Monday, August 22, 2016

Random 8-22-2016

Random things, because honestly, that is the way things come to mind for me, but be warned, it's another long one:
All I have seen teaches me to trust my creator for all that I have not yet seen. I just sometimes forget to trust in myself. It happens. And I also sometimes find it difficult to be in a human body, although I am so very grateful for the opportunity to be human. And as long as I am outing myself, I must also come out of the closet and confess I am a baseball fanatic. Until recently I watched it after my housemates retired to their room in the evenings. But then they caught me watching and I had to confess I was a closeted baseball fan. It is the only sport I truly enjoy watching a whole season of, although I do enjoy the Winter Olympic games as well.
But back to my point, I'm sure I must have had one when I started before I veered off into left field (hehehe I made a pun), and it was about trust. I was trying to figure out the difference between trust and faith since in church I learned that faith is the substance of things we hope for, pray for. And in my thinking (yeah, you know, Chrissy logic) trust is believing it WILL come to pass, no matter which way it turns out, to be the best outcome for the highest good of all concerned (as it should be and I believe it actually is). But how are they different? Or are they different? The bible even says "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding" and "Ye of little faith, you have not because you ask not" so both faith and trust are mentioned.
We were created, each unique, the only one of us that will ever be and that is a miracle in itself. How can I not trust in an intelligence that can do that? And the creation of nature, so beautiful and diverse as well, each with its own eco system and fauna unique to each area. I find that fascinating. And I get to be a part of the whole. So it behooves me to trust in all things being possible even if I cannot yet see them with my human eyes.
Some days I am more human in my thoughts, which tends to be somewhat stressful because I know the essence of me is perfectly fine and at peace at all times. The essence of me, my spirit or soul, if you will, has always been fine and always will be. I know this. Lets look at it this way: you are not your body (think of a person who is maybe paraplegic) and you are not your mind (think here of someone with Alzheimer's or dementia) and in both cases neither ceases to be because of the loss of one or the other. Do you follow my logic? It is spirit, that pure energy, that makes us...well, us. And spirit never "dies", it just moves on, continuing to be. And some days, which I cannot figure out for the life of me why, I tend to be more human and get my head more wrapped around human thought than just being the happy observer of them.
Sure, I trust the Universe completely, but some times I forget to trust myself. Not often because those days cause the low energy and I have a difficult time when my energy is low. It is easy to perpetuate that cycle, as easy as it is easy to perpetuate the higher cycles. But both are needed to remind us of the contrast. So if I go missing for a few days from writing, I am usually thinking on something or busy with other enjoyable things.
I love my home. (I did say this was all random, yes?) It is not fancy but nothing about me is, I don't need pretentiousness in my life. But it is a loving and safe environment for me to feel protected, like a womb. Not that I feel unsafe anywhere on the island or anywhere else, but the energies of other people can sometimes be overwhelming to me. It is my sanctuary. Many times when I am out and about it almost feels like I am in the twilight zone (except at my favorite beach collecting glass and shells), which I find amusing and catch myself giggling and that is enjoyable for awhile, however one can only do so many hours of that before one needs a moment to breathe.
Really random: most of my friends here do not own cars and drive themselves around. I, too, was a bike and bus person my first couple of years here and having a vehicle for the past ten years has sort of spoiled me I think. But I am oh so grateful for my 30 year old baby. She may not be the prettiest anymore but she is solid and always runs great.
I learn something new every single day. Seriously. Before today I had never even heard of ginger bug OR how to make it.
I saw this photo on Facebook that had a duck and the quote for it was "Be like a duck, all peaceful and serene on the surface and paddling like the dickens below the surface" and I couldn't disagree more. If you are serene under the surface, the surface cannot reflect anything but that serenity. That quote is saying to be fake not transparently who you are. How on earth did something like that surface on my feeds? I suppose it was just another lesson that I am on my path, the one that is right for me. Contrast again.
Is anyone as fascinated by thinking about air as I am? Seriously, we are breathing the same air that has been breathed in for centuries. Which also goes hand in hand with everything being connected, not just by the mere fact that we all breathe the same air but that the carbon dioxide we exhale is then breathed in by the trees to be exhaled back to us as air. I find it difficult to find any separation in the universe.
Treasure the ones you love, love the ones you treasure.
Years ago, when I was a teenager, I loved this poem and I decoupaged it on a lovely wooden plaque. But all of my childhood things are gone and I couldn't remember the name of the poem or the last half of it. Bing is a wonderful thing and now I have it again, discovered on an enchanting little site called English Rose, so here it is:

A Pattern For Living
"Love one another as I have loved you"
May seem impossible to do,
But if you will try to trust and believe,
Great are the joys that you will receive,
For love makes us patient, understanding and kind,
And we judge with our hearts and not with our minds,
For as soon as love entered the heart's open door,
The faults we once saw are not there anymore-
And the things that seemed wrong begin to look right,
When viewed in the softness of love's gentle light,
For love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
And there is nothing in life that love cannot change,
And all that God promised will someday come true,
When you have loved one another, the way He loved you.
by Helen Steiner Rice
I would rather die of passion than of boredom- Vincent Van Gogh
What if nobody showed up at the polls for the next election? This ponderance brought to you by the big smile that lit my face when I had that thought😁. Anita says we would look weak to the rest of the world and would soon be under attack. I always heard that united we stand and divided we fall and what would it say if we did that other than we ARE united? Was the Constitution not written as we, the people? Plus if the world looked at us doing that they might believe we were crazy and nobody wants to mess with crazy. Right? Plus, in the immortal words of (fill in the artists name here since I cannot for the life of me think of it at the moment and all I keep thinking is Jimmy Buffet) "I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane" so crazy is not an evil thing.
Yep, these are the things that have been in my brain this week.

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