August 29, 2016

Chimes 8-29-2016

Because it is what I love doing and so what is on my mind and heart today.  The link will take you to the sound video and it is a lovely chime if I do say so myself.  And I do :-D

I have been so busy commuting to and from a job that is so not me and so I was out and about seeking something closer to home today and I was thinking how I really don't want to work for someone else's dream, I want to work on mine and that is building and selling my chimes.

It is what I really enjoy doing and I cannot wait for the Christmas season rush for an income and want a more steady stream coming in that will allow me to do that which I love doing.  Don't get me wrong, I love the work and the people I work with but it is so hard on this aged body to be on my feet a solid 8 hours a day without any real breaks and then a long commute home and a mile hike uphill after I get off the bus.  I am beating the crap out of my body and my body and I are NOT liking it at all.

I realize I don't have many followers here now and so maybe it is more of a "venting" thing today since this is my third day off from a kitchen that is short-staffed and I cannot even begin to comprehend the logic in this.  Now Granted, I did want shorter days but not fewer and so it feels like punishment for saying what I want.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but either way it feels like it.

I am not asking for much at all, just to sell one chime a day, should be easier than it is, given that they are handcrafted and heck, I would settle for selling one every other day and be happy.  I just have yet to find the means to do that, except in December.  They say if you do what you love for a living you will never "work" a day in your life.  That would be nice.

Although this has not yet been listed on Etsy, you can find my shop at the link below and this one will go up after the 1st of September, it's a billing thing and lack of real cash flow at the moment.  But if you want this one, you can message me and I can put it up prior to Thursday.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

What if....8-28-2016

Playing this little game in my head is one of the reasons I am grateful for everything.  We are, at any given moment, exactly where we are meant to be for our highest good and growth.  Really.  If you think back and look at any one experience in your life and it had NOT happened, life might look very different for you today.

I can pick thousands of little moments and ask the question and even if I cannot honestly say where I would be today, I know, deep down, it would look very different than it currently does.  I think back to the day I saw my first love and had that not happened I would not have the wonderful son that I did have, now.  Had I not had the experience of a head on (car) collision, with a traumatic brain injury, and a second chance to be an infant, of sorts, I would likely be somewhere very different than I am now.

So as I am going about my day and things occur, I am grateful because even if I don't know where it will lead me, I know that it will lead me to exactly where I need to go and to be.  We cannot look into the future so much as we can somewhat predict it, not exactly, but in general, by our thoughts and actions now.  What we focus on is what becomes, be it with positive or negative energy we give it.  If you are always believing the best, that is what you will find and if you are always believing the worst, that, too, is what you will find.

I cannot even adequately predict my own future in general since I take each moment as it is and it is not that I lack focus, entirely, as I simply trust the universe to lead me where I most need to go and do what I most need to do.  I would imagine that if I focused constantly on my dreams they might arrive quicker but I have this firm belief that the ultimate power lies with the universe, or God, who are in control of all things and I try to not input anything of my ego into anything that is not in the "grand design" of God's plan for me.

I will always look for the best in everything and find the silver lining in any cloud and love my way to the last breath, I just want to not fight the flow of the universal plan and so I may "float" at times, letting it put me where it will and keep my dreams in the background of my thoughts.  It's one of those things I need to work on I suppose.  But everything happens for a reason and so for that reason I am grateful for all of it.  Because, seriously....

What would be different if any one experience in your life had NOT happened.  Ponder this.

You can also find me here:

Saturday, August 27, 2016

I have been busy 8-27-2016

As much as I was loving posting more regularly, and it pains me (in more ways than one) to say this gal has to work for a living, the new job and long commute times leave no time or energy for keeping up with or having an online presence.  This will not always be the case but for now, working in a new restaurant that just officially opened 3 days ago and taking the bus plus hiking to and from said bus, my time is all consumed.

I enjoy the actual work itself, the people are amazing and the food we make is phenomenal, but the whole 8 hours on my feet there for the day, after not having done that in like forever, is hard on this aging lady and her feet and back.  It just is.  Otherwise they treat the staff as family and even have a family meal for us everyday, but it, too, is consumed standing up either at or near our stations.  Restaurant life is hectic and me thinks I am just getting too old for it.

