Saturday, August 20, 2016

Wealthy 8-20-2016

This is more than just a message to myself, this is meant for all beings and all things in my life, for which I am truly grateful.  If you think about it we are all richer for the people and things in our lives, we really are.

Wealth is not measured by a number in your bank account, it is measured by all the love, peace, joy and serenity we possess in our lives.  I have no money and yet I am wealthy beyond measure, above what many people with billions of dollars have, in my humble opinion.

I am not saying that all people with big bank accounts are miserable but many are, they worry about keeping it and honestly how joyful can you be if you are worrying?  They cannot take it with them when they leave this plane, all they can take is the love they created and from what I have seen they are less likely to trust others because of their "wealth", as if every other person they meet only wants that from them.  How sad is that?

No, I may not have much in the monetary sense, but I have a lot of love to share, a ton of compassion and empathy and would give what little I do have to someone who needed it more than I  as I know that I am always provided for. Always. It is a matter of trust.  I trust and believe that the universe is always conspiring in my favor and will always provide for me what I need and sure enough, it does.

And in reality, money does not change you, it only amplifies the person you already are.  If you are kind and loving as a "poor" person, then money will only amplify that since you are going to have more to share with others.  If you are stingy and hoard what little you have, having money will amplify that as well.

Point being, money does not make you wealthy, only to those who view money as wealth, but to those who understand what real wealth is, money is just a tool.  Sure, a tool I would like more of, but the lack of it does not prevent me from seeing my real wealth.  And I do see my true wealth:

I am wealthy beyond measure simply because you are in my life.

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