Saturday, August 6, 2016

Stay calm & just be 8-6-2016

Though it is my goal to blog every day, some days I fall short, be it low energy, lack of anything to really say, or just being busy with "real life" day to day things, I do miss the boat on occasion.  Yesterday was one of those days.  By the time I got home, I was just too physically drained to get on the computer to say anything at all.  It happens.

Not that I have an earful (or eyeful) for you today, I am rather feeling like the little rebel I am and not wanting to do any of the things I need to be doing.  It could be the atmospheric patterns as we watch named storm after named storm (currently Harold) coming at us and the desire to hunker down and do nothing is pretty strong at the moment.

Of course it is much easier to share delightful little stories when you are out and about making memories and doing fun things to write about, so that isn't helping much today either as I don't have a desire to go out.  My sleep has been so good lately that I find I want more of it.  Besides the strange dreams of a couple nights ago, it has been the best and deepest sleep I feel I have had in awhile and I didn't even realize I was not sleeping well to begin with.  Weird how that works...

Yes, meditation gives me that same peaceful feel that I desire more of, too, but it does sometimes require a tad more effort to stop the chatter that goes on in the brain and sleep doesn't require that effort.  They are calling for flooding and thunderstorms again tomorrow, which would be the perfect day to sleep really, but it won't likely hit until later in the day, long after I have gotten up and around already.

And what I really need to be doing (like tending to my public page on Facebook but don't feel it with all its glitches) is making a set of chimes for a custom order I have to make.  And shall do shortly.  But for the moment, I will just:

Stay calm and just be.

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