I am not complaining (too much) because a source of revenue is a necessity if I want to keep a roof over my head.  But until I actually figure out how to get my little wind chime business to be more fluidly profitable so that it is all that I am doing, this is my life.

So until that time, I can only update here on the weekends, not that anyone else cares, but I care.  I enjoy writing here and sharing my posters, I really do.  I am an artist at heart and working towards someone else's dream is a hard one for me, I want to work on my own dream, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do to survive.

If I do get truly inspired over the weekend(s) I may write more pieces and just share them in the mornings before I take off for work during the week, but inspiration cannot be forced and so I can not guarantee this :-)

So if I do not post most every day for awhile at least you will know:

I have not disappeared from the face of the planet, I have just been very busy.

If you should want to help a sistah out, you can peruse my chimes here:

Monday, August 22, 2016

Random 8-22-2016

Random things, because honestly, that is the way things come to mind for me, but be warned, it's another long one:
All I have seen teaches me to trust my creator for all that I have not yet seen. I just sometimes forget to trust in myself. It happens. And I also sometimes find it difficult to be in a human body, although I am so very grateful for the opportunity to be human. And as long as I am outing myself, I must also come out of the closet and confess I am a baseball fanatic. Until recently I watched it after my housemates retired to their room in the evenings. But then they caught me watching and I had to confess I was a closeted baseball fan. It is the only sport I truly enjoy watching a whole season of, although I do enjoy the Winter Olympic games as well.
But back to my point, I'm sure I must have had one when I started before I veered off into left field (hehehe I made a pun), and it was about trust. I was trying to figure out the difference between trust and faith since in church I learned that faith is the substance of things we hope for, pray for. And in my thinking (yeah, you know, Chrissy logic) trust is believing it WILL come to pass, no matter which way it turns out, to be the best outcome for the highest good of all concerned (as it should be and I believe it actually is). But how are they different? Or are they different? The bible even says "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding" and "Ye of little faith, you have not because you ask not" so both faith and trust are mentioned.
We were created, each unique, the only one of us that will ever be and that is a miracle in itself. How can I not trust in an intelligence that can do that? And the creation of nature, so beautiful and diverse as well, each with its own eco system and fauna unique to each area. I find that fascinating. And I get to be a part of the whole. So it behooves me to trust in all things being possible even if I cannot yet see them with my human eyes.
Some days I am more human in my thoughts, which tends to be somewhat stressful because I know the essence of me is perfectly fine and at peace at all times. The essence of me, my spirit or soul, if you will, has always been fine and always will be. I know this. Lets look at it this way: you are not your body (think of a person who is maybe paraplegic) and you are not your mind (think here of someone with Alzheimer's or dementia) and in both cases neither ceases to be because of the loss of one or the other. Do you follow my logic? It is spirit, that pure energy, that makes us...well, us. And spirit never "dies", it just moves on, continuing to be. And some days, which I cannot figure out for the life of me why, I tend to be more human and get my head more wrapped around human thought than just being the happy observer of them.
Sure, I trust the Universe completely, but some times I forget to trust myself. Not often because those days cause the low energy and I have a difficult time when my energy is low. It is easy to perpetuate that cycle, as easy as it is easy to perpetuate the higher cycles. But both are needed to remind us of the contrast. So if I go missing for a few days from writing, I am usually thinking on something or busy with other enjoyable things.
I love my home. (I did say this was all random, yes?) It is not fancy but nothing about me is, I don't need pretentiousness in my life. But it is a loving and safe environment for me to feel protected, like a womb. Not that I feel unsafe anywhere on the island or anywhere else, but the energies of other people can sometimes be overwhelming to me. It is my sanctuary. Many times when I am out and about it almost feels like I am in the twilight zone (except at my favorite beach collecting glass and shells), which I find amusing and catch myself giggling and that is enjoyable for awhile, however one can only do so many hours of that before one needs a moment to breathe.
Really random: most of my friends here do not own cars and drive themselves around. I, too, was a bike and bus person my first couple of years here and having a vehicle for the past ten years has sort of spoiled me I think. But I am oh so grateful for my 30 year old baby. She may not be the prettiest anymore but she is solid and always runs great.
I learn something new every single day. Seriously. Before today I had never even heard of ginger bug OR how to make it.
I saw this photo on Facebook that had a duck and the quote for it was "Be like a duck, all peaceful and serene on the surface and paddling like the dickens below the surface" and I couldn't disagree more. If you are serene under the surface, the surface cannot reflect anything but that serenity. That quote is saying to be fake not transparently who you are. How on earth did something like that surface on my feeds? I suppose it was just another lesson that I am on my path, the one that is right for me. Contrast again.
Is anyone as fascinated by thinking about air as I am? Seriously, we are breathing the same air that has been breathed in for centuries. Which also goes hand in hand with everything being connected, not just by the mere fact that we all breathe the same air but that the carbon dioxide we exhale is then breathed in by the trees to be exhaled back to us as air. I find it difficult to find any separation in the universe.
Treasure the ones you love, love the ones you treasure.
Years ago, when I was a teenager, I loved this poem and I decoupaged it on a lovely wooden plaque. But all of my childhood things are gone and I couldn't remember the name of the poem or the last half of it. Bing is a wonderful thing and now I have it again, discovered on an enchanting little site called English Rose, so here it is:

