Saturday, August 27, 2016

I have been busy 8-27-2016

As much as I was loving posting more regularly, and it pains me (in more ways than one) to say this gal has to work for a living, the new job and long commute times leave no time or energy for keeping up with or having an online presence.  This will not always be the case but for now, working in a new restaurant that just officially opened 3 days ago and taking the bus plus hiking to and from said bus, my time is all consumed.

I enjoy the actual work itself, the people are amazing and the food we make is phenomenal, but the whole 8 hours on my feet there for the day, after not having done that in like forever, is hard on this aging lady and her feet and back.  It just is.  Otherwise they treat the staff as family and even have a family meal for us everyday, but it, too, is consumed standing up either at or near our stations.  Restaurant life is hectic and me thinks I am just getting too old for it.

I am not complaining (too much) because a source of revenue is a necessity if I want to keep a roof over my head.  But until I actually figure out how to get my little wind chime business to be more fluidly profitable so that it is all that I am doing, this is my life.

So until that time, I can only update here on the weekends, not that anyone else cares, but I care.  I enjoy writing here and sharing my posters, I really do.  I am an artist at heart and working towards someone else's dream is a hard one for me, I want to work on my own dream, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do to survive.

If I do get truly inspired over the weekend(s) I may write more pieces and just share them in the mornings before I take off for work during the week, but inspiration cannot be forced and so I can not guarantee this :-)

So if I do not post most every day for awhile at least you will know:

I have not disappeared from the face of the planet, I have just been very busy.

If you should want to help a sistah out, you can peruse my chimes here:

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