Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Another sign... 8-2-2016

So I was talking to the Archangels last night when I went to bed, as I do, and to Archangel Raziel in particular as Raziel is the archangel that helps with intuition and third eye opening, because I was feeling way off when I thought I was not.  Maybe part of my issue is that no matter what I see or feel, my positive thoughts and vibes only see really good things and many times I am way off on reading the signs and signals the universe gives to me in the physical world.

And I put it out there what I would really like to see and saying that I know that the universe already knows my needs and desires but to please show me the way as I have felt somewhat adrift in how and where it wants me to proceed.  And I wake up this morning, make myself my morning cup of coffee, sit down, gaze out the window and I saw this (view in the poster).

At first I just stared in awe, it was such a beautiful sight and I was not thinking anything at all, merely enjoying it, when it struck me that it was, indeed, a sign, an answer, that Archangel Raziel had heard me and given me that in reply.  I can think of no other way to see that as anything but a positive sign, answer, response, from the universe, no matter how I hard I try.  I may not fully understand what it means exactly but I do know that the universe is in control and I can trust that it is looking out for me and for my highest good.

It is easy, as a human, to get distracted when things are not going as well as we would like them to go, but in the end, we get what the grand design intends for us to get so that we can be the best version of our true selves.  The rainbow is yet another energy, a part of the same energy we are all made of, and I do not know anyone who cannot appreciate a rainbow.  And knowing that we are of the same energy source, how can we not then appreciate all that is?  Even ourselves and each oher.

No, I am not sure what it is a sign of for me today, but I know it is good AND it is:

Just another sign...

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