A Pattern For Living
"Love one another as I have loved you"
May seem impossible to do,
But if you will try to trust and believe,
Great are the joys that you will receive,
For love makes us patient, understanding and kind,
And we judge with our hearts and not with our minds,
For as soon as love entered the heart's open door,
The faults we once saw are not there anymore-
And the things that seemed wrong begin to look right,
When viewed in the softness of love's gentle light,
For love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
And there is nothing in life that love cannot change,
And all that God promised will someday come true,
When you have loved one another, the way He loved you.
by Helen Steiner Rice
I would rather die of passion than of boredom- Vincent Van Gogh
What if nobody showed up at the polls for the next election? This ponderance brought to you by the big smile that lit my face when I had that thought😁. Anita says we would look weak to the rest of the world and would soon be under attack. I always heard that united we stand and divided we fall and what would it say if we did that other than we ARE united? Was the Constitution not written as we, the people? Plus if the world looked at us doing that they might believe we were crazy and nobody wants to mess with crazy. Right? Plus, in the immortal words of (fill in the artists name here since I cannot for the life of me think of it at the moment and all I keep thinking is Jimmy Buffet) "I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane" so crazy is not an evil thing.
Yep, these are the things that have been in my brain this week.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

On Nastiness 8-21-2016

This one came about because, as usual, I was trying to be kind and help someone and I was told off very nastily and with much vehemence and I  let it bother me for a couple hours before I let it go as I thought about it not being my kindness but their ugliness that was at the heart of it and decided to write about it.

Part of me wanted to warn you to NEVER help anyone if they don't ask you for help but that is not my nature.  I just sometimes forget that it is a foreign concept to many people that you want to help them succeed and that is why you offer the help in the first place.  I have never once had a homeless person be rude to me for offering them money even if they did not ask for it.  And the thank you that they have given IS the proper response.

And to those of you who may not be familiar with kind people who just want to help others, should they offer you help, even if you do not want it, just say "thank you" and go your miserable or merry little way.  There is no reason to bite the hand that offers to assist you, none whatsoever.  So don't be ugly, okay? 

Sure, I could have just as easily (well not really as it is not my nature) have sought revenge on them and returned the hurtfulness.  But that is not a proper or positive response now is it?  I know that people can react that way for whatever perceived wrong that has been done to them, but I was not malicious in my offer and so did not see that reaction coming at all.  It really rather blew my mind for a minute.

While it is quite reasonable to think, from an egoistic perspective, that someone trying to help you is an insult to your intelligence, it is not at all.  People who come from a loving, helpful space do not see themselves as better than anyone else, only wanting to assist others with the lessons they learned from their mistakes so that others do not have to go through that as they did.

