Thursday, August 4, 2016

Life's a beach 8-4-2016

Aww, yes, life's a beach, ever changing, moving and at the heart of it is serenity, a peace and calm.  Don't you feel that at the beach?  I know I certainly do.  And yesterday, amid the flurry of all my activity, I did not get a blog post done.  Or anything else online.   I was out and about in the world, amidst the "beautiful chaos" that is life and I had a wonderful day.

I felt like I really shined and my energy was purely me, all me, without any of the concerns of day to day life that I am facing.  And indeed I did shine and the universe responded with answering a prayer, perhaps not in the way I would have preferred, but an amazing answer all the same.  As it intended and for my highest good.  I do not know where it will lead me, and that is fine, because it can only be good, my highest good.

I notice that when I go to my favorite beach, each time the shoreline is different and always changing, as it should in flowing with what the universe intends for it.  And yet I feel the most relaxed and in harmony with it and every experience there is wonderful.  I do not love it less because it is different, I still see its intrinsic beauty and feel its power, its vibration.

And that is how I approach life in general, seeing the beauty everywhere, no matter how much it may change or evolve.  I will be late posting tomorrow as I will be out and about once again, in joy and harmony and have more to share once I get home.  In the kindtime, this was my thought for today:

Life's a beach.

If you want to see more of the beauty that is the island (and me ;-) )  you can find it here:

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