So the next time you want to offer assistance remember that not everyone will appreciate your kindness and may react with hostility.  And the next time someone offers you assistance, just say thank you and don't crush the person offering the assistance, that is just mean and ugly.  And that is why I say:

Some people will return your kindness with nastiness and it will have nothing to do with your kindness.

You can also find me here:

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Wealthy 8-20-2016

This is more than just a message to myself, this is meant for all beings and all things in my life, for which I am truly grateful.  If you think about it we are all richer for the people and things in our lives, we really are.

Wealth is not measured by a number in your bank account, it is measured by all the love, peace, joy and serenity we possess in our lives.  I have no money and yet I am wealthy beyond measure, above what many people with billions of dollars have, in my humble opinion.

I am not saying that all people with big bank accounts are miserable but many are, they worry about keeping it and honestly how joyful can you be if you are worrying?  They cannot take it with them when they leave this plane, all they can take is the love they created and from what I have seen they are less likely to trust others because of their "wealth", as if every other person they meet only wants that from them.  How sad is that?

No, I may not have much in the monetary sense, but I have a lot of love to share, a ton of compassion and empathy and would give what little I do have to someone who needed it more than I  as I know that I am always provided for. Always. It is a matter of trust.  I trust and believe that the universe is always conspiring in my favor and will always provide for me what I need and sure enough, it does.

And in reality, money does not change you, it only amplifies the person you already are.  If you are kind and loving as a "poor" person, then money will only amplify that since you are going to have more to share with others.  If you are stingy and hoard what little you have, having money will amplify that as well.

Point being, money does not make you wealthy, only to those who view money as wealth, but to those who understand what real wealth is, money is just a tool.  Sure, a tool I would like more of, but the lack of it does not prevent me from seeing my real wealth.  And I do see my true wealth:

I am wealthy beyond measure simply because you are in my life.

Please feel free to join me here as well:

Friday, August 19, 2016

Let love lead you 8-19-2016

I would like to say that I love all things equally but I would be lying.  While it may be true that I am grateful for all things equally, for the pleasant things that add more joy to my life as well as the less than pleasant things that add wisdom to my life, I cannot, in all honesty, say that I love them all equally.

For instance, I love nature, I really do or I would more than likely live in the city rather than in a rain forest and yet I cannot say I love that rain soaking me as I walk to get on an air conditioned bus to freeze for over 2 hours to get to work, as much as I love the forest.  And yet on a day off it can pour outside and I love that, the sound, the smell, the cooler temperature, as much as I love the forest itself.

I do try to let love lead me to anything, everything and everyone that the universe wants for me to experience.  And I am utterly grateful for it all, but perhaps I do not love it all the same.  And that is okay.  It is the contrast, after all, that we are after in this physical form and without it we would never know what we want or don't want, like or don't really care for.  So it is all good.

Yes I have missed a few days here on my blog, work happens and with that a lot of commute time with it, which takes away from time on my computer.  But for right now, that is as it should be and I will continue here as I can, when I can.

In the kindtime I will let love lead me and I sincerely hope that you:

Let love lead you.

Feel free to join me here as well:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Provider of happiness 8-16-2016

I was in the middle of an Abraham Hicks marathon of sorts and this statement grabbed me.    It is so very true and besides no one else is responsible for your happiness but you anyway.   Laying it on someone else is holding them hostage in a way and no one does want that.

We are responsible for choosing our own happiness and it should not depend on anyone or anything outside of you, ever.  You may think something outside of you "makes" you happy but it is merely you choosing to be happy because of it, the main point being you CHOOSE to feel that.  But in reality it has or had nothing to do with that thing outside of you, it happened within you by your choice.

You come into this life to experience all the different emotions of being human but that is not who you are, you are the spirit being that observes it all and are whole and complete always, whether you inhabit a body or not.  But you came for the contrast.  In spirit form you are not attached to anything and you know that everything just is and is as it is meant to be.

But you are the only person who can truly provide your happiness and if you lay that on anyone else then you are indeed holding them hostage since they cannot choose happiness for you.  And in turn it will, being the unkind act that it is, make that person less likely to choose happiness over frustration.

Think about it....if you are the person that knows and chooses your own happiness and someone else wants you to "make" them happy, how happy can you really be about that?  If they want you to "make" them anything it means that they have given up their power and that is a sad thing which will not add a thing to your happiness, only frustration.  Or at least that is my personal feeling.

I will never expect anyone to provide my happiness for me because it is not their position to do so, it is mine, and my choice alone.  As it is for every single person.  And so:

No one wants to be held hostage as the provider of your happiness.

You can also join me here:

Monday, August 15, 2016

Sticking your neck out to make progress 8-15-2016

As we must stick ours out to move forward as well.  I have had computer issues the past couple of days and been unable to get in here to blog.  I tried many things to correct the main issue, which was with the mouse not moving the cursor and hoping it was not the mouse dying because I really love my roller ball mouse.  I really do.

Of course this event also coincided with my McAffee program expiring and being some what unprotected, I even tried the control-alt-delete method to shut my computer off whilst I debated the whole situation.  I did manage to get online yesterday for a couple minutes and my mouse worked, for a few minutes ARGGG, nad then not working again.

Weird, I just had this deja' vu thing happen and saw me getting 28,000.00 from I know not where.  Odd amount really but there it is.  I felt the need to write that down when it occurred though.  Okay, back to my story:

So once again I shut my computer down and didn't touch it all day yesterday.  I kind of enjoyed it really as I tend to feel easily overwhelmed at all I think I need to accomplish when I am online.  Not that I really do need to accomplish any of it but I do feel the need to accomplish it and then when I find it a tad boring trying to "keep up" I would just rather not be on it at all.

It may or may not have been the rollerball mouse dying as I switched to a different one, which seems to work fine, AFTER having installed a new antivirus program.  And although it is not nearly as easy or fun to use as the rollerball mouse, it does work sufficiently.

The whole point, really, was that I had to stretch myself to be able to get back on my PC and online and move forward.  While I still have much to accomplish now that I am back on, I am more ready for it having taken a couple days away for the most part.  At least for a little while ;-)  And so:

In order to make progress, the turtle has to stick its neck out.

Also shared on my public page here:

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Roll with it 8-13-2016

This is me most days.  Take yesterday for example, got up made my cup of coffee and sat down at the computer to catch up with some things and of course my coffee cooled off, as it always does when I am doing things whilst waking up.  This in itself is not an issue as I don't like my coffee steaming hot because who likes to burn their mouth anyway?

So I go to take a sip and something hits my lip and looking into my cup I see a gecko in my coffee.  Well, cappuccino really, or I might not have seen the little dude at all.  And so I go to pour the coffee out to try to let the little dude escape mostly unscathed.  But, big bummer, it is too late as the little dude has already drowned and is deceased.  No more.  Expired. Dead as a doornail.

This bums me more than the fact that there was a gecko in my cappuccino and so I then wonder if it is somehow a bad omen.  I google to find out but lo and behold there is not a single thing on any signs, good or bad, about having a gecko in your coffee.  Although I did learn there is a coffee company by the name of green gecko coffee but that was not helpful in my search.

And so I did what I do, I rolled with it, asked forgiveness for having been a part of that little geckos demise and continued about my day.  Granted, it was a first for me, having a gecko in my coffee, although I have had the B-52's fly into it before (and when I say B-52 I mean a very large wood roach which are common here on the islands and not an actual airplane) and that is freaky enough but I do not feel bad for them because they are just creepy.  But a poor little gecko.

They have tiny little suction cups on their feet which help them to glide along windows and ceilings and I wondered how on earth those little suction cups failed to get back up out of the cup or if it was geckoicide.  I will never know. So sometimes you may find odd things in your coffee, but you just have to:

Roll with it, baby.

You can also find me here:

Friday, August 12, 2016

Faith 8-12-2016

This is so very true, especially if you think of mountains as obstacles or blockages.  When you doubt, you certainly create blocks and obstacles in your path because what you believe makes all the difference in the world and if you do not believe in yourself you can never get very far.  Faith, the substance of things hoped for, on the other hand, can and does move them.

While I believe in our own energy within each of us and what can and does happen depending on the frequency or vibration of our thoughts, there is also a universal energy, that contributes as well.  Right now that energy is a bit whacky but not taking it in as your own  will help steer you from its negative effects.

After having been unemployed for the past year and a half, other than making my chimes, I was hired for a position on the 3rd and won't actually start until after the 20th, so I have been feeling somewhat in limbo, oddly.  And since I have never been a morning person, I have to "practice" going to bed earlier and getting up earlier, and have found that being out and about in the morning is easier when hiking the hill coming home earlier in the day in particular.

But then I seem to lose any energy I may have thought I had after getting in, making it harder for me to motivate myself to do the things on my computer that I feel I need to do.  And so I miss days blogging, like the past couple of days, while being out and about and coming home drained.  This is not likely to improve much when I do start work, given the 2 hour commute each way added to 8 hours of work.  This thought does not thrill me in the least.

But it is a positive step in the right direction and the fact that someone is willing to give me a chance to work is a blessing in itself and I do look forward to working with this fine group of folks.  But my little blog here may suffer (or not) and I will only likely have time to post on my days off.  On the other hand, the work and socialization may energize me and I will have more stories to share so maybe not.

And so when I read those words (from the poster) they meant something to me, in that if I keep the faith that I can keep the pace with my blog no matter what happens on work days, energywise, I can do it all.  If I doubt, that then surely I will fail miserably at it, since I will be creating a block or obstacle for myself.  And so this:

With faith you can move mountains, with doubt you can create them

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I feel joy 8-9-2016

That is how it is.  Honestly.  I don't need or require a reason other than the fact that I exist really.  I know that if I were to feel joy because of anything outside of me, be it circumstances or physical things, it could be taken from me in an instant and where would that leave my joy?  No, instead it is just a feeling that at times overwhelms me, for no apparent reason whatsoever.

And I love that.  I love knowing that I can be doing the most mundane thing and extreme joy can and does overtake me for absolutely no reason.  I just go with it, it feels good, and anything that feels that good without cause is from spirit and I recognize it as such.  I ride that joy as long as possible until I get distracted, which happens, and yet I don't let it go entirely.

Even during the times when the least desirable circumstances are taking place in and around my life, I hang on to that feeling, if only the smallest amount of it.  Because no one can take it away from me, only I have the power to let it go and, like the rebel I am, I refuse to let it go.

But, when you think about it, or at least when I think about it, of all the things to never let go of, it is the one thing that we, or I, should never let go of.  Let go of hurts, let go of resentments, let go of bad habits and toxic people and things, but never let go of joy.  Ever.  Everyone wants to be "happy" and yet they seem to not find it because it is NOT "out there" somewhere, it is within us and what we are created to be or we would not have the desire to be so.

Our spirit, our soul, our very essence IS joy and we as humans tend to deny it by looking for it where it is not instead of where it actually is.  Within us.  When you feel anything, be it love, peace, joy, sadness, anger---where does the feeling come from?  Is it something you feel outside of yourself?  See how silly that sounds?  No, it is something you feel from within yourself and every second of your life you choose what you are feeling, whether you are aware of it or not.

It just so happens that my spirit is present much of the time and I feel it in that wonderful sensation of joy.  I do not live there 24/7 because I am still human but when I get quiet and free my mind, there it is again to remind me, that sense, that knowing, that all is well and as it should be and was intended to be because the universe loves me and always conspires in my favor.  And that is why, I suppose, that:

I feel joy for no reason at all.

Please feel free to join me here:

Monday, August 8, 2016

'Que será será 8-8-2016

Have you ever had one of those weeks where the pull of electronic devices was nonexistent?  Or is that just me?  Because I am having one of those weeks currently where I lack the desire to even touch any of my devices.  It is a tad hard to do that when you have several pages, including a blog, to attend to, and yet I am just not "feeling it" lately.

I have only once had a truly difficult time not being glued to the internet when I was in the Royal Society and the draw was more than I could stand most days, but prior to and since then, staying away is not impossible for me.  And some days I honestly need the time away from all electronics, period.  

Currently it is not like I have a huge blog audience to talk to or feel compelled to write every day but it was more a personal goal than anything when I started this little page a couple months ago.  I tend to like to journal, mostly, and have for a great deal of my life as it is interesting to look back and see how far I have come, how much I have grown and how much, if any, my writing has improved.

In my teens I would write fascinating letters to my oldest brother, not that I believed they were, given they were just my day to day experiences, but that he said they were and that I should be a writer. I cannot say now how much of it was "teen angst" that I was poking fun of with my cheery disposition even as a teen and how much was the style in which I wrote it.  Like I was painting a picture with words.  OK, yes, I was good, lol, looking back.

But I did not write every single day then and I can say the same now, although I do write much more frequently, even if I miss a day or two here and there.  Sometimes my mind is just a blank canvas, like this week.  And so yes, this is another of my rambling days, which may or may not amuse me some day down the road, but at least I was disciplined enough to sit down and write something so I will give myself a bit of credit for that.

And of course, all of that lead to this:

'Que será será, whatever will be, will be..

This poster will no doubt eventually make it to my public page:

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Love is the answer 8-7-2016

I had a train of thought going when I originally chose this poster to display today and then my browser crashed.  And so I had to close everything, run my spotmau program to clean everything out and restart my PC.  This took some time and now that I finally got it up and running, my train of thought jumped the track and I cannot for the life of me recall where I wanted it to go.

I did start the custom chime yesterday, worked on it for hours until my hands could take no more and blisters were starting to form and they (my hands) are still sore today.  And yet I still have 2 bamboo pieces to carve before I can even entertain the idea of staining them and so I thought some computer time was in order for the morning.  Sure, that didn't start off all that well, but I am a trooper and here I am.

I had needed to catch up on my public page ( )  and I did catch up for the most part, which felt good, and yet I feel like I need to do more there, how odd is that?  It isn't like it is growing fast or even as fast as it was for a few months, but I still want it to do well, which requires work.  It is Sunday and oddly I like to have Sundays off from anything that seems like work, I don't know why.  It isn't like I attend church services or consider any other day less sacred than the "sabbath" and I did kind of take a mental break yesterday to some degree.

I can see now that todays post is a rambling type post with no clear direction and although it is not how I normally write I do find it rather fun.  To just put down whatever happens to pass through my thoughts without grabbing onto any of them to run with just one is a bit liberating.  Just to free flow...AAAhhhh, yes!  And perhaps tomorrow will bring me back to whatever my original train of thought was (or later today, after I have already hit publish) and the moment will have passed, but I still believe:

Love is the answer no matter the question or the problem.

I am here just loving you all <3

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Stay calm & just be 8-6-2016

Though it is my goal to blog every day, some days I fall short, be it low energy, lack of anything to really say, or just being busy with "real life" day to day things, I do miss the boat on occasion.  Yesterday was one of those days.  By the time I got home, I was just too physically drained to get on the computer to say anything at all.  It happens.

Not that I have an earful (or eyeful) for you today, I am rather feeling like the little rebel I am and not wanting to do any of the things I need to be doing.  It could be the atmospheric patterns as we watch named storm after named storm (currently Harold) coming at us and the desire to hunker down and do nothing is pretty strong at the moment.

Of course it is much easier to share delightful little stories when you are out and about making memories and doing fun things to write about, so that isn't helping much today either as I don't have a desire to go out.  My sleep has been so good lately that I find I want more of it.  Besides the strange dreams of a couple nights ago, it has been the best and deepest sleep I feel I have had in awhile and I didn't even realize I was not sleeping well to begin with.  Weird how that works...

Yes, meditation gives me that same peaceful feel that I desire more of, too, but it does sometimes require a tad more effort to stop the chatter that goes on in the brain and sleep doesn't require that effort.  They are calling for flooding and thunderstorms again tomorrow, which would be the perfect day to sleep really, but it won't likely hit until later in the day, long after I have gotten up and around already.

And what I really need to be doing (like tending to my public page on Facebook but don't feel it with all its glitches) is making a set of chimes for a custom order I have to make.  And shall do shortly.  But for the moment, I will just:

Stay calm and just be.

Follow me here, if you like:

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Life's a beach 8-4-2016

Aww, yes, life's a beach, ever changing, moving and at the heart of it is serenity, a peace and calm.  Don't you feel that at the beach?  I know I certainly do.  And yesterday, amid the flurry of all my activity, I did not get a blog post done.  Or anything else online.   I was out and about in the world, amidst the "beautiful chaos" that is life and I had a wonderful day.

I felt like I really shined and my energy was purely me, all me, without any of the concerns of day to day life that I am facing.  And indeed I did shine and the universe responded with answering a prayer, perhaps not in the way I would have preferred, but an amazing answer all the same.  As it intended and for my highest good.  I do not know where it will lead me, and that is fine, because it can only be good, my highest good.

I notice that when I go to my favorite beach, each time the shoreline is different and always changing, as it should in flowing with what the universe intends for it.  And yet I feel the most relaxed and in harmony with it and every experience there is wonderful.  I do not love it less because it is different, I still see its intrinsic beauty and feel its power, its vibration.

And that is how I approach life in general, seeing the beauty everywhere, no matter how much it may change or evolve.  I will be late posting tomorrow as I will be out and about once again, in joy and harmony and have more to share once I get home.  In the kindtime, this was my thought for today:

Life's a beach.

If you want to see more of the beauty that is the island (and me ;-) )  you can find it here:

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Another sign... 8-2-2016

So I was talking to the Archangels last night when I went to bed, as I do, and to Archangel Raziel in particular as Raziel is the archangel that helps with intuition and third eye opening, because I was feeling way off when I thought I was not.  Maybe part of my issue is that no matter what I see or feel, my positive thoughts and vibes only see really good things and many times I am way off on reading the signs and signals the universe gives to me in the physical world.

And I put it out there what I would really like to see and saying that I know that the universe already knows my needs and desires but to please show me the way as I have felt somewhat adrift in how and where it wants me to proceed.  And I wake up this morning, make myself my morning cup of coffee, sit down, gaze out the window and I saw this (view in the poster).

At first I just stared in awe, it was such a beautiful sight and I was not thinking anything at all, merely enjoying it, when it struck me that it was, indeed, a sign, an answer, that Archangel Raziel had heard me and given me that in reply.  I can think of no other way to see that as anything but a positive sign, answer, response, from the universe, no matter how I hard I try.  I may not fully understand what it means exactly but I do know that the universe is in control and I can trust that it is looking out for me and for my highest good.

It is easy, as a human, to get distracted when things are not going as well as we would like them to go, but in the end, we get what the grand design intends for us to get so that we can be the best version of our true selves.  The rainbow is yet another energy, a part of the same energy we are all made of, and I do not know anyone who cannot appreciate a rainbow.  And knowing that we are of the same energy source, how can we not then appreciate all that is?  Even ourselves and each oher.

No, I am not sure what it is a sign of for me today, but I know it is good AND it is:

Just another sign...

Monday, August 1, 2016

Nature does not worry 8-1-2016

I have to remind myself of this on occasion because although I tend not to worry very much, I do find myself thinking about things that I cannot control and it manifests in my physical body in less than pleasant ways.  Which is why I did not post anything yesterday, I could barely move and felt like I was being crushed.  And I know it was because I was trying to control something that I could not in fact control.

But being in that much pain will take your mind off of those things that you should not be pondering in the first place.  It moves your focus from where it should not be in the first place.  Not that I would prefer the pain, not in the least, but it did move my focus and that is, I believe, what it was meant to do.

It also gives you a whole new perspective on all the time that you are not in severe pain as well.  I felt better this morning and was so thankful that I was not enduring another day like the past 2 days and said thank you out loud.  I say thank you for this day when I wake up and when I lay down at night, whether I have enjoyed the day or not because I am still alive.  We need the contrast to remember from time to time.

And even though I am not meant to live in the elements, unprotected from them, as nature is, I still look at it and marvel because it just all times, no matter what the weather is doing.  It does not worry or concern itself with anything but just being what it is.  And I should, too, at all times.  But, being human and having the capacity to think, I mess up, just like everyone does because we are human and let my thoughts go where they should not go.

And so for today, for this moment I need remind myself:

Nature does not worry.  So why should you?